
第39章 The Bremen Town—musicians(3)

杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876—1916年),美国著名作家。杰克·伦敦最受欢迎、评价最高的小说是1903年出版的《野性的呼唤》。他的代表作还有《白牙》、《海狼》、《马丁·伊登》等19部中长篇小说和《热爱生命》、《猎熊的孩子》等150余篇短篇小说。同时杰克·伦敦还是一位出色的探险家,虽然他只活了短短40年,但却在这短暂的人生里留下了无数尝试和奋斗的足迹。这种伟大的冒险和奋斗精神在他的文学作品中都有充分体现,他的作品因此也充满了生命的力量。

Keesh lived long ago on the rim of the polar sea,was head man ofhis village through many and prosperous years,and died full of honorswith his name on the lips of men.And the winter darkness,when thenorth gales make their long sweep across the ice—pack,and the air isfilled with flying white,and no man may venture forth,is the chosen timefor the telling of how Keesh,from the poorest IGLOO in the village,roseto power and place over them a11.

He was a bright boy,SO the tale runs,healthy and strong,and he hadseen thirteen suns,in their way of reckoning time.For each winter the sunleaves the land in darkness,and the next year a new sun returns SO thatthey may be warnl agmn and look upon one another’S faces.The fatherof Keesh had been a very brave man,but he had met his death in a time of famine,when he sought to save the lives of his people by taking the life of a great polar bear.In his eagerness he came to close grapples with the bear,and his bones were crushed;but the bear had much meat on him and the people were saved.Keesh was his only son,and after that Keesh lived alone with his mother.But the people are prone to forget,and they forgot the deed of his father;and he being but a boy,and his mother only a woman,they,too,were swiftly forgotten,and ere long came to live in the meanest Of a11 the IGL00S.

It was at a council,one night,in the big IGLOO of Klosh—Kwan,the chief,that Keesh showed the blood that ran in his veins and the man—hood that stiffened his back.With the dignity of an elder,he rose to his feet,and waited for silence amid the babble of voices.“It is true that meat be apportioned me and mine,”he said.“But it is often old and tough,this meat,and,moreover,it has an unusual quantity of bones.’’

The hunters,grizzled and gray,and lusty and young,were aghast.The like had never been known before.A child,that talked like a grown man,and said harsh things to their very faces!

But steadily and with seriousness.Keesh went on.“For that I knOW my father,Bok,was a great hunter,I speak these words.It is said that Bok brought home more meat than any of the two best hunters,that with his own hands he attended to the division of it,that with his own eyes he saw to it that the least old woman and the last old man received fair share.’’

“Na!Na!”the men cried.“Put the child out!”“Send him Off to bed!”“He is no man that he should talk to men and graybeards!”

He waited calmly till the uproar died down.

“As I say”,he said,“though Bok be dead because he huntedkeenly,it isjust that I,who am his son,and that Ikeega,who is my moth er and was his wife,should have meat in plenty SO long as there be meat in plenty in the tribe.I,Keesh,the son of Bok,have spoken.’’

He sat down,his ears keenly alert to the flood of protest and indig—nation his words had created.

The anger boiled a white heat.They ordered him tO bed.threatened that he should have no meat at all,and promised him sore beatings for his presumption.Keesh’S eyes began tO flash,and the blood to pound darkly under his skin.In the midst of the abuse he sprang to his feet.

“Hear me,ye men!”he cried.“Bok,my father,was a great hunter.I,too,his son,shall go and hunt the meat that I eat.And be it known,now,that the division of that which I kill shall be fair.And no widow nor weak one shall cry in the night because there is no meat,when the strong men are groaning in great pain for that they have eaten overmuch.And in the days tO come there shall be shame upon the strong men who have eat—en overmuch.I,Keesh,have said it!”

Jeers and scomful laughter followed him out of the IGLOO,but hisjaw was set and he went his way,looking neither to right nor left.

The next day he went forth along the shoreline where the ice and the land met together.Those who saw him go noted that he carried his bow,with a goodly supply of bone—barbed arrows,and that across his shoul—der was his father’S big hunting—spear.And there was laughter,and much talk,at the event.It was an unprecedented occurrence.Never did boys of his tender age go forth tO hunt,much less to hunt alone.Also were there shaking of heads and prophetic mutterings,and the womenpityingly at Ikeega,and her faceWas graVe and sad·

“He will be back ere long.”they said cheeringly.

“Let him go;it will teach him a lesson.”the hunters said.“And he will come back shortly,and he will be meek and soft of speech in the days to follow.’’

But a day passed,and a second,and on the third a wild gale blew,and there was no Keesh.Ikeega tore her hair and put soot of the seal—Oil on her face in token of her grief;and the women assailed the men with bitter words in that they had mistreated the boy and sent him to his death;and the men made no answer,preparing to go in search of the body when

Early next morning,however,Keesh strode into the village.But he came not shamefacedly.Across his shoulders he bore a burden of fresh—killed meat.And there was importance in his step and arrogance in his speech.

Ikeega was overcome with joy,but he received her demonstrations in manlike fashion,saying:“Come,Ikeega,let US eat.And after that I shall sleep,for I am weary.’’

There was much doubt at first,much doubt and discussion.The kill—ing of a polar bear is very dangerous,but thrice dangerous is it,and threei times thrice,to kill a mother bear with her cubs.The men could not bring themselves tO believe that the boy Keesh,single—handed,had accom—plished SO great a marvel.But the women spoke of the fresh—killed meat he had brought on his back,and this was an overwhelming argument a—gainst their unbelief.

Thus began the mystery of Keesh,a mystery that deepened anddeepened wim tlle passing。f the days.His veDr next tdp young bear,nearly full—grown,and on the trip following,a large malebear and his mate.He was ordinarily gone from three to four days,thoughit was nothing unusual for him to stay away a week at a time on the ice—field.Always he declined company on these expeditions,and the peoplemarveledchosen adj.挑选出来的,精选的;上帝所选的reckoning n.计算;账单;测算,推测,估计;结账grapple V.与……扭打,与……格斗;扭打,格斗igloo n.圆顶建筑received adj.被承认的;收讫的;被认为标准的plenty adj.很多的,丰富的,够的

adv.足够,充分地;很,非常barbed adj.有剌的;讽刺的;尖刻的muttering n.喃喃自语;独自怨言token adj.作为标记的;表意的;象征性的;充场面的decline V.婉拒;谢绝猎熊的孩子(节选)







“天呐!天呐!”男人们叫喊起来,“把这个小孩赶出去”,“让他上床睡觉去”,“这个乳臭未干的小子有什么资格跟大人和老人们讲话”。 他平静地等待着骚动渐渐平息。 “听我说,”他继续说道,“博克是因为英勇狩猎而死的,只要部落的肉够分配,那么我,他的儿子,还有阿基佳——他的妻子,我的母亲,我们理应得到足够的肉。我,博克的儿子,基瑟,已经说过了。”







“让他去吧,让他吃吃苦头也好,对他来说也是个教训。”猎人们说道: “他很快就会逃回来的,回来以后他就会学乖点,再也不自吹自擂了。”







Adversity is the first path to truth.




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