
第4章 前言(4)

hostage [5hCstIdV]人质In Washington,Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the United States is“thoroughly engaged with the Iraqis and with others”to free thehostage(.CNN)

hurricane [5hQrIk[n]飓风With tens of thousands of victims from last season‘s record hurricane damage still homeless,residents along the East and Gulf Coasts were warned Monday to expect another above-normal Atlantic hurricane season,with three to five major hurricanes predicted between June 1and Nov.30.(NBC)

identify [ai5dentI9fai]认出、鉴定identical [ai5dentIk[l]一样的、同一的The report identified the countries as destinations for trafficking victim***posed to sexual exploitation and forced labor(.CNN)

Researchers identify sites where species are heading for imminentextinction,and propose steps to save them(.BBC)

The act grants same-*** couples almost identical rights to those enjoyed by heterosexual married couples;the main difference being that a civilpartnership cannot be registered on religious premises(.NBC)

immigrant [5ImIgr[nt]移民Tens of thousands of immigrant-rights advocates from across Southern California marched Saturday in protest of federal legislation that would build more walls along the U.S.-Mexico border and make helping illegal immigrants a crime.“We want to work legally,so we can pay our taxes and support the country,our country,”said Francisco Flores,a wood flooringinstaller from Santa Clarita who is a former illegal immigrant(.AP)

impose [Im5p[Uz]强加于、强使The United States could impose sanctions on these 14countries,including the withholding of nonhumanitarian and nontrade-relatedassistance(.CNN)

initiate [I5nI9FIeit]着手、开始(计划)“Frontline intends to initiate discussions with(Genmar),either through oralorwrittencommunications,regardingapossiblebusinesscombination,”it said(.Reuters)

Thursday night the city will initiate their plans to reduce the city’shomeless population by at least half(.CBS)

injure [5IndV[]受伤、损害the injured 伤员Six people die and at least 20are injured as two bombs explode in thePakistani city of Lahore,officials say(.BBC)

I think that the injuried were so substantial and severe that it -hewouldn‘t have felt anything.He would have died on it immediately(.CNN)

investigate [In5vestI9geit]调查investigation [In9vestI5geiF[n]研究、调查A government watchdog is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee toinvestigate at least 13occasions of alleged improper use of FBI surveillance,including searches and seizures of e-mail and bank records.(CNN)

Italy’s central bank governor Antonio Fazio is under criminalinvestigation for his handling of a controversial bank bid(.BBC)

jet [dVet]喷气机A Nike corporate jet carrying its CEO and six other people developed landing gear problems shortly after takeoff Monda y but then made a safeemergency landing after the gear was unstuck(.AP)

kidnap [5kIdnAp]诱拐、绑架kidnapper [5kIdnAp[]绑匪、诱拐者A British man kidnapped in Afghanistan was found dead on Saturday,three days after he was seized by gunmen during a bloody attack on aconvoy,an Afghan government spokesman said on Saturday(.CNN)

Joseph Smith,a 39-year-old former auto mechanic and father of three daughters,is charged with first-degree murder,kidnapping and capitalsexual battery in Carlie‘s death(.AP)

A Yemeni kidnapper says he will kill his two Swiss hostages if thegovernment uses force to try to free them(.VOA)

leak [lI:k]泄漏Vice President **** Cheney’s chief aide I.Lewis“Scooter”Libby was indicted Friday as a result of the investigation into the leak of CIA operativeValerie Plame Wilson‘s identity to reporters two years ago(.FOX NEWS)

left wing 左翼、****

The US vows to push for a free trade zone in the Americas despiteopposition from left-wing governments(.BBC)

life jacket 救生衣

The boat and its contents -a life jacket,two cushions and two oars -wereimpounded by sheriff’s investigators(.St.Petersburg Times )

link with(to)[lINk]联系、连接Even before the attack on the liner Seabourn Spirit,Gedi had urged neighboring countries to send warships to patrol Somalia‘s stretch of coast,which is Africa’s longest and lies along key shipping lanes linking theMediterranean with the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean(.NBC)

A former Kremlin chief of staff whose name has been linked to alleged Russian abuse of the U.N.oil-for-food program denied any connection to the program,saying his signature had apparently been forged on faxes andletters cited as evidence against him(.AP)

mourn(for,over)[mC:n]哀悼mourning [5mCnIN]悲哀in the mourning of 哀悼Slobodan Milosevic‘s remains have been laid to rest in the yard of his family’s Serbian home after thousands of supporters gathered in Belgradeto mourn the former Yugoslav president‘s passing(.CNN)

The attacker drove the car,packed with explosives,into the mourning tent in front of a house and detonated it as mourners were reading versesfrom the Quran,police said(.CNN)

missing [5mIsIN]失踪的、不见的The Police Department fired five more officers who were missing when Hurricane Katrina smashed into New Orleans,bringing to 56the number ofemployees who have lost their jobs for being absent without leave(.NEWS)FOXneglect [nIg5lekt]疏忽、忽视negligent [5neglIdV[nt]疏忽的negligence [5neglIdV[ns]大意、不留心Children neglected early in life are left with physical as well aspsychological marks,research suggests(.BBC)

An appeals court has ruled a doctor who was negligent for failing to spotbrain abnormalities in a foetus in a scan(.BBC)

A 37-year-old woman dying of breast cancer has lost a medical negligence case in Hobart’s Supreme Court.Dr Deborah Carney claimed her colleague and GP Dr Robert Newton failed to diagnose her condition inJanuary 2002(.ABC)

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