
第27章 家政府与政党(3)

Australian Prime Minister John Howard warned Wednesday that he had received intelligence information about a specific terror threat to his country,though he refused to divulge details of the threat,citing securityconcerns(.CNN)

Premier Silvio Berlusconi called President Bush on Wednesday and told him that Italy wants to begin a gradual pullout of its troops in Iraq as soonas possible,possibly in September,the premier’s office said(.NBC)

modify [5mCdIfai]更改、修改modification [9mCdIfI5keiF[n]修改Vice President Dick Cheney has vigorously lobbied Congress to drop ormodify the detainee provisions,and wants to exempt the CentralIntelligence Agency from the proposed torture ban(.ABC)

Bank of Japan Governor Toshihiko Fukui said ``modification of our policy framework is possible,‘’speaking on Nov.7in Basel,Switzerland.(Bloomberg)

National Assembly [[5semblI]国民会议Villepin would meet leaders of the main political parties on Tuesday just before the vote on the draft law in the National Assembly,his office said.(CNN)

opposition party [9Cp[5zIF[n]反对党

Opposition parties gather in Azerbaijan‘s capital in a key test of supportfor their claims of a rigged poll(.BBC)

Parliament [5pB:l[m[nt]议会

Voters in Zanzibar are going to the polls to elect a new president andparliament(.BBC)

president [5prezId[nt]总统President Bush said Tuesday that“I take responsibility”for failures in dealing with Hurricane Katrina and that the disaster raised broader questions about the government’s ability to respond to natural disasters aswell as terror attacks(.NBC)

prevent ...from [prI5vent]阻止January and October were two of the deadliest months in Iraq,they said,because elections were held then,and the insurgents are trying to preventthe Iraqi people from participating in the political process(.AP)

propose [pr[5p[Uz]提议proposal [pr[5p[Uz[l]提议Europe‘s top competition official will propose a change in a rule that meant regulators in Madrid,and not Brussels,will review a controversial Spanish power merger,a source close to the Commission said on Tuesday.(REUTERS)

The proposal,sponsored by Sen.John McCain,also requires all service members to follow procedures in the Army Field Manual when they detainand interrogate terrorism suspects(.FOX NEWS)

pursue 继续、从事China will unswervingly pursue a basic policy of opening up to the rest of the world and will further pursue our economic and technical cooperationwith the rest of the world(.CNN)

regime [rei5Vi:m]政体、政权、政权制度North Korea is the last Stalinist regime,a closed one-party state founded on a personality cult,a rogue regime known for repression of its people and a menacing nuclear arms program,a nearly bankrupt nation,where,in the 1990s,the U.S.government says more than 2million people starved to death during a famine.Kim Jong Il denied the famine even existed.(CNN)

reject [rI5dVekt]拒绝、抵制

The Netherlands has become the second country to reject a proposed constitution for the European Union,three days after the French turned the proposal down,leaving the EU in disarray over what steps to take next.(CNN)

Republican [rI5pQblIk [n]共和党党员(美)Republican supporters say that U.S.troops interrogating terrorismsuspects do not know which techniques are allowed(.FOX NEWS)

resign [rI5zain]辞职resignation [9rezIg5neiF[n]辞职The invasion of Iraq is a bigger disaster than the Vietnam war,and Prime Minister Tony Blair should have resigned for making a false case for intervention,former Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind said Wednesday.(FOX NEWS)

Former FBI official Mark Felt “did the right thing”by leaking information to The Washington Post that helped lead to President Nixon’s resignation in the Watergate scandal in 1974,former President Clinton said.(CNN)

resolution [9rez[5lUF[n]决议

Lebanon rejected a UN report calling for militias to disarmed in line withSecurity Council resolution 1559(.BBC)

restrain from [rIs5trein]限制、约束At one point Mr.Sullivan requested Chairman Ed Wildman,presiding over his last regular meeting before stepping down,to restrain the publicfrom humiliating him(.NBC)

restrict [rIs5trIkt]限制The XCP program,developed by First4Internet in Britain and used on music CDs by Sony BMG to restrict copying and sharing,has generated concern amongst computer users,because it acts like virus software andhides deep inside a computer where it leaves the backdoor open for otherviruses(.CNN)

Secretary of State 国务卿(美)国务大臣(英)Under heavy guard on a surprise visit Sunday,Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Iraq‘s new government realizes it must move quickly to write a constitution that reflects the full spectrum of ethnic andreligious groups(.USA TODAY)

Secretary-General 秘书长(联合国)U.N.Secretary-General Kofi Annan has fired staffer Joseph Stephanides for his role in the oil-for-food scandal,U.N.spokesman Stephane Dujarricannounced Wednesday(.CNN)

Senate [5senIt]参议院(美)

senator[5senIt[]参议员(美)The Republican-controlled Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to impose restrictions on the treatment of terrorism suspects,delivering a rarewartime rebuke to President Bush(.FOX NEWS)

On Monday,Miers paid courtesy calls to senators who will decide her confirmation,and her lack of experience as a judge prompted a cautiousreaction from conservatives and liberals(.CNN)

show concern for(about,over)关心、关怀to be concerned about(for,with,over,in)关心Kissinger,in memos to Nixon,expressed concern about the increasing isolation of South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu,complicatingan already unsteady U.S.war effort(.CBS)

In Bush’s view,the U.S.has a mixed relationship with Venezuela.His administration is concerned about Venezuela‘s growing economic and military might and its surging demand for oil -a factor in rising U.S.

gasoline prices(.AP)

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