
第23章 附录















[1]Zhang,X.B.Zheng,X.M.and Li,X.J.A study of the relationship between human resource management system and organizational performance: an organizational learning perspective.The 6th International Conference on Management Science, Wuhan,July, 2007.

[2]Zhang,X.B. Zhang,S.Y. and Zou,X.Absorptive capacity and organizational performance: the mediating role of organizational learning.The 1st International Conference on Management Innovation, Shanghai, June, 2007.









Capital View of Human Resources Development

in Learning Organization

Zhang Xiaobing1,2Li Xinjian1

(1.International Business School of Nankai University,Tianjin 300071;

2.Department of Economics and Management,Huaiyin Institute of

Technology,Huai′an 223001)

Abstract:Learning organization is studied by managers and theorists from all over the world.Human resources development study in learning organization can make us to rethink learning organization step by step.Capital view of human resources management was put forward by the author through reviewing related documents of learning organization, human resources development in learning organization, intellectual capital, and social capital.The goal of the article is to set up environmental basis of human resources development in learning organization.

Key words: Learning Organization, Human Resources,Capital





学习型组织自1990年由彼得·圣吉提出后,它已经成为这个时代的流行词。而随其流行的扩展与对其研究的深入,学习型组织的内涵反而模糊起来。至今仍未有一个定义明确而取得共识的概念。究其原因,主要是对与学习型组织相关的个体学习、组织学习和学习型组织的理解分歧较大。个体学习方面越来越多的学者更倾向组织中个人学习和组织内的认识学习和社会学习(许庆瑞,1997;Barbara,1999),这和以往教育学家、心理学家、社会学家研究的个人学习有所不同。组织学习概念最早出现在20世纪60年代,之后美国哈佛大学的阿吉瑞斯和萧恩(Argyris,Schn,1978)在《组织学习》一书中对组织学习作出了进一步的解释:“组织学习是发现和改正错误的过程,组织的学习是通过组织成员的学习来实现,个人的学习活动,同时也要受到由各种要素组成的类似一种社会生态系统的影响,我们将这些要素组成的系统称为组织的学习系统。”此后,Argyris、Huber、Nonaka、Hutchins、Dodgaon、陈国权、许庆瑞、杨忠等学者对组织学习的机理、方法及组织学习理论作了进一步的探讨。组织学习的理论基础主要有系统动力学理论(Argyris,1978)、偶然性理论(Hutchins E.1991)、基于心理学的组织学习理论(Argyris,1991)、基于信息理论的组织学习理论(Huber,Nonaka,1991)、组织学习能力理论(Dodgaon,1993)及网络学习理论(杨忠,2001)。而在对学习型组织界定方面,圣吉(1990)认为在学习型组织里,你不可能不学习,因为学习已经完全成了生活的不可分割的一部分。同时它又是一群能不断增强自身的创造他们想要创造的东西的能力的人组成的集合或团队;许庆瑞(1997)认为学习型组织就是组织中存在组织学习,并为企业立身的一个基本原则的组织形式,它能认识环境、适应环境,进而能动地作用于环境;冯奎(2000)指出学习型组织就是充分发挥每个员工创造性的能力,努力形成一种弥漫于群体与组织的学习气氛,凭借着学习,个体价值得到体现,组织绩效得以大幅度提高;而从管理心理学角度出发,王重鸣(2001)把学习型组织定义为整个组织主动创造、获取和转换知识,并根据新的知识和观点改变组织的行为。


