
第25章 Everything is Possible(1)

Carly Fiorina,CEO of HP

Tsinghua University,March 12th,2004

I think one of most important qualities a leader can bring is the ability,the energy,the desire to unlock potential in others.


Carly Fiorina





卡莉·费奥瑞纳1954出生,毕业于斯坦福大学,原来是修读中世纪历史和哲学,1980年进入AT&T卡莉·费奥瑞纳由秘书工作到执教鞭,然后投身AT&T的电话营销服务。1995年,费奥瑞纳参与AT&T分拆朗迅科技,1998年升为朗迅科技的全球服务供应业务部行政总监,管理一个占公司总收入达6成的部门。1999年7月底,出任惠普公司首席执行官,成为道琼斯工业指数成分股企业中唯一的女性总裁,2001年9月4日,惠普与康柏公司达成一项总值高达250亿美元的并购交易,并出任新惠普公司首席执行官。2005年初,卡莉结束了在惠普6年的职业生涯,卸下惠普主席兼首席执行官的职务。费奥瑞纳是思科系统董事会成员,之前还曾是Kellogg Company公司和Merck&Company公司的董事会成员之一。


Everything is Possible

Carly Fiorina,CEO of HP

Tsinghua University,March 12th,2004

Xie,xie.Xia wu hao.Those are the only two words of Chinese I know.That’s not true,I know a third-Ni hao.I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your,what I know that is a very busy study,schedule to be here today.I know this is valuable time for you that you could be using to work,or study,or maybe to play Sword on line.Thank you for having me here today.

Coming from a company that has“invent”as part of our brand,as part of our signature,I sometimes begin speeches by saying that invention and innovation have been part of the HP‘s DNA for more than sixty years.Our scientists and engineers today generate more than 11patents every day.We spend more than 4billion dollars a year on R&D.So invention is part of our future as well as part of our past.

That all sounds pretty impressive until you think about China’s history,and you realize that“invent”has been part of China‘s DNA for more than 5,000years.Every schoolchild in America learns about China’s many gifts to this world—from the invention of paper,to gunpowder,the wheelbarrow,the compass,acupuncture—right up to the first blast furnace and the first use of iron casting,back in the sixth century.

As a company,we actually are especially indebted to a man named Bi Sheng,who had the vision in 1045A.D.to invent the world‘s first movable type,which led to its first printer—a full 300years before Gutenberg’s invention of movable type changed the Western world.So today,I want to issue a belated“thank you”to Bi Sheng for having the foresight to set in motion a process that would eventually lead to a 20billion business for HP.

I think the technology landscape today is changing in three fundamental ways.The first big shift we see going on in technology is that all processes,and that all content are being transformed from physical and analog to digital and mobile,and virtual.There are so many examples.Just think about the simple example of what is happening in photography.Photography is going from physical to digital and now from digital to mobile and all the content is about to become virtual and available,and accessible to anyone,anywhere in any form they want.And that transformation from physical to digital,virtual,mobile will happen to every process,every industry,and every kind of content.

The second big shift we see in technology is that the demand for simplicity,for manageability,for adaptability,while it is true that technology is core to everything,it is also true that technology is still too complex,too hard to manage,and often that complexity is a barrier.

The third big shift is that it‘s becoming a horizontal,heterogeneous,connected world.Whether you’re a CEO trying to become more efficient,more effective and more agile;or a small and medium business trying to mobilize your workforce;or you‘re a consumer who wants a whole bunch of separate things that you have bought in your home to work better together,it is now about horizontal connections.It’s about making a heterogeneous world work together and speak a common language-and I am speaking not of just devices,but networking and connecting businesses and companies,employees and suppliers to customers.

As technology moves from the fringe to the core of people‘s lives and businesses,the need for technology to deliver more becomes increasingly important.I think today our consumers are no longer willing to compromise.Now,all of our customers actually want everything from technology.They want affordability and innovation and reliability and security and simplicity and manageability and connection.

Now if I were giving you a speech today on HP,I would tell you that that this is a future that we are trying to create.That we see our role to accelerate the transformation from physical to digital.That as the number one consumer IT company in the world;the number one technology company for small and medium-sized businesses,and one of the leading enterprise technology companies,we are a company,we believe,unlike any other,with market-leading positions in virtually every category in which we compete.Today we are an almost 84billion company with 140,000employees in 176countries around the world.

This school has prepared all of you for that same journey.As you work to take what you have learned here and apply it to the world around you,I hope that you will also strive to use your capabilities to create communities that are not just richer,but better;to judge success not just by the number of networks you connect,but by the number of people you connect;that you won’t just help make better companies,but better communities,and a better world.

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