

A prefatory remark--Madame Brillant--The marechale de Luxembourg's cat--Despair of the marechale--The ambassador, Beaumarchais, and the duc de Chaulnes--the comte d'Aranda--Louis XV and his relics--The abbe de Beauvais--His sermons--He is appointed bishopWhen I related to comte Jean my reconciliation with the duc de Richelieu, and the sum which this treaty had cost me, my brother-in-law flew into the most violent fury; he styled the marechal a plunderer of the public treasury. Well may the scripture tell us we see the mote in our neighbor's eye, but regard not the beam which is in our own eye. I was compelled to impose silence on comte Jean, or in the height of his rage he would have offered some insult to the old marechal, who already most heartily disliked him for the familiarity of his tone and manner towards him. I did all in my power to keep these two enemies from coming in each other's way, counselled to that by the marechale de Mirepoix, whose line of politics was of the most pacific nature; besides I had no inclination for a war carried on in my immediate vicinity, and, for my own part, so far from wishing to harm any one, I quickly forgave every affront offered to myself.

But hold! I perceive I am running on quite smoothly in my own praise. Indeed, my friend, it is well I have taken that office upon myself, for I fear no one else would undertake it. The most atrocious calumnies have been invented against me; I have been vilified both in prose and verse; and, amongst the great number of persons on whom I have conferred the greatest obligations, none has been found with sufficient courage or gratitude to stand forward and undertake my defence. I do not even except madame de Mirepoix, whose conduct towards me in former days was marked by the most studied attention. She came to me one evening, with a face of grief.

"Mercy upon me," cried I, "what ails you?""Alas!" replied she, in a piteous tone, "I have just quitted a most afflicted family; their loss is heavy and irreparable. The marechale de Luxembourg is well nigh distracted with grief.""Good heavens!" exclaimed I, "can the duchesse de Lauzun be dead?""Alas! no."

"Perhaps poor madame de Boufflers?"

"No, my friend."

"Who then is the object of so much regret? Speak; tell me.""Madame Brillant."

"A friend of the old marechale 's?"

"More than a friend," replied madame de Mirepoix; "her faithful companion; her only companion; her only beloved object, since her lovers and admirers ceased to offer their homage--in a word, her cat.""Bless me!" cried I, "how you frightened me! But what sort of a cat could this have been to cause so many tears?""Is it possible that you do not know madame Brillant, at least by name?""I assure you," said I, "this is the very first time I ever heard her name.""Well, if it be so, I will be careful not to repeat such a thing to madame de Luxembourg; she would never pardon you for it.

Listen, my dear countess," continued madame de Mirepoix; "under the present circumstances it will be sufficient for you to write your name in her visiting-book."I burst into a fit of laughter.

"It is no joke, I promise you," exclaimed the marechale; "the death of madame Brillant is a positive calamity to madame de Luxembourg. Letters of condolence will arrive from Chanteloup;madame du Deffant will be in deep affliction, and the virtues and amiable qualities of the deceased cat will long furnish subjects of conversation.""It was then a singularly engaging animal, I presume?""On the contrary, one of the most stupid, disagreeable, and dirty creatures of its kind; but still it was the cat of madame de Luxembourg."And after this funeral oration the marechale and myself burst into a violent fit of laughter.

When the king joined us, I acquainted him with this death, and my conversation with the marechale. Louis XV listened to my recital with an air of gravity; when I had finished, he said, "The present opportunity is admirably adopted for satisfying the request of one of my retinue, one of the best-hearted creatures, and at the same time one of the silliest men in the kingdom.""I beg your pardon, sire," cried I, "but what is his name? For the description is so general, that I fear lest I should be at a loss to recollect of whom you are speaking.""You are very ill-natured," cried Louis XV, "and I hardly know whether you deserve to be gratified by hearing the name of the poor gentleman: however, I will tell it to you; he is called Corbin de la Chevrollerie. A few days since this simple young man, having solicited an audience, informed me, that he was desirous of marrying a rich heiress, but that the young lady's family were resolved she should marry no one who was not previously employed as an ambassador. I expressed my surprise at so strange a caprice, but the poor fellow endeavored to vindicate his bride's relations, by stating that that they were willing to consider him as my ambassador if I would only commission him to carry some message of compliment or condolence. Accordingly I promised to employ him upon the occasion of the first death or marriage which should take place in a ducal family. Now, I think I cannot do better than make him the bearer of my inquiries after the marechale de Luxembourg."This idea struck me as highly amusing, and I immediately dispatched a servant to summon M. de la Chevrollerie to the presence of the king. This being done, that gentleman presented himself with all the dignity and importance of one who felt that a mission of high moment was about to be entrusted to him.

His majesty charged him to depart immediately to the house of madame de Luxembourg, and to convey his royal master's sincere condolences for the heavy loss she had sustained in madame Brillant.

M. Corbin de la Chevrollerie departed with much pride and self-complacency upon his embassy: he returned in about half an hour.



  • 鹅湖集


  • 送陵州路使君赴任


  • 泰族训


  • 祝由十三科


  • 剑圣养成计划


  • 失忆甜心的复仇


  • 狂战记


  • 混天魔


  • 诺贝尔文学奖获奖作家短诗精品


  • 萌妻闯进门:腹黑老公别乱来


  • 一花开放为一季


  • 腹黑杀手:傲娇男友你别跑


  • 智慧背囊:最让你坚强勤奋的励志故事


  • 女财郎貌之弃女太嚣张

