
第19章 (19)

As for King Omar ben Ennuman, when he returned from hunting, he sought the princess Abrizeh, but found her not nor could any give him news of her. This was grievous to him and he said, "How did she leave the palace, unknown of any? Had my kingdom been at stake in this, it were in a parlous case! Never again will I go a-hunting till I have sent to the gates those who shall keep good guard over them!" And he was sore vexed and heavy at heart for the loss of the princess Abrizeh. Presently, his son Sherkan returned from his journey; and he told him what had happened and how the princess had fled, whilst he was absent a-hunting,whereat he was greatly concerned. Then King Omar took to visiting his children every day and making much of them and brought them wise men and doctors, to teach them, appointing them stipends and allowances. When Sherkan saw this, he was exceeding wroth and jealous of his brother and sister, so that the signs of chagrin appeared in his face and he ceased not to languish by reason of this, till one day his father said to him, "What ails thee, that I see thee grown weak in body and pale of face?" "O my father,"

replied Sherkan, "every time I see thee fondle my brother and sister and make much of them, jealousy seizes on me, and I fear lest it grow on me, till I slay them and thou slay me in return.

This is the reason of my weakness of body and change of colour.

But now I crave of thy favour that thou give me one of thine outlying fortresses, that I may abide there the rest of my life,for as the byword says, "It is better and fitter for me to be at a distance from my friend; for when the eye seeth not, the heart doth not grieve."" And he bowed his head. When the King heard Sherkan"s words and knew the cause of his ailment, he soothed him and said to him, "O my son, I grant thee this. I have not in my realm a greater than the fortress of Damascus, and the government of it is thine from this time." So saying, he called his secretaries of state and bade them make out Sherkan"s patent of investiture to the viceroyalty of Damascus of Syria. Then he equipped Sherkan and formally invested him with the office and gave him his final instructions, enjoining him to policy and good government; and the prince took leave of his father and the grandees and officers of state and set out for his government,taking with him the Vizier Dendan. When he arrived at Damascus,the townspeople beat the drums and blew the trumpets and decorated the city and came out to meet him in great state,whilst all the notables and grandees walked in procession, each according to his rank.

Soon after Sherkan"s departure, the governors of King Omar"s children presented themselves before him and said to him, "O our lord, thy children"s education is now complete and they are versed in all polite accomplishments and in the rules of manners and etiquette." At this the King rejoiced with an exceeding joy and conferred bountiful largesse upon the wise men, seeing Zoulmekan grown up and flourishing and skilled in horsemanship.

The prince had now reached the age of fourteen and occupied himself with piety and devout exercises, loving the poor and wise men and the students of the Koran, so that all the people of Baghdad loved him, men and women. One day, the procession of the Mehmil[FN#20] of Irak passed round Baghdad, previously to the departure of the pilgrimage to the holy places[FN#21] and tomb of the Prophet.[FN#22] When Zoulmekan saw the procession, he was seized with longing to go on the pilgrimage; so he went in to his father and said to him, "I come to ask thy leave to make the pilgrimage."

  • 幻中春


  • 棋圣


  • 四兄弟


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  • 政界乾坤


  • 稷下夫子


  • 恋上夕阳


  • 你我之间一线之隔


  • 阴阳御天


  • 天仙挚恋之悟空


  • 永远过不了的界限


  • 异界封神撰


  • 盗梦工厂


  • 偏执总裁要名分:偷香成瘾


  • 魔王大人的狐仙

