And now of course you want to know what had happened to Edmund. He had eaten his share of the dinner, but he hadn’t really enjoyed it because he was thinking all the time about Turkish Delight.and there‘s nothing that spoils the taste of good ordinary food half so much as the memory of bad magic food. And he had heard the conversation, and hadn’t enjoyed it much either, because he kept on thinking that the others were taking no notice of him and trying to give him the cold shoulder. They weren‘t, but he imagined it. And then he had listened until Mr Beaver told them about Aslan and until he had heard the whole arrangement for meeting Aslan at the Stone Table. It was then that he began very quietly to edge himself under the curtain which hung over the door. For the mention of Aslan gave him a mysterious and horrible feeling just as it gave the others a mysterious and lovely feeling.
安史之乱,密教非空大师传授百人秘密之术,成为最初之“忍者”,帮助唐肃宗平定天下。多年后,唐王朝危机复起,僖宗皇帝欲再次借助忍者之力平乱。然时隔多年,忍者组织内部谜团重重,忠奸莫辨。僖宗派出两位钦差秘密出访,一路上历经重重险阻与奇遇,终于查明真相。四道忍者,百部忍法,重出江湖。 当年最强忍者之子光波翼初出茅庐便大显身手,深受僖宗赏识与重用,助朝廷平乱屡建奇功。在寻访神秘百典族忍者的途中,却陷入了爱与被爱的奇异漩涡。西湖红舟上的一曲莲歌成了光波翼心中挥之不去的旋律。