

Norman Leslie of Pitcullo,whose narrative the reader has in his hands,refers more than once to his unfinished Latin Chronicle.

That work,usually known as "The Book of Pluscarden,"has been edited by Mr.Felix Skene,in the series of "Historians of Scotland"(vol.vii.).To Mr.Skene's introduction and notes the curious are referred.Here it may suffice to say that the original MS.of the Latin Chronicle is lost;that of six known manuscript copies none is older than 1480;that two of these copies contain a Prologue;and that the Prologue tells us all that has hitherto been known about the author.

The date of the lost Latin original is 1461,as the author himself avers.He also,in his Prologue,states the purpose of his work.

At the bidding of an unnamed Abbot of Dunfermline,who must have been Richard Bothwell,he is to abbreviate "The Great Chronicle,"and "bring it up to date,"as we now say.He is to recount the events of his own time,"with certain other miraculous deeds,which I who write have had cognisance of,seen,and heard,beyond the bounds of this realm.Also,lastly,concerning a certain marvellous Maiden,who recovered the kingdom of France out of the hands of the tyrant,Henry,King of England.The aforesaid Maiden I saw,was conversant with,and was in her company in her said recovery of France,and till her life's end I was ever present."After "I was ever present"the copies add "etc.,"perhaps a sign of omission.

The monkish author probably said more about the heroine of his youth,and this the copyists have chosen to leave out.

The author never fulfilled this promise of telling,in Latin,the history of the Maid as her career was seen by a Scottish ally and friend.Nor did he ever explain how a Scot,and a foe of England,succeeded in being present at the Maiden's martyrdom in Rouen.At least he never fulfilled his promise,as far as any of the six Latin MSS.of his Chronicle are concerned.Every one of these MSS.--doubtless following their incomplete original--breaks off short in the middle of the second sentence of Chapter xxxii.Book xii.Here is the brief fragment which that chapter contains:-"In those days the Lord stirred up the spirit of a certain marvellous Maiden,born on the borders of France,in the duchy of Lorraine,and the see of Toul,towards the Imperial territories.

This Maiden her father and mother employed in tending sheep;daily,too,did she handle the distaff;man's love she knew not;no sin,as it is said,was found in her,to her innocence the neighbours bore witness ..."Here the Latin narrative of the one man who followed Jeanne d'Arc through good and evil to her life's end breaks off abruptly.The author does not give his name;even the name of the Abbot at whose command he wrote "is left blank,as if it had been erased in the original"(Mr.Felix Skene,"Liber Pluscardensis,"in the "Historians of Scotland,"vii.p.18).It might be guessed that the original fell into English hands between 1461and 1489,and that they blotted out the name of the author,and destroyed a most valuable record of their conqueror and their victim,Jeanne d'Arc.

Against this theory we have to set the explanation here offered by Norman Leslie,our author,in the Ratisbon Scots College's French MS.,of which this work is a translation.Leslie never finished his Latin Chronicle,but he wrote,in French,the narrative which follows,decorating it with the designs which Mr.Selwyn Image has carefully copied in black and white.

Possessing this information,we need not examine Mr.W.F.Skene's learned but unconvincing theory that the author of the fragmentary Latin work was one Maurice Drummond,out of the Lennox.The hypothesis is that of Mr.W.F.Skene,and Mr.Felix Skene points out the difficulties which beset the opinion of his distinguished kinsman.Our Monk is a man of Fife.

As to the veracity of the following narrative,the translator finds it minutely corroborated,wherever corroboration could be expected,in the large mass of documents which fill the five volumes of M.Quicherat's "Proces de Jeanne d'Arc,"in contemporary chronicles,and in MSS.more recently discovered in French local or national archives.Thus Charlotte Boucher,Barthelemy Barrette,Noiroufle,the Scottish painter,and his daughter Elliot,Capdorat,ay,even Thomas Scott,the King's Messenger,were all real living people,traces of whose existence,with some of their adventures,survive faintly in brown old manuscripts.Louis de Coutes,the pretty page of the Maid,a boy of fourteen,may have been hardly judged by Norman Leslie,but he certainly abandoned Jeanne d'Arc at her first failure.

So,after explaining the true position and character of our monkish author and artist,we leave his book to the judgment which it has tarried for so long.

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