

<26> Confirm'd] So the 4to.--The 8vo "Confirme."

<27> by] So the 8vo.--The 4to "with."

<28> renowmed] See note ||, p.11.(Here the old eds.agree.)

<Note ||, from p.11.(The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"renowmed] i.e.renowned.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "renowned."--The form "RENOWMED" (Fr.renomme) occurs repeatedly afterwards in this play, according to the 8vo.

It is occasionally found in writers posterior to Marlowe's time.e.g.

"Of Constantines great towne RENOUM'D in vaine."

Verses to King James, prefixed to Lord Stirling's MONARCHICKE TRAGEDIES, ed.1607.>

<29> Cairo] Old eds."Cario." See note ? p.43.<i.e.note 11.>

<30> stream] Old eds."streames."

<31> at] So the 4to.--The 8vo "an."

<32> Terrene] i.e.Mediterranean.

<33> Where] Altered by the modern editors to "Whence,"--an alteration made by one of them also in a speech at p.48, sec.

col., <see note 57> which may be compared with the present one,--

"Therefore I took my course to Manico, WHERE, unresisted, I remov'd my camp;

And, by the coast," &c.

<34> from] So the 4to.--The 8vo "to."

<35> need] i.e.must.

<36> let] i.e.hinder.

<37> tainted] i.e.touched, struck lightly; see Richardson's DICT.in v.

<38> shall] So the 8vo.--The 4to "should."

<39> of] So the 8vo.--The 4to "to."

<40> to] So the 8vo.--The 4to "of."

<41> sprung] So the 8vo.--The 4to "sprong".--See note ?, d.<p.> 14.

<Note ?, from p.14.(The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"Sprung] Here, and in the next speech, both the old eds.

"SPRONG": but in p.18, l.3, first col., the 4to has "SPRUNG", and in the SEC.PART of the play, act iv.sc.4, they both give "SPRUNG from a tyrants loynes.">

<Page 18, First Column, Line 3, The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great, "For he was never sprung of human race,">

<42> superficies] Old eds."superfluities."--(In act iii.sc.4, we have, "the concave SUPERFICIES

Of Jove's vast palace.")

<43> through] So the 4to.--The 8vo "thorow."

<44> carcasses] So the 8vo.--The 4to "carkasse."

<45> we] So the 8vo.--The 4to "yon (you)."

<46> channel] i.e.collar, neck,--collar-bone.

<47> Morocco] The old eds.here, and in the next speech, "Morocus"; but see note ?, p.22.

<note ?, from p.22.(The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"Morocco] Here the old eds."Moroccus,"--a barbarism which I have not retained, because previously, in the stage-

direction at the commencement of this act, p.19, they agree in reading "Morocco.">

<48> war] So the 8vo.--The 4to "warres."

<49> if infernal] So the 8vo.--The 4to "if THE infernall."

<50> thee] Old eds."them."

<51> these] So the 4to.--The 8vo "this."

<52> strong] A mistake,--occasioned by the word "strong"

in the next line.

<53> Bootes'] So the 4to.--The 8vo "Boetes."

<54> leaguer] i.e.camp.

<55> Jubalter] Here the old eds.have "Gibralter"; but in the First Part of this play they have "JUBALTER": see p.25, first col.

<p.25, first col.(The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"And thence unto the Straits of Jubalter;">

<56> The mighty Christian Priest, Call'd John the Great] Concerning the fabulous personage, PRESTER JOHN, see Nares's GLOSS.in v.

<57> Where] See note ? p.45.<i.e.note 33.>

<58> Byather] The editor of 1826 printed "Biafar": but it is very doubtful if Marlowe wrote the names of places correctly.

<59> Damascus] Here the old eds."Damasco." See note *, p.31.

<note *, from p.31.(The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"Damascus] Both the old eds.here "Damasco:" but in many other places they agree in reading "Damascus.">

<60> And made, &c.] A word dropt out from this line.

<61> him] i.e.the king of Natolia.

<62> orient] Old eds."orientall" and "oriental."--Both in our author's FAUSTUS and in his JEW OF MALTA we have "ORIENT pearl."

<63> Soria] See note ?, p.44.<i.e.note 13.>

<64> thereof] So the 8vo.--The 4to "heereof."

<65> that we vow] i.e.that which we vow.So the 8vo.--The 4to "WHAT we vow." Neither of the modern editors understanding the passage, they printed "WE THAT vow."

<66> faiths] So the 8vo.--The 4to "fame."

<67> and religion] Old eds."and THEIR religion."

<68> consummate] Old eds."consinuate." The modern editors print "continuate," a word which occurs in Shakespeare's TIMON OF ATHENS, act i.sc.1., but which the metre determines to be inadmissible in the present passage.--The Revd.J.Mitford proposes "continent," in the sense of--restraining from violence.

<69> this] So the 8vo.--The 4to "the."

<70> martial] So the 4to.--The 8vo "materiall."

<71> our] So the 4to.--The 8vo "your."

<72> With] So the 4to.--The 8vo "Which."

<73> thy servant's] He means Sigismund.So a few lines after, "this traitor's perjury."

<74> discomfit] Old eds."discomfort." (Compare the first line of the next scene.)

<75> lords] So the 8vo.--The 4to "lord."

<76> Christian] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Christians."

<77> Zoacum] "Or ZAKKUM.--The description of this tree is taken from a fable in the Koran, chap.37." Ed.1826.

<78> an] So the 8vo.--The 4to "any."

<79> We will both watch and ward shall keep his trunk]

i.e.We will that both watch, &c.So the 4to.--The 8vo has "AND keepe."

<80> Uribassa, give] So the 8vo.--The 4to "Vribassa, AND giue."

<81> Soria] See note ?, p.44.<i.e.note 13.>

<82> their] So the 4to.--Not in the 8vo.

<83> brows] Old eds."bowers."

<84> this] So the 8vo.--The 4to "the."

<85> no] So the 4to.--The 8vo "not."

<86> and] So the 4to.--The 8vo "a."

<87> makes] So the 4to.--The 8vo "make."

<88> author] So the 4to.--The 8vo "anchor."

<89> yes] Old eds."yet."

<90> excellence] So the 4to.--The 8vo "excellency."

<91> cavalieros] i.e.mounds, or elevations of earth, to lodge cannon.

<92> prevails] i.e.avails.

<93> Mausolus'] Wrong quantity.

<94> one] So the 8vo ("on").--The 4to "our."

<95> stature] See note ? p.27.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "statue."

Here the metre would be assisted by reading "statua," which is frequently found in our early writers: see my REMARKS ON


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