Sally Sambrook和Jim Stewart(2000)指出人力资源开发实践和终身学习在学习型组织的情况。并提出在学习型组织中如何确认和开发人力资源的影响因素:人力资源开发角色不清楚;缺少激励;不充分开发学习文化;缺少资金和时间。从人力资源开发的功能角度出发,Thomas N.Garavan, Patrick Gunnigle和Michael Morley(2000)认为人力资源开发可以简化学习型组织形成、产生过程。孟晓飞和刘洪(2001)首次在国内提出了学习型组织人力资源开发与管理的研究课题,并认为人力资源开发与组织学习是一种辩证统一的关系;学习型组织的人力资源管理是战略性的人力资源管理,是一种思维方式;学习型组织的人力资源开发与管理的过程中更应从全球化角度重视国际人力资源管理。陈天荣(2003)认为学习型组织人力资源开发应构建人力资源开发的立体管理模式。其基本理念为通过教育培训、增长知识、改善心智模式达到个人素质与能力的自我超越,通过建立共同愿景来实现团队学习,建立企业文化,增强人力资源的群体行为的一致性;以物质提供与感情投资相结合的激励方式为人力资源素质提高与群体交往与合作的创新行为提供了强有力的保障。邱昭良(2003)指出人是组织中最活跃的因素,发挥人的积极性与创造性是促进与保障组织学习的重要内容,而人力资源部门作为管理公司知识载体的重要机构,在创建学习型组织的过程中要承担重要职责,具体体现在几个方面:(1)制定适宜组织学习的人力资源管理制度和准则;(2)成为组织学习的设计师、倡导者、保护伞、联络人、导师与教练;(3)倡导开放、学习、交流的组织文化;(4)协助各级管理者做好知识型员工的管理;(5)培训规划与管理;(6)管理变革。柳瑞禹和冯兰杰(2004)对于在学习型组织发展中如何植入职业生涯规划管理作了论述,并指出学习型组织应用职业生涯规划及应注意的问题。上述学者分别从影响学习型组织人力资源开发的影响因素、人力资源开发对学习型组织的重要作用、学习型组织人力资源的战略开发、学习型组织人力资源开发的途径、人力资源部门在学习型组织人力资源开发中扮演角色及职业生涯开发等角度来阐述学习型组织的人力资源开发和管理,但都没有提到在学习型组织的人力资源开发过程中,学习型组织人力资源开发的环境基础到底是什么以及该环境基础会对学习型组织的人力资源开发造成什么样的影响。


美国经济学家加尔布雷思(John Kenneth Calbraith,1969)在致波兰经济学家米哈尔·卡莱茨基(Michael Kalecki)的一封信中最早提出智力资本(Intellectual Capital)的概念。托马斯·斯图尔特(Thomas A.Stewart,1997)系统地界定了智力资本的内涵和内容。他将智力资本定义为:“公司中所有成员所知晓的能为企业在市场上获得竞争优势的事物之和”,并且指出企业的智力资本价值体现在企业的人力资本、组织资本和客户资本三者之中。企业不能独占其人力资本和客户资本;要开发人力资本,企业必须树立团队精神,改善集体运作环境以及其他社会学习方式。乌尔里奇(Dave Ulrich,1998)认为企业智力资本就是其成员的能力(Competence)与认同感(Commitment)的乘积,该定义强调组织中的人力资本与组织(结构)资本的相互联系和相互影响。而对于人力资本和组织资本的关系认识上,陈颉(2004)指出:“企业成长是一个企业家人力资本与组织资本不断促进、转化并实现提升的过程;企业家通过战略规划、管理团队建设、组织学习等方法可以促进员工人力资本、企业家人力资本向组织资本转化。”赵顺龙(2003)认为企业组织成员的知识、技能和经验在不同的制度结构下转化为企业组织资本,通过其价值形态的转移从而实现组织资本的价值增加。蒋宁(2003)提出通过知识转换,实现知识在人力资本与组织资本之间的传播、利用和创新。


