

When is the presentation to take place?--Conversation on this subject with the king--M. de Maupeou and M. de la Vauguyon--Conversation on the same subject with the king and the duc de Richelieu--M. de la Vrilliere--M. Bertin---Louis XV and the comtesse--The king's promise--The fire-works, an anecdote--The marquise de Castellane--M. de Maupeou at the duc de Choiseul's--The duchesse de GrammontIn spite of the love of the duchesse de Grammont, the king of Denmark departed at last. Louis XV having resumed his former habits, I began to meditate seriously on my presentation; and my friends employed themselves to the utmost in furthering my desires and insuring my triumph.

The chancellor, who each day became more attached to my interests, opened the campaign. One day, when the king was in a rage with the parliaments, the chancellor seized the opportunity to tell him that the cabal, who were opposed to my presentation, testified so much resistance, under the idea, and in the hope, that they would be supported by the parliaments of Paris.

"If your majesty," added the chancellor, "had less condescension towards these malcontents, they would fear your authority more.""You will see," replied the king, "that it will be their audacity which will urge me on to a step, which otherwise I should wish to avoid."Whilst the hatred which M. de Maupeou bore towards the parliaments served me in this way, the love of M. de la Vauguyon for the Jesuits turned to even more advantage. The good duke incessantly talked to me of his dear Jesuits; and I as constantly replied, that my influence would not be salutary until after my presentation, M.

de la Vauguyon had sense enough to perceive the embarrassment of my situation, and saw that before I could think of others I must think of myself. Having taken "sweet counsel" with the powerful heads of his company, he freely gave me all his influence with the king.

Fortune sent me an auxiliary not less influential than these two gentlemen; I mean the marechal duc de Richelieu. In the month of January, 1769, he returned from his government of Guienne to enter on service. He had much credit with the king, and this (would you believe it?) resulted from his reputation as a man of intrigue. He told the king every thing that came into his head: he told him one day, that the Choiseuls boasted that he, the king of France, never dared introduce his mistress into the state apartments at Versailles.

"Yes," added the duke, "they boast so loudly, that nothing else is talked of in the province; and at Bordeaux, for instance, there is one merchant who, on the strength of the enemies of the comtesse, has made a bet that she will never be presented.""And why do you not imprison these persons?" inquired the king, angrily.

"Because, sire, it appears to me injustice to punish the echo of the fooleries of Paris.""I will conduct myself as regards the presentation of madame du Barry in the manner which I think best. But is it not an inconceivable contrariety, that one party should wish it with the utmost desire, and another place every obstacle in the way? In truth, I am very unfortunate, and a cruel tyranny is exercised over me."The duc de Richelieu, not wishing to appear as one of the tyrants of the king, gave a different turn to the conversation.

My presentation was, however, a matter of first-rate importance to me and to my partizans, and the duc de la Vrilliere was gained over to my side, by making him believe that the king would yield to my desires, and that then I should remember all those who opposed my elevation. The duc d'Aiguillon also drew over to my party M. Bertin, who bore no love to the Choiseuls, and who saw that the preponderance of interest was on my side of the scale.

When I was assured of a considerable number of defenders, Ithought I might venture on the master stroke, and thus I went to work.

One evening the king was with me, and the MM. de Maupeou and de Richelieu were there also. We were discoursing of different things, and the king was perfectly tranquillized, little anticipating the scene that was in store for him. I rose suddenly from my arm-chair, and going up to his majesty, after a profound courtesy cast myself at his feet. Louis XV would have raised me, but I said,"No, I will remain where I am until you have accorded me the favor I ask.""If you remain in this posture I shall place myself in a similar one.""Well, then, since you will not have me at your knees I will place myself on them"; and I seated myself in his lap without ceremony.

"Listen to me, sire," I said, "and repeat what I say to the king of France word for word. He must authorize my presentation; for else, some fine day, in the presence of the whole court, I will go to the state apartments, and try whether I shall be repulsed at the door.""Will she have the boldness?" inquired the king to the chancellor.

"I have no doubt of it, sire. A female, young, beautiful, honored with your kindness, may venture to do anything.""Is it not distressing to me," I added, "that, graced with your majesty's favors, I remain thus concealed, whilst women whom you detest annoy you with their presence.""Madame is right," replied the duc de Richelieu, "and I see that you look for her every evening where she is not, and where she ought to be.""What! you too, duc de Richelieu, do you join the cry of the chancellor?""I would tear out the eyes of these gentlemen," I added, "if they thought differently from me.""Oh," said the king, laughing, "this punishment would not be one for M. Maupeou: justice ought to be blind: and as for you, M. de Richelieu, you have your <baton> left.""Which he has nobly gained," I replied, "by fighting against your majesty's enemies, and of which he still continues worthy, by now defending me from my foes.""This rebellion," said the king, "cannot last, and I see myself compelled to hold a <lit de justice> (a judicial sitting or bed).""And I swear to you, that I will receive nobody into mine until Ihave been presented."

  • 天骄


  • 勿扰之青春情伤


  • 时光许我已安然


  • 云起灵涌


  • 葫芦小金刚:高能葫芦娃


  • 元明文献中的忽鲁谟斯


    本书是由两位欧洲当代著名汉学家德国马尔堡菲利普斯大学汉学系廉亚明博士(Dr.Ralph Kauz)和慕尼黑大学东亚研究所葡萄鬼博士 (Dr.Rodrich Ptak)撰写的关于元明时代中国与波斯湾口主要国家之一伊朗政治、外交、经济、贸易和文化交流史的专著。作者以中国元、明两朝记载中国与“西洋”地区政治、经济、文化交往关系的第一手文献,尤其是明初航海家郑和七下西洋的航海日志和航海图为基础,结合西方历代汉学家的研究成果,对这段重要的国际关系史进行了精辟的考证和诠释。
  • 神算先生


  • 滴水青莲


  • 综漫之守护之路


  • 恶魔校草,宠上天!

