
第118章 PART TWO(3)

They tore him from his hiding-place,and the combatants forced this frightened man to serve them,by administering blows with the flats of their swords.

They were thirsty;this Guillaume brought them water.

It was from this well that he drew it.Many drank there their last draught.

This well where drank so many of the dead was destined to die itself.

After the engagement,they were in haste to bury the dead bodies.Death has a fashion of harassing victory,and she causes the pest to follow glory.

The typhus is a concomitant of triumph.This well was deep,and it was turned into a sepulchre.

Three hundred dead bodies were cast into it.

With too much haste perhaps.Were they all dead?

Legend says they were not.

It seems that on the night succeeding the interment,feeble voices were heard calling from the well.

This well is isolated in the middle of the courtyard.

Three walls,part stone,part brick,and simulating a small,square tower,and folded like the leaves of a screen,surround it on all sides.The fourth side is open.

It is there that the water was drawn.The wall at the bottom has a sort of shapeless loophole,possibly the hole made by a shell.

This little tower had a platform,of which only the beams remain.

The iron supports of the well on the right form a cross.

On leaning over,the eye is lost in a deep cylinder of brick which is filled with a heaped-up mass of shadows.The base of the walls all about the well is concealed in a growth of nettles.

This well has not in front of it that large blue slab which forms the table for all wells in Belgium.

The slab has here been replaced by a cross-beam,against which lean five or six shapeless fragments of knotty and petrified wood which resemble huge bones.There is no longer either pail,chain,or pulley;but there is still the stone basin which served the overflow.

The rain-water collects there,and from time to time a bird of the neighboring forests comes thither to drink,and then flies away.

One house in this ruin,the farmhouse,is still inhabited.

The door of this house opens on the courtyard.

Upon this door,beside a pretty Gothic lock-plate,there is an iron handle with trefoils placed slanting.At the moment when the Hanoverian lieutenant,Wilda,grasped this handle in order to take refuge in the farm,a French sapper hewed off his hand with an axe.

The family who occupy the house had for their grandfather Guillaume van Kylsom,the old gardener,dead long since.

A woman with gray hair said to us:

'I was there.

I was three years old.

My sister,who was older,was terrified and wept.

They carried us off to the woods.

I went there in my mother's arms.

We glued our ears to the earth to hear.

I imitated the cannon,and went boum!boum!'

A door opening from the courtyard on the left led into the orchard,so we were told.

The orchard is terrible.

It is in three parts;one might almost say,in three acts.The first part is a garden,the second is an orchard,the third is a wood.

These three parts have a common enclosure:

on the side of the entrance,the buildings of the chateau and the farm;on the left,a hedge;on the right,a wall;and at the end,a wall.The wall on the right is of brick,the wall at the bottom is of stone.One enters the garden first.

It slopes downwards,is planted with gooseberry bushes,choked with a wild growth of vegetation,and terminated by a monumental terrace of cut stone,with balustrade with a double curve.

It was a seignorial garden in the first French style which preceded Le Notre;to-day it is ruins and briars.

The pilasters are surmounted by globes which resemble cannon-balls of stone.Forty-three balusters can still be counted on their sockets;the rest lie prostrate in the grass.

Almost all bear scratches of bullets.One broken baluster is placed on the pediment like a fractured leg.

It was in this garden,further down than the orchard,that six

light-infantry men of the 1st,having made their way thither,and being unable to escape,hunted down and caught like bears in their dens,accepted the combat with two Hanoverian companies,one of which was armed with carbines.

The Hanoverians lined this balustrade and fired from above.

The infantry men,replying from below,six against two hundred,intrepid and with no shelter save the currant-bushes,took a quarter of an hour to die.

One mounts a few steps and passes from the garden into the orchard,properly speaking.

There,within the limits of those few square fathoms,fifteen hundred men fell in less than an hour.The wall seems ready to renew the combat.

Thirty-eight loopholes,pierced by the English at irregular heights,are there still.In front of the sixth are placed two English tombs of granite.There are loopholes only in the south wall,as the principal attack came from that quarter.

The wall is hidden on the outside by a tall hedge;the French came up,thinking that they had to deal only with a hedge,crossed it,and found the wall both an obstacle and an ambuscade,with the English guards behind it,the thirty-eight loopholes firing at once a shower of grape-shot and balls,and Soye's brigade was broken against it.

Thus Waterloo began.

Nevertheless,the orchard was taken.

As they had no ladders,the French scaled it with their nails.

They fought hand to hand amid the trees.

All this grass has been soaked in blood.A battalion of Nassau,seven hundred strong,was overwhelmed there.The outside of the wall,against which Kellermann's two batteries were trained,is gnawed by grape-shot.

This orchard is sentient,like others,in the month of May.It has its buttercups and its daisies;the grass is tall there;the cart-horses browse there;cords of hair,on which linen is drying,traverse the spaces between the trees and force the passer-by to bend his head;one walks over this uncultivated land,and one's foot dives into mole-holes.In the middle of the grass one observes an uprooted tree-bole which lies there all verdant.Major Blackmann leaned against it to die.

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