
第10章 社会问题(3)

extradite [5ekstr[9dait]引渡extradition [9ekstr[5dIF[n]引渡Swiss authorities decided to extradite former Russian nuclear ministerYevgeny Adamov to the U.S.rather than to his homeland(.



An Italian court Wednesday approved the extradition of Londonbombings suspect Hamdi Issac to Britain,where he will be questioned forhis alleged role in the failed July 21attacks on the transit system(.TODAY)USAextremist [Iks5trI:mIst]极端分子、极端主义者Iraqi officials did not cite any evidence to link Khayber to the Balad attacks but have long maintained that foreign Islamic extremists play a major role in the wave of suicide bombings that have killed hundreds ofIraqis in recent months(.AP)

fire [fai[]解雇、开除Fifty-one members of the New Orleans Police Department -45officers and six civilian employees -were fired Friday for abandoning their postsbefore or after Hurricane Katrina(.FOX NEWS)

general strike 总罢工、大罢工Baton-wielding police beat journalists who were protesting against a media clampdown in the Nepalese capital on Saturday,as a general strike called by the opposition to demand the king’s ouster shut down thisHimalayan nation(.CNN)

grenade [grI5neid]手榴弹Interior Ministry police and soldiers armed with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades surrounded the airport and were restrictingaccess on Friday morning(.VOA)

hostage [5hCstIdV]人质

Four election officials taken hostage in DR Congo are freed after a shoot-out with militiamen,the UN says(.BBC)

hunger strike 绝食罢工Hundreds of Ethiopians who claim their ancestors were forced to convert from Judaism began a three-day hunger strike at a prayer house Tuesday topress the Israeli government to let them migrate to the Jewish state(.NEWS)


honor [5Cn[]荣誉

Coldplay and Gorillaz will battle it out for top honours at the MTVEurope Music Awards in Lisbon(.BBC)

Black civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks would become the first woman to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda under resolutions considered Thursdayby lawmakers(.NBC)

“The best way to honor the sacrifice of our fallen troops is to complete the mission and win the war on terror,”the president said in his weeklyradio address(.AP)

inspect [In5spekt]检查、视察inspection [In5spekF[n]检查、视察inspector [In5spekt[]检查员、巡视员The sheriff‘s department had said Robles did not inspect the bus periodically on the 16-hour trip from the Brighton Gardens nursing home in Houston as Rita approached,and didn’t help people when the fire brokeout(.CBS)

Discovery astronauts gave their spacecraft a final inspection on Sunday and said they were confident of a safe return to Earth on the first shuttleflight since the 2003Columbia disaster(.AP)

Iran grants UN inspectors access to its sensitive Parchin military complexto check US nuclear allegations(.BBC)

intransigence [In5trAnsIdV[ns]不妥协态度、不让步、不调和On April 12,1980,the U.S.Olympic Committee,in the face ofMoscow‘s intransigence,voted for the boycott(.NBC)

investigate [In5vestIgeit]调查investigation [In9vestI5geiF[n]调查under investigation 在调查研究中The U.S.military also is investigating allegations that U.S.soldiersdesecrated the bodies of dead Taliban fighters by burning them(.CNN)

DaimlerChrysler said it was aware of the report but declined to comment because of ongoing investigations by the Securities and ExchangeCommission and the Justice Department(.CBS)

NBC News has learned that members of the group are now under investigation by Iraqi police in Baghdad -allegations of:abduction,robbery,stealing 11Iraqi government vehicles,assaulting police by firingon them during a search(.NBC)

isolate [5ais[9leit]使隔离、使孤立The Bush administration has long argued that isolating Indonesia,which has been hit by several bombings by al-Qaida linked terrorists in recentyears,was not in Washington’s strategic interests(.AP)

President Bush issued a directive on Friday allowing authorities to detain or isolate any passenger suspected of having avian flu when arriving in theUnited States aboard an international flight(.REUTERS)

land mine 地雷

Gunmen threw grenades and a land mine exploded near a convoycarrying Somalia‘s prime minister on Sunday,but the leader escaped unharmed,officials said.At least five bodyguards were killed and 14otherpeople wounded in the attack(.AP)

leaflet [5lI:flIt]传单The strongest argument in favor of Zarqawi as culprit was a leaflet signed by anunprecedented 12underground opposition groups,insisting that he hadbeen killed already by American bombs(.NBC)

lock out 封闭The systems are heavily regulated by the Department of Transportation,in part to make sure that they didn’t lock competing airlines out of theirsystems or limit access(.NBC)

machine gun 机关枪、机枪Pirates in two small boats fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns at the cruise ship about 100miles off the coast of Somalia on Saturday,but the vessel escaped and no one was hurt(.NBC)

martial law 戒严令、军事管制法The government has passed emergency laws giving Allawi the power to declare curfews and impose limited martial law to curb the violence and hasrepeatedly threatened the militants(.Reuters)

massacre [5mAs[k[]大屠杀、残杀Tokyo try to play down 1937‘s“Nanjing massacre”.When that city fell to the Japanese Imperial Army,tens of thousands of civilians and prisonersof war were killed(.CNN)

The Colorado Supreme Court said Tuesday a sheriff can refuse to release videotapes and writings made by the Columbine gunmen before the highschool massacre(.FOX NEWS)

negotiate [nI5g[UFI9eit]谈判、协商negotiation [nI9g[UF5IeiF[n]谈判Myers said the interim pact buys the union an extra two months tonegotiate a new long-term contract(.Star Tribune)

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