社会资本是一个比较新的概念,最初出现在美国经济学家劳瑞(Loury,1977)和法国社会学家皮埃尔·布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdier,1985)的著作中。随着劳瑞和布尔迪厄理论的发展,社会科学家尤其是社会学家对社会资本的概念表现出浓厚的兴趣(Porters,1998)。Porters提出了一个广为认可的社会资本的定义,即个人通过其在社会结构或社会网络中的关系获取和运用稀缺资源的能力。关于到底是什么构成了社会资本,以及社会资本如何影响人的行为的争论仍在继续(Lin,2000Lin,Cook&Burt,2001)。总的说来,从社会关系网络的角度研究社会资本,有三种不同的观点:(1)网络成员观(network membership approach)。政治学家普特兰(Putnam,2000)是网络成员观的重要倡导者。该观点认为从个体的角度来看,一个人在民间组织中拥有越多的会员身份,他就越可能参与或融入社会之中。这个过程的最终结果是社会普遍维持了较高水平的信任和社会资本。(2)网络结构观(network structure approach)。科尔曼(Coleman,1988,1990)研究了社会资本是如何促进人力资本的创造和团队凝聚力的维持。他把频繁互动的密集网络、相互信任和互相依赖的规范视为社会资本。博特(Burt,1992,1997)认为稀疏网络包含了社会资本。他认为稀疏网络中存在“结构洞”——主体之间的关系短裂。这些“结构洞”的存在减少了主体受到的束缚,让他们获得信息优势及控制优势,从而促成了他们在经济上的成功。(3)网络根植资源观(network-embedded resource approach)。该观点主要倡导者林(Lin,1982,1999,2000)认为社会资本是根植于社会网络之中的资源(边燕杰,2004)。国内学者更多地讨论组织人力资源开发和社会资本是如何结合以及其结果(郭毅,朱熹,2003;边燕杰,2000,2004;周小虎,陈传明,2004;郑胜利,2002;方竹兰,2003;赵子祥,2003;李燕萍,2002)。郭毅和朱熹(2003)从管理研究和组织理论的角度指出组织中人力资源开发不应局限于静态的人力资源动机行为的研究中,还应和组织的社会(网络)资本紧密结合起来。边燕杰(2000,2004)通过企业家能力调查得出企业家人力资源开发,尤其是能力和受教育程度对企业的社会资本贡献的关系。周小虎和陈传明(2004)指出:个体行为转化为组织行为的环节可以通过社会资本实现,同时社会资本的战略性管理会导致组织的持续竞争优势。郑胜利(2002)把企业的社会资本分为企业内部社会资本和企业外部社会资本。企业内部社会资本有利于推动企业成员的信任与合作,促进企业各部门之间的沟通和协调,促进企业和员工的知识转移、知识共享。方竹兰(2003)强调了从发挥资源要素作用的个体人力资本向发挥社会关系作用的群体社会资本转变的重要性。赵子祥(2003)从社会学研究视角出发强调指出社会(网络)资本中的思想观念、制度等的改变会对人力资源的质量带来本质的影响。李燕萍(2002)在社会资本理论基础上考察了人力资源开发与社会资本的关系,分析人力资源开发的社会资本增值效应,构建了以社会资本为导向的人力资源开发模式。综上所述,组织人力资源开发是与组织内外部的社会资本密不可分的,与社会资本结合的程度将决定组织人力资源开发的效果。



由于组织中人员及附着在人员身上的知识、技能等的差异,使得组织中人力资源或组织人力资本呈现出多样性,这也使组织管理者更加清楚地认识到拥有和管理多样性人力资源池(Human Resources Pool)或人力资本池(Human Capital Pool)的重要性。为了使组织人力资源池或人力资本池的作用得到更好的发挥,学者们从不同角度对组织人力资源和组织人力资本进行了分类()。学习型组织中的人力资源也具有多样性的特性。结合美国管理学者坦南鲍姆(Robert Tonnenbaum)和施米特(Warren H·Schmidt)提出的领导方式连续体统一体理论(该理论认为从集权型到放任型领导方式之间存在着若干过渡形式的领导方式)和学者们对组织人力资源或人力资本的分类,以组织中人力资源的自我学习能力和被动学习能力作为分类依据,笔者认为学习型组织的人力资本是包括非学习型人力资本到学习型人力资本的连续的统一体。








B(K,S,A,OC,SC,I)表示学习型组织员工的行为,它受员工的知识K(Knowledge)、技能S(Skill)、能力A(Abilities)、组织资本OC(Organization Capital)、组织社会资本SC(Social Capital)和其他中介变量I(In-betweens)共同作用;

OC表示学习型组织的组织资本(Organization Capital)

