
第52章 论文选萃(33)

In the early twentieth century,Curtis Publishing often blurred the distinction between“class”and“mass”circulation as its subion lists soared into the hundreds of thousands,and then into the millions.Its definition of“class,”though,was middle class-or,perhaps more appropriately,buying class.The target readership was often defined by the ownership of such things as homes,automobiles,typewriters and telephones,or the availability of electricity or department-store charge accounts.See,for instance,Milton J.Blair,“Where Do The Best Customers Live A Study of Curtis Distribution”(Curtis Chicago office,May 1,1923),CP,Box 81;and“Growth of Incomes,”Curtis“Dope Book.”It sought to portray its publications as the choice of the well-to-do,but then broadened its definition of well-to-do to include everyone from“millionaire to mill worker”-essentially anyone who could be considered“a substantial citizen and a good customer for a worthy product.”“Prosperous Philadelphia,”advertisement,PI,Dec.2,1915,pp.57-68;“A Christmas Pudding for Advertisers,”advertisement,PI,Dec.16,1915,pp.53-56;“Two New Subways in Philadelphia,”advertisement,PI,Dec.23,1915,p.47;untitled advertisement,PI,Aug.19,1915,pp.52-53;“What gives value to advertising”advertisement,PI,Nov.18,1915,pp.42-43.

By 1915,Bok had begun defining the readers of the Ladies'Home Journal by income.He told the advertising staff that the magazine was directed primarily toward families with incomes of$1,200 to$2,500,and to a lesser extent toward those with$3,000 to$5,000 income-what at the time would have been middle class or upper middle class.Some people who made more money also read the magazine,he acknowledged.“We direct our attention,however,to the class from$1,200 to$3,000,because they are the families having the greatest need of help,and to whom we can be of greatest assistance.”“Condensed Report of Advertising Conference,”Curtis Publishing Company,Philadelphia,1915,pp.6-8,CP,Box 18.That“assistance,”as several scholars have shown,often involved instructing people what to buy and how to buy.In the 1910s and 1920s,for instance,Curtis sold patterns of fashions featured in the Journal,offered blueprints for houses featured in the Journal,and worked with department stores to display and make available the ready-to-wear fashions the magazines showcased.Selling Forces(Philadelphia:Curtis Publishing Company,1913),pp.225-241;William V.Alexander to Mr.E.G.W.Dietrich,Feb.29,1904,CP,Box 2;“Pattern Service,”Curtis Bulletin 32(Nov.7,1923),CP,Box 158,Folder 176;Pollay,“Thank the Editors”;Wilson,“The Rhetoric of Consumption.”

Lorimer didn't have nearly as precise a definition of readers of the Post,but he nonetheless had an idea of who his readers were.He used to lurk near the newsstand at the Reading Railroad terminal in Philadelphia and see who bought the Post.He described those people as“the class of people you like to see-the prosperous business men and the young women who have positions with good firms.”“Condensed Report of Advertising Conference,”pp.21-22.Cyrus Curtis had made similar generalizations himself in the late nineteenth century.From the early 1880s,when he established the Tribune and Farmer,a weekly paper whose women's department eventually became the Ladies'Home Journal,Curtis told advertisers that the readers of Curtis publications were something special.He stressed that the paper's“entire circulation was secured by newspaper advertising,consequently all our readers are peculiarly the very class who read and answer advertisements.”He also promised advertisers that if their ads failed to produce results,“we shall neither expect nor solicit a continuance of your patronage.”See various clippings and advertisements in a Curtis Scrapbook,pp.324-340.

To attract subscribers,Curtis offered the paper at a discount,but only if buyers would sign a statement that they would“read and answer the advertisements as far as they can conveniently do so.”He sought to induce in readers a sense of responsibility toward his publication,toward advertisers and toward buying in general,and he tried to create a sense of guilt in those who didn't buy advertised products.He admitted that advertisements were scorned by many people,but he promised,in language that would later be repeated in promotional material for the Ladies Home Journal,that Tribune and Farmer advertisements“are known to be reliable and may be answered with perfect safety.”Advertisers,he told readers,were for the most part manufacturers and producers,and by answering ads,consumers could bypass the middleman.“So great a variety is advertised in our columns that one is almost sure to find something he needs,and having found it,should not hesitate to send for it,not only for his own profit but for ours also,as,by giving this paper at cost,we are obliged to look to advertisers for our profits,and must make it a good medium to secure patronage.”Curtis Scrapbook,pp.324-340.

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    有个人曾经说过:“爱的桥是宽敞的,容得下许多委屈;但是,爱的桥也是狭窄的,容不下三个人。”可是,谁愿走下这座桥呢?我叫做单莜晨,是一个十分特别的女生,自制能力十分强,朋友数不胜数,就是和男生也可以相处得很好,我是说朋友与朋友之间哦!我本人最怕的就是别人哭,特别是女生。哭起来还真是不是开玩笑的恐怖!所以我也很少哭。我很喜欢听歌,还有一个习惯,就是在听歌之前仔细看歌词,因为歌词有时候写得特别好。结合歌就very perfect啦!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我爸妈是刚从美国回来的,十分崇尚自由,因此我有着与其他女生不同的教育方式:我可以晚上上街不用努力劝说父母,自由决定,只要不要学坏就好。但是我为了自身安全,经常在晚上9:00前就已经回家了。因此我看到像封建家族的公主的女生时,我都因她们而感到惋惜。喝酒不仅是男生的权利,也是我的权利。父母允许我适量喝酒,因为我们都觉得适量喝酒是可以让人放松身心的。酒吧我已经是常客了,可是我绝对不会在酒吧里认识任何一个人或者是交朋友,以免对自己产生不好的影响。而且我在酒吧里学会了调酒,也算是有收获吧。所以我在我家的一个角落建了一个吧台,平时可以过过瘾;可以让我自由交往,所以我大学之前就已经谈过三次恋爱了。我知道现在有很多女生都已经谈过不止三次恋爱了,对于三次恋爱也嫌少,可是我可是在父母允许的情况下哦!并且我自己本身在那个时候还不知道什么是爱呢?很意外对不对?但是我是没有学坏的,我一直成绩优秀,在学校里一向很出名,全校的人几乎都会认识我,我个性张扬,虽然不会说粗话,不过我的嘴可是说话不饶人,一旦我火来了就一定要喷出来,从不会憋在心里。总会找一个好友说说,或是跟妈谈谈。妈不会想别的妈那样不通情达理,她的想法一般和我的差不多,也好沟通。有时我很羡慕别人的初恋,因为我的初恋也太不争气了,经常让我气到喘不过气来或是毫无意义。然而,在我的大学生活中居然出现了一个如此让我生气的男生,一天到晚跟我勾心斗角。但是我已习惯,习惯成为了我生活中不可缺少他的理由。
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