
第84章 PART ONE(83)

'I mean a horse which can travel twenty leagues in a day.'

'The deuce!'said the Fleming.

'Twenty leagues!'


'Hitched to a cabriolet?'


'And how long can he rest at the end of his journey?'

'He must be able to set out again on the next day if necessary.'

'To traverse the same road?'


'The deuce!the deuce!

And it is twenty leagues?'

M.Madeleine drew from his pocket the paper on which he had pencilled some figures.

He showed it to the Fleming.

The figures were 5,6,8 1/2.

'You see,'he said,'total,nineteen and a half;as well say twenty leagues.'

'Mr.Mayor,'returned the Fleming,'I have just what you want.My little white horse——you may have seen him pass occasionally;he is a small beast from Lower Boulonnais.

He is full of fire.They wanted to make a saddle-horse of him at first.


He reared,he kicked,he laid everybody flat on the ground.

He was thought to be vicious,and no one knew what to do with him.

I bought him.I harnessed him to a carriage.

That is what he wanted,sir;he is as gentle as a girl;he goes like the wind.

Ah!indeed he must not be mounted.

It does not suit his ideas to be a saddle-horse.Every one has his ambition.



No.'We must suppose that is what he said to himself.'

'And he will accomplish the trip?'

'Your twenty leagues all at a full trot,and in less than eight hours.But here are the conditions.'

'State them.'

'In the first place.

you will give him half an hour's breathing spell midway of the road;he will eat;and some one must be by while he is eating to prevent the stable boy of the inn from stealing his oats;for I have noticed that in inns the oats are more often drunk by the stable men than eaten by the horses.'

'Some one will be by.'

'In the second place——is the cabriolet for Monsieur le Maire?'


'Does Monsieur le Maire know how to drive?'


'Well,Monsieur le Maire will travel alone and without baggage,in order not to overload the horse?'


'But as Monsieur le Maire will have no one with him,he will be obliged to take the trouble himself of seeing that the oats are not stolen.'

'That is understood.'

'I am to have thirty francs a day.

The days of rest to be paid for also——not a farthing less;and the beast's food to be at Monsieur le Maire's expense.'

M.Madeleine drew three napoleons from his purse and laid them on the table.

'Here is the pay for two days in advance.'

'Fourthly,for such a journey a cabriolet would be too heavy,and would fatigue the horse.

Monsieur le Maire must consent to travel in a little tilbury that I own.'

'I consent to that.'

'It is light,but it has no cover.'

'That makes no difference to me.'

'Has Monsieur le Maire reflected that we are in the middle of winter?'

M.Madeleine did not reply.

The Fleming resumed:——

'That it is very cold?'

M.Madeleine preserved silence.

Master Scaufflaire continued:——

'That it may rain?'

M.Madeleine raised his head and said:——

'The tilbury and the horse will be in front of my door to-morrow morning at half-past four o'clock.'

'Of course,Monsieur le Maire,'replied Scaufflaire;then,scratching a speck in the wood of the table with his thumb-nail,he resumed with that careless air which the Flemings understand so well how to mingle with their shrewdness:——

'But this is what I am thinking of now:

Monsieur le Maire has not told me where he is going.

Where is Monsieur le Maire going?'

He had been thinking of nothing else since the beginning of the conversation,but he did not know why he had not dared to put the question.

'Are your horse's forelegs good?'said M.Madeleine.

'Yes,Monsieur le Maire.

You must hold him in a little when going down hill.

Are there many descends between here and the place whither you are going?'

'Do not forget to be at my door at precisely half-past four o'clock to-morrow morning,'replied M.Madeleine;and he took his departure.

The Fleming remained'utterly stupid,'as he himself said some time afterwards.

The mayor had been gone two or three minutes when the door opened again;it was the mayor once more.

He still wore the same impassive and preoccupied air.

'Monsieur Scaufflaire,'said he,'at what sum do you estimate the value of the horse and tilbury which you are to let to me,——the one bearing the other?'

'The one dragging the other,Monsieur le Maire,'said the Fleming,with a broad smile.

'So be it.


'Does Monsieur le Maire wish to purchase them or me?'

'No;but I wish to guarantee you in any case.

You shall give me back the sum at my return.

At what value do you estimate your horse and cabriolet?'

'Five hundred francs,Monsieur le Maire.'

'Here it is.'

M.Madeleine laid a bank-bill on the table,then left the room;and this time he did not return.

Master Scaufflaire experienced a frightful regret that he had not said a thousand francs.

Besides the horse and tilbury together were worth but a hundred crowns.

The Fleming called his wife,and related the affair to her.'Where the devil could Monsieur le Maire be going?'

They held counsel together.

'He is going to Paris,'said the wife.

'I don't believe it,'said the husband.

M.Madeleine had forgotten the paper with the figures on it,and it lay on the chimney-piece.The Fleming picked it up and studied it.'Five,six,eight and a half?

That must designate the posting relays.'He turned to his wife:——

'I have found out.'


'It is five leagues from here to Hesdin,six from Hesdin to Saint-Pol,eight and a half from Saint-Pol to Arras.

He is going to Arras.'

Meanwhile,M.Madeleine had returned home.

He had taken the longest way to return from Master Scaufflaire's,as though the parsonage door had been a temptation for him,and he had wished to avoid it.

He ascended to his room,and there he shut himself up,which was a very simple act,since he liked to go to bed early.

Nevertheless,the portress of the factory,who was,at the same time,M.Madeleine's only servant,noticed that the latter's light was extinguished at half-past eight,and she mentioned it to the cashier when he came home,adding:——

'Is Monsieur le Maire ill?

  • 我梦中的少年


  • 美人很无辜:倾城王爷别耍酷


    她陆漫漫穿了,只不过做了个噩梦,就莫名其妙地穿了。还穿成了一个行刺夫君的罪妃,被赐自缢不成,还当场就差点被那冰冷的帅老公一把掐死,真的是衰到家了----这波未平,那波又起,美男一个一个地出现---- 阴谋,诡计重重来---一次又一次,她与他同生共死---面对那冰冷帅老公,心,其实早已不能够自已----
  • 福妻驾到


  • 雷雨
  • 名门旧爱:早安,男神老公


  • 幽冥再起


  • 昱皇的绝世魅宠


  • 傲视天下:逆天召唤师


  • 宫魂恋


  • 天启灵仙

