

Timothy S. Arthur (b. 1809,d. 1885) was born near Newburgh,N.Y.but passed most of his life at Baltimore and Philadelphia. His opportunities for good schooling were quite limited,and he may be considered a self-educated man. He was the author of more than a hundred volumes,principally novels of a domestic and moral tone,and of many shorter tales-magazine articles,etc. "Ten Nights in a Barroom," and "Three Years in a Mantrap," are among his best known works.

1.When and where it matters not now trelate-but once upon a time,as I was passing through a thinly peopled district of country,night came down upon me almost unawares. Being on foot,I could not hope tgain the village toward which my steps were directed,until a late hour;and I therefore preferred seeking shelter and a night's lodging at the first humble dwelling that presented itself.

2.Dusky twilight was giving place tdeeper shadows,when I found myself in the vicinity1 of a dwelling ,from the small uncurtained windows of which the light shone with a pleasant promise of good cheer and comfort. The house stood within an inclosure,and a short distance from the road along which I was moving with wearied feet.

3.Turning aside,and passing through the ill-hung gate,I approached the dwelling. Slowly the gate swung on its wooden hinges,and the rattle of its latch,in closing,did not disturb the air until I had nearly reached the porch in front of the house,in which a slender girl,whhad noticed my entrance,stood awaiting my arrival.1 Vicinity,neighborhood.

4.A deep,quick bark answered,almost like an echo,the sound of the shutting gate,and,sudden as an apparition,the form of an immense dog loomed in the doorway. At the instant when he was about tspring,a light hand was laid upon his shaggy neck,and a low word spoken.

5."Gin,Tiger," said the girl,not in a voice of authority,yet in her gentle tones was the consciousness that she would be obeyed;and,as she spoke,she lightly bore upon the animal with her hand,and he turned away and disappeared within the dwelling.

6."Who's that?" A rough voice asked the question;and now a heavy-looking man took the dog's place in the door.

7."How far is it tG-?" I asked,not deeming it best tsay,in the beginning,that I sought a resting place for the night.

8."TG-!" growled the man,but not sharshly as at first. "It's good six miles from here."

9."A long distance;and I'm a stranger and on foot," said I. "If you can make room for me until morning,I will be very thankful."

10.I saw the girl's hand move quickly up his arm,until it rested on his shoulder,and now she leaned thim still closer.

11."Come in. We'll try what can be done for you." There was a change in the man's voice that made me wonder. I entered a large room,in which blazed a brisk fire. Before the fire sat twstout lads,whturned upon me their heavy eyes,with nvery welcome greeting. A middle-aged woman was standing at a table,and twchildren were amusing themselves with a kitten on the floor.

12."A stranger,mother," said the man whhad given me srude a greeting at the door;"and he wants us tlet him stay all night."

13.The woman looked at me doubtingly for a few moments,and then replied coldly,"We don't keep a public house."

14."I'm aware of that,ma'am," said I;"but night has overtaken me,and it's a long way yet tG-."

15."Tofar for a tired man tgon foot," said the master of the house,kindly,"sit's nuse talking about it,mother;we must give him a bed."

16.Sunobtrusively1 that I scarce noticed the movement,the girl had drawn ther mother's side. What she said ther I did not hear,for the brief words were uttered in a low voice;but I noticed,as she spoke,one small,fair hand rested on the woman's hand.

17.Was there magic in that touch? The woman's repulsive2 aspect changed intone of kindly welcome,and she said,"Yes,it's a long way tG-. I guess we can find a place for him."

18.Many times more during that evening,did I observe the magic power of that hand and voice-the one gentle yet potent3 as the other. On the next morning,breakfast being over,I was preparing ttake my departure when my host4 informed me that if I would wait for half an hour he would give me a ride in his wagon tG-,as business required him tgthere. I was very well pleased taccept of the invitation.

19.In due time,the farmer's wagon was driven intthe road before the house,and I was invited tget in. I noticed the horse as a rough-looking Canadian pony,with a certain air of stubborn endurance. As the farmer took his seat by my side,the family came tthe door tsee us off.

20."Dick!" said the farmer in a peremptory5 voice,giving the rein a quick jerk as he spoke. But Dick moved not a step. "Dick! you vagabond! get up." And the farmer's whip cracked sharply by the pony's ear.

21.It availed6 not,however,this second appeal. Dick stood firmly disobedient. Next the whip was brought down upon him with an impatient hand;but the pony only reared up a little. Fast and sharp the strokes were next dealt tthe number of half a dozen. The man1 Unobtrusively,not noticeably,modestly. 2 Repulsive,repelling,forbidding.3Potent,powerful,effective.4Host,one from whom another receives food,lodging,or entertainment. 5 Peremptory,commanding,decisive.6Availed,was of use,had effect.might as well have beaten the wagon,for all his end was gained.

22.A stout lad now came out intthe road,and,catching Dick by the bridle,jerked him forward,using ,at the same time,the customary language on such occasions,but Dick met this new ally1 with increased stubbornness,planting his fore feet more firmly and at a sharper angle with the ground.

23.The impatient boy now struck the pony on the side of the head with his clinched hand,and jerked cruelly at his bridle. It availed nothing,however;Dick was not tbe wrought upon by any such arguments.

24."Don't dso,John!" I turned my head as the maiden's sweet voice reached my ear. She was passing through the gate intthe road,and in the next moment had taken hold of the lad and drawn him away from the animal. Nstrength was exerted in this;she took hold of his arm,and he obeyed her wish as readily as if he had nthought beyond her gratification.

25.And now that soft hand was laid gently on the pony's neck,and a single low word spoken. How instantly were the tense2 muscles relaxed3-how quickly the stubborn air vanished!

26."Poor Dick!" said the maiden,as she stroked his neck lightly,or softly patted it with a childlike hand. "Now,galong ,you provoking fellow!" she added,in a half-chiding4,yet affectionate voice,as she drew up the bridle.

27.The pony turned toward her,and rubbed his head against her arm for an instant or two;then,pricking up his ears,he started off at a light,cheerful trot,and went on his way as freely as if nsilly crotchet5 had ever entered his stubborn brain.

28." What a wonderful power that hand possesses!" said I,1Ally,a confederate,one whunites with another in some purpose. 2Tense,strained tstiffness,rigid.3Relaxed,loosened.

4Chiding,scolding,rebuking.5Crotchet,a perverse fancy,a whim.speaking tmy companion,as we rode away.

29.He looked at me for a moment,as if my remark had occasioned surprise. Then a light came inthis countenance,and he said briefly,"She's good! Everybody and everything loves her."

30.Was that,indeed,the secret of her power? Was the quality of her soul perceived in the impression of her hand,even by brute beasts! The father's explanation was doubtless the true one. Yet have I ever since wondered,and still dwonder,at the potency which lay in that maiden's magic touch. I have seen something of the same power,showing itself in the loving and the good,but never tthe extent as instanced1 in her,whom,for want of a better name,I must still call "Gentle Hand."1 Instanced,mentioned as an example.

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