SC表示学习型组织内外部的社会资本(Social Capital);







四、结 论



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A Study of the Relationship between

Human Resource Management System and

Organizational Performance: An Organizational

Learning Perspective

Zhang Xiaobing1,2Zheng Xianming3 Li Xinjian1

(1.Business School of Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R.China;2.School of

Economics and Management, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai′an 223001,

P.R.China 3 School of Economics and Management, Chongqing University

of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, P.R.China)

Abstract:In accordance with the Chinese context, this paper constructs an organizational-learning-based research model integrating Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and organizational performance, and proposes hypotheses among absorptive capacity (ACAP), organizational learning (OL), and organizational performance based on the theory development.We obtain 221 effective samples through snowball sampling and testify the sample data with SEM, most of the hypotheses being supported.

Key words:Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management System, Organizational Learning, Organization Performance


Under the context of economic globalization and increasingly fierce global competition, effective human resource management is crucial for an organization to grow and succeed.Unfortunately, very little research (Bjrkman&Fan, 2002)[1]has been done on the relationship between HRM and organizational performance of Chinese companies.More scarce is empirical studies of the relationship between HRM and organizational performance of Chinese companies from the perspective of organizational learning.However, this worthwhile study will affect whether Chinese companies need attaching importance to the development and improvement of organizational learning capacity and whether the relationship between HRM and organizational performance is worthy of in-depth study.

2.Literature review

Knowledge-based view of the firm (Spender, 1996)[2]argues that knowledge and learning capacity determine organizational performance as well as the acquisition of sustainable competitive advantages.Organizational learning is defined as the process of knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation, and organizational memory (Huber, 1991)[3].Some empirical studies (Bontis,Crossan and Hulland, 2002)[4]strongly support the relationship between organizational learning and organizational performance.

The absorptive capacity refers to the integration of potential skills and knowledge by which an organization identifies, digests, translates, and develops knowledge (Cohen&Levinthal, 1990)[5].Cohen&Levinthal (1990)[5]argue that an organization′s learning capacity depends on its absorptive capacity.Galy (2003)[6]conclude empirically that an organization′s absorptive capacity positively affects its organizational learning capacity.

The HRM practice is an important factor affecting an organization′s absorptive capacity.Daghfous (2004)[7]argues that the HRM practice may influence the degree of an organization′s acquisition and digestion of new knowledge.Jansen, Van den Bosch&Volberda (2005)[8]find empirically that HRMS can enhance an organization′s absorptive capacity.Snell, Youndt&W (1996)[9]also point out that HRM plays an important role in organizational learning.

HRM black-box illustrates why and how HRM improves organizational performance (Becker&Gerhart,1996)[10].Most of the existing empirical studies of the relationship between the two have proved that HRMS has a positive effect on organizational performance (Datta, Guthrie &W, 2005)[11].However, empirical studies of the relationship between HRM and organizational performance of Chinese companies from the perspective of organizational learning are relatively scarce, and they fail to expound the process and mechanism through which HRMS influences organizational learning and organizational performance.

3.Theory development

HRMS involves a series of interrelated activities, functions, and processes through which an organization attracts, develops, and maintains its human resources (Lado&Wilson, 1994)[12].Recruitment is considered to be crucial for an organization to obtain human capitals.Ability/performance evaluation can be provided to employees about feedback of their performances and abilities performance-based compensation, merit-based promotion, and internal communication can promote employee incentive (Minbaeva, Pedersen, Bjrkman, Fey &Park, 2003)[13].Thus, we propose:

Hypothesis 1a: HRMS including recruitment, ability/performance evaluation, and training is positively related to employee ability.

Hypothesis 1b: HRMS including performance pay, merit-based promotion, and internal communication is positively related to employee incentive.

Employee ability representing existing cumulative knowledge can affect the future knowledge acquisition (Zahra&George, 2002)[14].Brockman&Morgan (2003)[15]argues that employee ability can help an organization to acquire interpretation of relatively new information.An individual stores the organizational memory through his ability to memorize and express experience and the cognitive orientation (Walsh&Ungson,1991)[16].We propose:

Hypothesis 2a:Employee ability is positively related to knowledge acquisition.

