
第106章 PART ONE(105)

I have been in prison,and they have been dragging me about for the last three months;more than that I cannot say;people talk against me,they tell me,Answer!'The gendarme,who is a good fellow,nudges my elbow,and says to me in a low voice,Come,answer!'

I don't know how to explain;I have no education;I am a poor man;that is where they wrong me,because they do not see this.

I have not stolen;I picked up from the ground things that were lying there.You say,Jean Valjean,Jean Mathieu!

I don't know those persons;they are villagers.

I worked for M.Baloup,Boulevard de l'Hopital;my name is Champmathieu.

You are very clever to tell me where I was born;I don't know myself:

it's not everybody who has a house in which to come into the world;that would be too convenient.I think that my father and mother were people who strolled along the highways;I know nothing different.

When I was a child,they called me young fellow;now they call me old fellow;those are my baptismal names;take that as you like.

I have been in Auvergne;I have been at Faverolles.


Well!can't a man have been in Auvergne,or at Faverolles,without having been in the galleys?I tell you that I have not stolen,and that I am Father Champmathieu;I have been with M.Baloup;I have had a settled residence.You worry me with your nonsense,there!

Why is everybody pursuing me so furiously?'

The district-attorney had remained standing;he addressed the President:——

'Monsieur le President,in view of the confused but exceedingly clever denials of the prisoner,who would like to pass himself off as an idiot,but who will not succeed in so doing,——we shall attend to that,——we demand that it shall please you and that it shall please the court to summon once more into this place the convicts Brevet,Cochepaille,and Chenildieu,and Police-Inspector Javert,and question them for the last time as to the identity of the prisoner with the convict Jean Valjean.'

'I would remind the district-attorney,'said the President,'that Police-Inspector Javert,recalled by his duties to the capital of a neighboring arrondissement,left the court-room and the town as soon as he had made his deposition;we have accorded him permission,with the consent of the district-attorney and of the counsel for the prisoner.'

'That is true,Mr.President,'responded the district-attorney.'In the absence of sieur Javert,I think it my duty to remind the gentlemen of the jury of what he said here a few hours ago.Javert is an estimable man,who does honor by his rigorous and strict probity to inferior but important functions.

These are the terms of his deposition:

I do not even stand in need of circumstantial proofs and moral presumptions to give the lie to the prisoner's denial.I recognize him perfectly.

The name of this man is not Champmathieu;he is an ex-convict named Jean Valjean,and is very vicious and much to be feared.

It is only with extreme regret that he was released at the expiration of his term.

He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft.

He made five or six attempts to escape.Besides the theft from Little Gervais,and from the Pierron orchard,I suspect him of a theft committed in the house of His Grace the late Bishop of D——I often saw him at the time when I was adjutant of the galley-guard at the prison in Toulon.

I repeat that I recognize him perfectly.''

This extremely precise statement appeared to produce a vivid impression on the public and on the jury.

The district-attorney concluded by insisting,that in default of Javert,the three witnesses Brevet,Chenildieu,and Cochepaille should be heard once more and solemnly interrogated.

The President transmitted the order to an usher,and,a moment later,the door of the witnesses'room opened.

The usher,accompanied by a gendarme ready to lend him armed assistance,introduced the convict Brevet.

The audience was in suspense;and all breasts heaved as though they had contained but one soul.

The ex-convict Brevet wore the black and gray waistcoat of the central prisons.

Brevet was a person sixty years of age,who had a sort of business man's face,and the air of a rascal.The two sometimes go together.

In prison,whither fresh misdeeds had led him,he had become something in the nature of a turnkey.He was a man of whom his superiors said,'He tries to make himself of use.'

The chaplains bore good testimony as to his religious habits.It must not be forgotten that this passed under the Restoration.

'Brevet,'said the President,'you have undergone an ignominious sentence,and you cannot take an oath.'

Brevet dropped his eyes.

'Nevertheless,'continued the President,'even in the man whom the law has degraded,there may remain,when the divine mercy permits it,a sentiment of honor and of equity.

It is to this sentiment that I appeal at this decisive hour.

If it still exists in you,——and I hope it does,——reflect before replying to me:consider on the one hand,this man,whom a word from you may ruin;on the other hand,justice,which a word from you may enlighten.The instant is solemn;there is still time to retract if you think you have been mistaken.


Brevet,take a good look at the accused,recall your souvenirs,and tell us on your soul and conscience,if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys,Jean Valjean?'

Brevet looked at the prisoner,then turned towards the court.

'Yes,Mr.President,I was the first to recognize him,and I stick to it;that man is Jean Valjean,who entered at Toulon in 1796,and left in 1815.

I left a year later.

He has the air of a brute now;but it must be because age has brutalized him;he was sly at the galleys:I recognize him positively.'

'Take your seat,'said the President.

'Prisoner,remain standing.'

Chenildieu was brought in,a prisoner for life,as was indicated by his red cassock and his green cap.

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