
第142章 Chapter LIII.

Your honour, said Trim, shutting the parlour-door before he began to speak, has heard, I imagine, of this unlucky accident--O yes, Trim, said my uncle Toby, and it gives me great concern.--I am heartily concerned too, but Ihope your honour, replied Trim, will do me the justice to believe, that it was not in the least owing to me.--To thee--Trim?--cried my uncle Toby, looking kindly in his face--'twas Susannah's and the curate's folly betwixt them.--What business could they have together, an' please your honour, in the garden?--In the gallery thou meanest, replied my uncle Toby.

Trim found he was upon a wrong scent, and stopped short with a low bow--Two misfortunes, quoth the corporal to himself, are twice as many at least as are needful to be talked over at one time;--the mischief the cow has done in breaking into the fortifications, may be told his honour hereafter.--Trim's casuistry and address, under the cover of his low bow, prevented all suspicion in my uncle Toby, so he went on with what he had to say to Trim as follows:

--For my own part, Trim, though I can see little or no difference betwixt my nephew's being called Tristram or Trismegistus--yet as the thing sits so near my brother's heart, Trim--I would freely have given a hundred pounds rather than it should have happened.--A hundred pounds, an' please your honour! replied Trim,--I would not give a cherry-stone to boot.--Nor would I, Trim, upon my own account, quoth my uncle Toby--but my brother, whom there is no arguing with in this case--maintains that a great deal more depends, Trim, upon christian-names, than what ignorant people imagine--for he says there never was a great or heroic action performed since the world began by one called Tristram--nay, he will have it, Trim, that a man can neither be learned, or wise, or brave.--'Tis all fancy, an' please your honour--I fought just as well, replied the corporal, when the regiment called me Trim, as when they called me James Butler.--And for my own part, said my uncle Toby, though I should blush to boast of myself, Trim--yet had my name been Alexander, I could have done no more at Namur than my duty.--Bless your honour! cried Trim, advancing three steps as he spoke, does a man think of his christian-name when he goes upon the attack?--Or when he stands in the trench, Trim? cried my uncle Toby, looking firm.--Or when he enters a breach? said Trim, pushing in between two chairs.--Or forces the lines? cried my uncle, rising up, and pushing his crutch like a pike.--Or facing a platoon? cried Trim, presenting his stick like a firelock.--Or when he marches up the glacis? cried my uncle Toby, looking warm and setting his foot upon his stool.--

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    随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的饮食结构发生了巨大的变化。人们对饮食的要求不再停留在怎样填饱肚子的问题上,而是如何合理选择食品以满足机体的各种营养需要,从而获得健康。然而,现实的情况却是,由于饮食结构的不断变化,发病率不仅居高不下,而且还在不断攀升。这一方面是由于现代人日益加大的工作学习压力,另一方面则是因为饮食。俗话说: 人食五谷杂粮,孰能无疾。”有很多人在匆忙中就餐,或者随便吃点快餐,或者吃点方便面,或者干脆不吃、偏食、饮食不平衡、饮食不合理等都是导致人体疾病的罪魁祸首。看来,饮食对于人们保持健康是至关重要的。只有做到各种食物的合理搭配,才能使人体得到各种营养,满足机体生理活动的需要。
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