Hypothesis 2b:Employee ability is positively related to information distribution.

Hypothesis 2c: Employee ability and information interpretation are positively related to the organizational memory.

Employees with high organizational commitment are more willing to search for methods to improve conditions and to receive new ideas (Hage&Aiken, 1970)[17].An organization can successfully promote information acquisition and flow (Nonaka, 1994)[18].Lindsay&Norman (1977)[19]points out that if employees′attitudes are positive, knowledge can be readily shared within the organization.Meanwhile, the more the establishment of this connection, the more processed knowledge can be stored into the organizational memory.Thus, we propose:

Hypothesis 2d:Employee incentive is positively related to knowledge acquisition.

Hypothesis 2e:Employee incentive is positively related to information distribution.

Hypothesis 2f: Employee incentive is positively related to information interpretation and organizational memory.

In response to the acquired information on customers and market demands, an organization can provide more proper targeted products and services, which will result in an increase in sales income (Slater&Narver,1995)[20]Through information distribution, information can be acquainted in a larger range by organizational members who may use, or question and revise the information, and propose new ideas, hence increasingly improving the value of the information (Huber, 1991)[3].Moorman&Miner (1997)[21]finds that the organizational memory levels can better the short-term financial performance of new products.Thus, we propose:

Hypothesis 3a:Knowledge acquisition is positively related to an organization′s financial performance.

Hypothesis 3c:Information distribution is positively related to an organization′s financial performance.

Hypothesis 3e: Information interpretation and organizational memory are positively related to an organization′s financial performance.

Existing literature has pointed out the importance of knowledge acquisition to innovative activities (Therin, 2003)[22]Information distribution refers to the process of information sharing from various sources, which leads to the occurrence of new information (Huber,1991)[3],a source of innovation.Information interpretation of the acquired new information is important for new product performance and innovation (Brockman&Morgan, 2003)[15].Moorman&Miner (1997)[21]finds that high organizational memory dispersion improves the innovative performance of new products.Based on the arguments discussed above, we propose:

Hypothesis 3b:Knowledge acquisition is positively related to an organization′s innovative performance.

Hypothesis 3d:Information distribution is positively related to an organization′s innovative performance.

Hypothesis 3f: Information interpretation and organizational memory are positively related to an organization′s innovative performance.

The conceptual model and hypothesis relations are shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1 The research model

4.Data and methodology

4.1 Sample

We start a pilot test by a paired questionnaire investigation into human resource managers and general managers of 67 companies in Huai′an City of Jiangsu Province of China, and conduct the formal investigation in a snowball sampling manner into 3 contact men respectively in Shandong, Guiyang, and Beijing.We got 221 effective questionnaires, 27.63 percent of the total questionnaires.Among the formal investigation samples, there are 98 companies with a staff of less than 100 employees, 190 companies with a life of 3-5 years, 5-10 years, and more than 20 years, 124 companies whose main businesses are in the electronic communications, computer, electronic equipment manufacturing, software, medicine manufacturing, new materials, or synthetical materials industries, and 97 companies in the machinery, chemical industry, textile, and other industries.

4.2 Measurement

The financial performance and innovative performance are measured by what the responded managers have perceived.The financial performance is measured with 4 items, i.e. sales income, profit rate, ROI rate, and market share increase rate.The innovative performance is measured also with 4 items, i.e. new methods, new service types, new markets, and new process/method increase rates.The ACAP is measured with two endogenous dimensions, i.e. the employee ability (3 items) and the employee incentive (4 items).The HRMS scale includes recruitment (3 items), training (2 items), ability/performance evaluation (2 items), internal promotion (4 items), incentive pay (2 items), and internal communication (2 items).OL includes knowledge acquisition (5 items), information distribution (6 items), and information interpretation and organizational memory (7 items).

The control variable-company size is measured by employee numbers, the company nature by state-owned shareholding, non-governmental shareholding, and foreign funded shareholding, the company life by the time when it is founded, and the industrial nature of a company by whether it is in a new high-tech industry.

