

I asked the Kaffir how far it was to Dupree's Drift, and was told three hours' march. We should get there after the darkening.

It seemed he had permission to ride with me instead of 'Mwanga, who had no love for the job. How he managed this I do not know; but Arcoll's men had their own ways of doing things. He undertook to set me free when the first shot was fired at the ford. Meantime I bade him leave me, to avert suspicion.

There is a story of one of King Arthur's knights - Sir Percival, I think - that once, riding through a forest, he found a lion fighting with a serpent. He drew his sword and helped the lion, for he thought it was the more natural beast of the two. To me Laputa was the lion, and Henriques the serpent; and though I had no good will to either, I was determined to spoil the serpent's game. He was after the rubies, as I had fancied; he had never been after anything else.

He had found out about Arcoll's preparations, and had sent him a warning, hoping, no doubt, that, if Laputa's force was scattered on the Letaba, he would have a chance of getting off with the necklace in the confusion. If he succeeded, he would go over the Lebombo to Mozambique, and whatever happened afterwards in the rising would be no concern of Mr Henriques.

I determined that he should fail; but how to manage it I could not see. Had I had a pistol, I think I would have shot him; but I had no weapon of any kind. I could not warn Laputa, for that would seal my own fate, even if I were believed. It was clear that Laputa must go to Dupree's Drift, for otherwise I could not escape; and it was equally clear that I must find the means of spoiling the Portugoose's game.

A shadow fell across the sunlight, and I looked up to see the man I was thinking of standing before me. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and his hands in the pockets of his riding-breeches. He stood eyeing me with a curious smile on his face.

'Well, Mr Storekeeper,' he said, 'you and I have met before under pleasanter circumstances.'

I said nothing, my mind being busy with what to do at the drift.

'We were shipmates, if I am not mistaken,' he said. 'I dare say you found it nicer work smoking on the after-deck than lying here in the sun.'

Still I said nothing. If the man had come to mock me, he would get no change out of David Crawfurd.

'Tut, tut, don't be sulky. You have no quarrel with me.

Between ourselves,' and he dropped his voice, 'I tried to save you; but you had seen rather too much to be safe. What devil prompted you to steal a horse and go to the cave? I don't blame you for overhearing us; but if you had had the sense of a louse you would have gone off to the Berg with your news. By the way, how did you manage it? A cellar, I suppose. Our friend Laputa was a fool not to take better precautions; but I must say you acted the drunkard pretty well.'

The vanity of 19 is an incalculable thing. I rose to the fly.

'I know the kind of precaution you wanted to take,'

I muttered.

'You heard that too? Well, I confess I am in favour of doing a job thoroughly when I take it up.'

'In the Koodoo Flats, for example,' I said.

He sat down beside me, and laughed softly. 'You heard my little story? You are clever, Mr Storekeeper, but not quite clever enough. What if I can act a part as well as yourself?'

And he thrust his yellow face close to mine.

I saw his meaning, and did not for a second believe him; but I had the sense to temporize.

'Do you mean to say that you did not kill the Dutchmen, and did not mean to knife me?'

'I mean to say that I am not a fool,' he said, lighting another cigarette.

'I am a white man, Mr Storekeeper, and I play the white man's game. Why do you think I am here? Simply because I was the only man in Africa who had the pluck to get to the heart of this business. I am here to dish Laputa, and by God I am going to do it.'

I was scarcely prepared for such incredible bluff. I knew every word was a lie, but I wanted to hear more, for the man fascinated me.

  • 异火幽冥录:长安盛世


  • 快穿之不做女配做女主


    她是21世纪操纵市场竞争在幕后垄断金融的推手。一朝梦醒,系统傍身……异世?口亨!有智商也能赚的盆满钵满;设定?不能吃的东西请不要告诉我;还有女主?小心谨慎不作死,女主又能奈我何ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)??完成任务同时还享受了人生,简直是美妙自在~哇这个美人姿色绝了,带回去每天光看看心情都好啊,好嘞庄主我买了!……但是,这美人看起来胸略平啊……他是觉得神界无味,被人间烟火所感,大手一挥打开异世之门的圣主,抛下自己的本体与记忆交给手下体验十世轮回,他穿梭于多个时空心如止水,却在意外被那人买下后彻底乱了心神也有了欲求,以执念追随那人于光怪陆离的人间……
  • 亡墓生存


  • 魔妃惊魂


  • 与校草的故事


  • 暴虐之君:商纣


  • 仙易


  • 学会感恩


  • 恐怖死亡医院


  • 王俊凯我们再也回不去了

