
第9章 EpisodesinLife生命中的插曲(2)

A few days later, my dad was back. This time to stay,we never talked about the letter, my dad and I. I guess I always figure that it was something that was a secret between us.

My parents went on to be married a total of 36 years before my dad’s early death, at the age of 53, cut short their lives together. In the last 16 years of my parents‘marriage, I and all those who knew my mom and dad witnessed one of the truly“great”marriages. When mom and dad received the news from the doctor that his heart was deteriorating rapidly, they took it hand in hand, side by side, all the way.

After dad’s death we had the most unpleasant task of going through his things. I have never liked this task and opted to run errands so I did not have to be there while most of the things were divided and boxed up. When I got back from my errands, my brother said,“Kristi, mom said to give this to you. She said you would know what it meant.”

As I looked down into his outstretched hand it was then that I knew the impact of my letter that day so long ago. In my brother‘s hand was my picture that I gave my dad that day, my unsentimental dad, who never let his emotions get the best of him. My dad, who almost never outwardly showed his love for me, had kept the one thing that meant so much to him and me.

I sat down and the tears began to flow. Tears that I thought had dried up from the grief of his death, but that had now found new life as I realized what I meant to him. Mom told me that dad kept both the picture and that letter his whole life.

I have a box in my home that I call the“Dad box”. In it are so many things that remind me of my Dad. I pull that picture out every once in awhile and remember. I remember a promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day. And I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter...A promise kept.
















我的家里有一个盒子,我给它取名为“爸爸盒”,那里面放着所有能让我想起爸爸的东西。我经常会把那张照片拿出来回忆一番,我回想起多年前一个年轻人和他的新娘在婚礼上的承诺,以及一位父亲和女儿之间的从未说出口的承诺……Gains and Losses 得与失AnonymousThe mind can have tremendous control of the body; very few ailments can defeat focused energy and a determined spirit.

-- Katherine Most of us have experienced unforgettable moments in our lives. Themoment that I will never forget happened in my family.

For the first fifteen years of my life,I was the only child in my family. I didn’t have any siblings. Fortunately, I‘ve always had my parents, who love and care about me a lot. They help solve any problem and they will do anything for me. What I’d never really thought about is that, someday, one of them could no longer be there for me.

One day, I found out that my mother was pregnant, which was big news in my family. Everyone was excited and happy, especially me. I imagined that I would have a baby brother, and I thought about playing and having fun with him. He would have a cute face and look at me withhis naive eyes, begging me to play with him. I was expecting that day to come soon. I kept asking my mother questions about what my brother was going to look like, what he would eat and when he was going to be born.

Finally one morning, my mother went into labor and she and my father went to the hospital, while I went to school. Of course, I thought everything would be fine. After all, women have babies every day. Thus, I was hoping to see my baby brother as soon as I got to the hospital.

After school, when I went to the hospital, my brother had already been born. But my mother was still inside the operating room, while my father waited anxiously outside. After waiting for a long time, the doctor came out and told us that after my mother had given birth to my brother, they had trouble stopping the bleeding. He told us not to worry: my mother would be fine. Then, he went back into the operating room. Seconds later, lots of doctors and nurses rushed inside. My father and I were growing more anxious by the minute. Waiting was very painful for us; because we had finally realized that anything could happen and all we could do was wait.

At 7 p.m., my mother came out of surgery. She lay on the bed with an oxygen mask and an IV. Her skin was ghastly pale, and her eyes were closed.

“Mom, Mom...”I called to her, but she didn‘t react. The doctor told us that if my mother survived this night, she would be fine. Then the doctors sent my mother to the intensive-care unit.

Inside the room were many instruments for checking blood pressure, pulse rate and heart rate. Standing next to the bed, I tried to talk to my mother, whether she could hear me or not.

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