The pre-investigation data show that the construct validity of the pre-investigation questionnaires is good.The formal investigation data show that the Cronbachαcoefficient of each scale is between 0.8844 and 0.9465, up to the threshold 0.7 (Nunally, 1978)[23].The explorative factor analysis (EFA) shows KMO0.899, the accumulated interpretative information is 75.571%, and Bartlett′s sphere test is significant (p<0.000).The extracted 9 factors are called respectively as recruitment and development system, commitment system, information interpretation and organizational memory, information distribution, knowledge acquisition, financial performance, innovative performance, employee incentive, and employee ability.All of this demonstrates that the construct validity of this questionnaire is good.Theχ2/df value of each measure model is between 0.83 and 3.09.Except that the RMSEA values of the recruitment and development system and the commitment system are 0.097, the RMSEA values of the remaining measure models are less than 0.08.The SRMR value is between 0.024 and 0.048, less than 0.08.The NFI, NNFI, CFI, and IFI of each measurement model exceed 0.90, showing that the measurement model is well coupled with the data.Except that the standard loading coefficient of item L3 is 0.5523, less than 0.6, the standard loading coefficients of other items all are greater than the threshold 0.6, and passed the t test, showing that the measure is of high convergence validity.AVE value is between 0.595 and 0.823, greater than the threshold 0.5, also showing that the measure is of high convergence validity.The square roots of AVE values of every latent variable are greater than absolute values of the relative coefficients of the said latent variable and other variables, showing that the discriminant validity of every concept is good.

5.Data analysis, results and discussions

We conduct the data analysis and hypothesis test with SPSS13.0 and LISREL8.51.The data analysis shows that the results demonstrate that except NFI value is 0.8177, other fit indexes of the model are good, i.e. χ2/df1.72,RMSEA0.057,NNFI0.9090,CFI0.9141,IFI0.9147, showing that this sample data has effectively predicted the research model.Except the path coefficient from information distribution to financial performance failed to pass the significance test (β-0.070,t-1.10), other path coefficients are statistically significant.Discussions:

(1) Based on the EFA, we argue that: ①a HRMS can fall into two dimensions-recruitment and development system and commitment system②under Chinese context, OL can be divided into 3 dimensions-knowledge acquisition, information distribution, and information interpretation and organizational memory.

(2) The overall effects of recruitment and development system, commitment system, employee ability, employee incentive, knowledge acquirision, information interpretation and organizational memory are significant to the financial performance, the total effects of recruitment and development system, commitment system, employee ability, and employee incentive are not significant to the innovative performance.

(3) Information distribution has a negative effect on the innovative performance, a finding contrary to the original hypothesis, showing that the more the information sharing, the less the innovative profits.

6.Conclusion, limitations and future research direction

Both HRMS and organizational performance integration research model based on organizational learning have been supported empirically.The research hypothesis has been empirically supported.

The limitations of our study are as follows:

(1) The research conclusion is lack of universal application.

(2)We have only studied the effects of HRMS on employee ability and employee incentive rather than considered the interactive effects between the two

(3)We did not study situational factors of HRMS and the financial performance

(4)We only used the cross-sectional data.

In the future, we will expand the research sample and select companies in other areas for empirical study.Besides, we will study the interactive effects between employee ability and employee incentive.


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[22]Therin F.Organizational learning and innovation in High-Tech small firms.Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS′03).2003.

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Absorptive capacity and organizational performance:

the mediating role of organizational learning

Zhang Xiaobing1 Zhang Shiyun3 Zou Xin2

(1.Business School of Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R.China;School

of Economics and Management,Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223001,

P.R.China.E-mail: Zhangxb3758@sina.com2.Business School of Nankai

University, Tianjin 300071, P.R.China.E-mail: mybaby1999@163.com

3.Department of Equipment, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai′an 223001,

P.R.China.E-mail: zouxin@mail.hyit.edu.cn)

Abstract:Under the Chinese context, this paper constructs an organizational-learning-based research model integrating absorptive capacity (ACAP) and organizational performance.Data from 221 companies through snowball sampling show that organizational learning acts as a mediator between absorptive capacity and organizational performance.

