
第143章 PART TWO(28)

Every day,accordingly,from morning until night,the quays,sluices,and the jetties of the port of Toulon were covered with a multitude of idlers and loungers,as they say in Paris,whose business consisted in staring at the Orion.

The Orion was a ship that had been ailing for a long time;in the course of its previous cruises thick layers of barnacles had collected on its keel to such a degree as to deprive it of half its speed;it had gone into the dry dock the year before this,in order to have the barnacles scraped off,then it had put to sea again;but this cleaning had affected the bolts of the keel:in the neighborhood of the Balearic Isles the sides had been strained and had opened;and,as the plating in those days was not of sheet iron,the vessel had sprung a leak.

A violent equinoctial gale had come up,which had first staved in a grating and a porthole on the larboard side,and damaged the foretop-gallant-shrouds;in consequence of these injuries,the Orion had run back to Toulon.

It anchored near the Arsenal;it was fully equipped,and repairs were begun.

The hull had received no damage on the starboard,but some of the planks had been unnailed here and there,according to custom,to permit of air entering the hold.

One morning the crowd which was gazing at it witnessed an accident.

The crew was busy bending the sails;the topman,who had to take the upper corner of the main-top-sail on the starboard,lost his balance;he was seen to waver;the multitude thronging the Arsenal quay uttered a cry;the man's head overbalanced his body;the man fell around the yard,with his hands outstretched towards the abyss;on his way he seized the footrope,first with one hand,then with the other,and remained hanging from it:

the sea lay below him at a dizzy depth;the shock of his fall had imparted to the foot-rope a violent swinging motion;the man swayed back and forth at the end of that rope,like a stone in a sling.

It was incurring a frightful risk to go to his assistance;not one of the sailors,all fishermen of the coast,recently levied for the service,dared to attempt it.

In the meantime,the unfortunate topman was losing his strength;his anguish could not be discerned on his face,but his exhaustion was visible in every limb;his arms were contracted in horrible twitchings;every effort which he made to re-ascend served but to augment the oscillations of the foot-rope;he did not shout,for fear of exhausting his strength.

All were awaiting the minute when he should release his hold on the rope,and,from instant to instant,heads were turned aside that his fall might not be seen.There are moments when a bit of rope,a pole,the branch of a tree,is life itself,and it is a terrible thing to see a living being detach himself from it and fall like a ripe fruit.

All at once a man was seen climbing into the rigging with the agility of a tiger-cat;this man was dressed in red;he was a convict;he wore a green cap;he was a life convict.

On arriving on a level with the top,a gust of wind carried away his cap,and allowed a perfectly white head to be seen:

he was not a young man.

A convict employed on board with a detachment from the galleys had,in fact,at the very first instant,hastened to the officer of the watch,and,in the midst of the consternation and the hesitation of the crew,while all the sailors were trembling and drawing back,he had asked the officer's permission to risk his life to save the topman;at an affirmative sign from the officer he had broken the chain riveted to his ankle with one blow of a hammer,then he had caught up a rope,and had dashed into the rigging:no one noticed,at the instant,with what ease that chain had been broken;it was only later on that the incident was recalled.

In a twinkling he was on the yard;he paused for a few seconds and appeared to be measuring it with his eye;these seconds,during which the breeze swayed the topman at the extremity of a thread,seemed centuries to those who were looking on.At last,the convict raised his eyes to heaven and advanced a step:the crowd drew a long breath.

He was seen to run out along the yard:on arriving at the point,he fastened the rope which he had brought to it,and allowed the other end to hang down,then he began to descend the rope,hand over hand,and then,——and the anguish was indescribable,——instead of one man suspended over the gulf,there were two.

One would have said it was a spider coming to seize a fly,only here the spider brought life,not death.

Ten thousand glances were fastened on this group;not a cry,not a word;the same tremor contracted every brow;all mouths held their breath as though they feared to add the slightest puff to the wind which was swaying the two unfortunate men.

In the meantime,the convict had succeeded in lowering himself to a position near the sailor.

It was high time;one minute more,and the exhausted and despairing man would have allowed himself to fall into the abyss.

The convict had moored him securely with the cord to which he clung with one hand,while he was working with the other.

At last,he was seen to climb back on the yard,and to drag the sailor up after him;he held him there a moment to allow him to recover his strength,then he grasped him in his arms and carried him,walking on the yard himself to the cap,and from there to the main-top,where he left him in the hands of his comrades.

At that moment the crowd broke into applause:

old convict-sergeants among them wept,and women embraced each other on the quay,and all voices were heard to cry with a sort of tender rage,'Pardon for that man!'

He,in the meantime,had immediately begun to make his descent to rejoin his detachment.

In order to reach them the more speedily,he dropped into the rigging,and ran along one of the lower yards;all eyes were following him.

At a certain moment fear assailed them;whether it was that he was fatigued,or that his head turned,they thought they saw him hesitate and stagger.

All at once the crowd uttered a loud shout:

the convict had fallen into the sea.

The fall was perilous.

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