
第35章 PART ONE(34)

This is the second time,during his studies on the penal question and damnation by law,that the author of this book has come across the theft of a loaf of bread as the point of departure for the disaster of a destiny.Claude Gaux had stolen a loaf;Jean Valjean had stolen a loaf.English statistics prove the fact that four thefts out of five in London have hunger for their immediate cause.

Jean Valjean had entered the galleys sobbing and shuddering;he emerged impassive.

He had entered in despair;he emerged gloomy.

What had taken place in that soul?



Let us try to say it.

It is necessary that society should look at these things,because it is itself which creates them.

He was,as we have said,an ignorant man,but he was not a fool.The light of nature was ignited in him.

Unhappiness,which also possesses a clearness of vision of its own,augmented the small amount of daylight which existed in this mind.

Beneath the cudgel,beneath the chain,in the cell,in hardship,beneath the burning sun of the galleys,upon the plank bed of the convict,he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated.

He constituted himself the tribunal.

He began by putting himself on trial.

He recognized the fact that he was not an innocent man unjustly punished.He admitted that he had committed an extreme and blameworthy act;that that loaf of bread would probably not have been refused to him had he asked for it;that,in any case,it would have been better to wait until he could get it through compassion or through work;that it is not an unanswerable argument to say,'Can one wait when one is hungry?'

That,in the first place,it is very rare for any one to die of hunger,literally;and next,that,fortunately or unfortunately,man is so constituted that he can suffer long and much,both morally and physically,without dying;that it is therefore necessary to have patience;that that would even have been better for those poor little children;that it had been an act of madness for him,a miserable,unfortunate wretch,to take society at large violently by the collar,and to imagine that one can escape from misery through theft;that that is in any case a poor door through which to escape from misery through which infamy enters;in short,that he was in the wrong.

Then he asked himself——

Whether he had been the only one in fault in his fatal history.Whether it was not a serious thing,that he,a laborer,out of work,that he,an industrious man,should have lacked bread.

And whether,the fault once committed and confessed,the chastisement had not been ferocious and disproportioned.

Whether there had not been more abuse on the part of the law,in respect to the penalty,than there had been on the part of the culprit in respect to his fault.

Whether there had not been an excess of weights in one balance of the scale,in the one which contains expiation.

Whether the over-weight of the penalty was not equivalent to the annihilation of the crime,and did not result in reversing the situation,of replacing the fault of the delinquent by the fault of the repression,of converting the guilty man into the victim,and the debtor into the creditor,and of ranging the law definitely on the side of the man who had violated it.

Whether this penalty,complicated by successive aggravations for attempts at escape,had not ended in becoming a sort of outrage perpetrated by the stronger upon the feebler,a crime of society against the individual,a crime which was being committed afresh every day,a crime which had lasted nineteen years.

He asked himself whether human society could have the right to force its members to suffer equally in one case for its own unreasonable lack of foresight,and in the other case for its pitiless foresight;and to seize a poor man forever between a defect and an excess,a default of work and an excess of punishment.

Whether it was not outrageous for society to treat thus precisely those of its members who were the least well endowed in the division of goods made by chance,and consequently the most deserving of consideration.

These questions put and answered,he judged society and condemned it.

He condemned it to his hatred.

He made it responsible for the fate which he was suffering,and he said to himself that it might be that one day he should not hesitate to call it to account.

He declared to himself that there was no equilibrium between the harm which he had caused and the harm which was being done to him;he finally arrived at the conclusion that his punishment was not,in truth,unjust,but that it most assuredly was iniquitous.

Anger may be both foolish and absurd;one can be irritated wrongfully;one is exasperated only when there is some show of right on one's side at bottom.

Jean Valjean felt himself exasperated.

And besides,human society had done him nothing but harm;he had never seen anything of it save that angry face which it calls Justice,and which it shows to those whom it strikes.

Men had only touched him to bruise him.

Every contact with them had been a blow.Never,since his infancy,since the days of his mother,of his sister,had he ever encountered a friendly word and a kindly glance.From suffering to suffering,he had gradually arrived at the conviction that life is a war;and that in this war he was the conquered.He had no other weapon than his hate.

He resolved to whet it in the galleys and to bear it away with him when he departed.

There was at Toulon a school for the convicts,kept by the Ignorantin friars,where the most necessary branches were taught to those of the unfortunate men who had a mind for them.

He was of the number who had a mind.

He went to school at the age of forty,and learned to read,to write,to cipher.

He felt that to fortify his intelligence was to fortify his hate.

In certain cases,education and enlightenment can serve to eke out evil.

This is a sad thing to say;after having judged society,which had caused his unhappiness,he judged Providence,which had made society,and he condemned it also.

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