
第144章 PART TWO(29)

The frigate Algesiras was anchored alongside the Orion,and the poor convict had fallen between the two vessels:it was to be feared that he would slip under one or the other of them.Four men flung themselves hastily into a boat;the crowd cheered them on;anxiety again took possession of all souls;the man had not risen to the surface;he had disappeared in the sea without leaving a ripple,as though he had fallen into a cask of oil:

they sounded,they dived.

In vain.

The search was continued until the evening:they did not even find the body.

On the following day the Toulon newspaper printed these lines:——


Yesterday,a convict belonging to the detachment on board of the Orion,on his return from rendering assistance to a sailor,fell into the sea and was drowned.

The body has not yet been found;it is supposed that it is entangled among the piles of the Arsenal point:

this man was committed under the number 9,430,and his name was Jean Valjean.'



Montfermeil is situated between Livry and Chelles,on the southern edge of that lofty table-land which separates the Ourcq from the Marne.At the present day it is a tolerably large town,ornamented all the year through with plaster villas,and on Sundays with beaming bourgeois.In 1823 there were at Montfermeil neither so many white houses nor so many well-satisfied citizens:

it was only a village in the forest.Some pleasure-houses of the last century were to be met with there,to be sure,which were recognizable by their grand air,their balconies in twisted iron,and their long windows,whose tiny panes cast all sorts of varying shades of green on the white of the closed shutters;but Montfermeil was none the less a village.

Retired cloth-merchants and rusticating attorneys had not discovered it as yet;it was a peaceful and charming place,which was not on the road to anywhere:there people lived,and cheaply,that peasant rustic life which is so bounteous and so easy;only,water was rare there,on account of the elevation of the plateau.

It was necessary to fetch it from a considerable distance;the end of the village towards Gagny drew its water from the magnificent ponds which exist in the woods there.

The other end,which surrounds the church and which lies in the direction of Chelles,found drinking-water only at a little spring half-way down the slope,near the road to Chelles,about a quarter of an hour from Montfermeil.

Thus each household found it hard work to keep supplied with water.The large houses,the aristocracy,of which the Thenardier tavern formed a part,paid half a farthing a bucketful to a man who made a business of it,and who earned about eight sous a day in his enterprise of supplying Montfermeil with water;but this good man only worked until seven o'clock in the evening in summer,and five in winter;and night once come and the shutters on the ground floor once closed,he who had no water to drink went to fetch it for himself or did without it.

This constituted the terror of the poor creature whom the reader has probably not forgotten,——little Cosette.

It will be remembered that Cosette was useful to the Thenardiers in two ways:they made the mother pay them,and they made the child serve them.So when the mother ceased to pay altogether,the reason for which we have read in preceding chapters,the Thenardiers kept Cosette.She took the place of a servant in their house.

In this capacity she it was who ran to fetch water when it was required.

So the child,who was greatly terrified at the idea of going to the spring at night,took great care that water should never be lacking in the house.

Christmas of the year 1823 was particularly brilliant at Montfermeil.The beginning of the winter had been mild;there had been neither snow nor frost up to that time.

Some mountebanks from Paris had obtained permission of the mayor to erect their booths in the principal street of the village,and a band of itinerant merchants,under protection of the same tolerance,had constructed their stalls on the Church Square,and even extended them into Boulanger Alley,where,as the reader will perhaps remember,the Thenardiers'hostelry was situated.These people filled the inns and drinking-shops,and communicated to that tranquil little district a noisy and joyous life.

In order to play the part of a faithful historian,we ought even to add that,among the curiosities displayed in the square,there was a menagerie,in which frightful clowns,clad in rags and coming no one knew whence,exhibited to the peasants of Montfermeil in 1823 one of those horrible Brazilian vultures,such as our Royal Museum did not possess until 1845,and which have a tricolored cockade for an eye.I believe that naturalists call this bird Caracara Polyborus;it belongs to the order of the Apicides,and to the family of the vultures.

Some good old Bonapartist soldiers,who had retired to the village,went to see this creature with great devotion.The mountebanks gave out that the tricolored cockade was a unique phenomenon made by God expressly for their menagerie.

On Christmas eve itself,a number of men,carters,and peddlers,were seated at table,drinking and smoking around four or five candles in the public room of Thenardier's hostelry.

This room resembled all drinking-shop rooms,——tables,pewter jugs,bottles,drinkers,smokers;but little light and a great deal of noise.The date of the year 1823 was indicated,nevertheless,by two objects which were then fashionable in the bourgeois class:

to wit,a kaleidoscope and a lamp of ribbed tin.

The female Thenardier was attending to the supper,which was roasting in front of a clear fire;her husband was drinking with his customers and talking politics.

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