Key words:absorptive capacity,organizational learning, organization performance


As knowledge becomes ever-increasingly important, absorptive capacity is crucial for an organization to grow and succeed.Unfortunately, very little research has been done on the relationship between ACAP and organizational performance of Chinese companies.More scarce is empirical studies of the relationship between ACAP and organizational performance of Chinese companies from the perspective of organizational learning.However, this worthwhile study is likely to influence whether Chinese companies should attach importance to the development and improvement of absorptive capacity and whether the relationship between ACAP and organizational performance is worthy of in-depth study.


Knowledge-based view of the firm (Grant, 1996Spender, 1996) argues that knowledge and learning capacity determine organizational performance as well as sustainable competitive advantages.Absorptive capacity refers to the integration of potential skills and knowledge by which an organization recognizes, assimilates, and applies external knowledge to commercial ends (Cohen&Levinthal, 1990).At the organization level, it is not surprising that several studies have shown significant support for the hypothesis that absorptive capacity positively affects organizational performance.Cohen&Levinthal (1990) thinks absorptive capacity is connected with innovative performance.Zahra&George (2002) finds that absorptive capacity results in competitive advantages.Tsai (2000) argues that absorptive capacity has a significantly positive effect on an organization′s innovative performance and financial performance.Through a questionnaire survey of 264 Canadian and American senior information managers of software companies which have implemented ERP, Galy (2003) concludes empirically that an organization′s absorptive capacity has a positive effect on its organizational learning capacity and has an indirect effect on its organizational performance.However, current literatures do not make clear the way that absorptive capacity affects organizational performance nor aims at Chinese context.


Employee ability representing existing cumulative knowledge can affect the future knowledge acquisition (Zahra&George, 2002).Brockman&Morgan (2003) argues that employee ability can help an organization to acquire interpretation of relatively new information.An individual stores organizational memory through his ability to memorize and express experience and cognitive orientation (Walsh&Ungson, 1991).Hence, we propose:

Hypothesis 1a:Employee ability is positively related to knowledge acquisition.

Hypothesis 1b:Employee ability is positively related to information distribution.

Hypothesis 1c: Employee ability and information interpretation are positively related to the organizational memory.

Employees with high organizational commitment are more willing to search for methods to improve conditions and to receive new ideas (Hage&Aiken, 1970).An organization can successfully promote information acquisition and information flow (Nonaka, 1994).Lindsay&Norman (1977) points out that if employees′attitudes are positive, knowledge can be readily shared within the organization.Meanwhile, the more the establishment of this connection, the more processed knowledge can be stored into the organizational memory.Hence, we propose:

Hypothesis 1d:Employee incentive is positively related to knowledge acquisition.

Hypothesis 1e:Employee incentive is positively related to information distribution.

Hypothesis 1f:Employee incentive is positively related to information interpretation and organizational memory.

In response to the acquired information on customers and market demands, an organization can provide more proper targeted products and services, a behavior likely to bring an increase in sales income (Slater&Narver, 1995) Through information distribution, information can be acquainted in a larger range by organizational members who may use, or question and revise the information, and propose new ideas, hence increasingly improving the value of the information (Huber, 1991).Moorman&Miner (1997) finds that organizational memory levels can better the short-term financial performance of new products.Hence, we propose:

Hypothesis 2a:Knowledge acquisition is positively related to an organization′s financial performance.

Hypothesis 2c:Information distribution is positively related to an organization′s financial performance.

Hypothesis 2e: Information interpretation and organizational memory are positively related to an organization′s financial performance.Existing literature has verified the importance of knowledge acquisition to innovative activities (Therin, 2003) Information distribution refers to the process of information sharing from various sources, which leads to occurrence of new information (Huber,1991),a source of innovation.Information interpretation of the acquired new information is important for new product performance and innovation (Brockman&Morgan, 2003).Moorman&Miner (1997) concludes that high organizational memory dispersion improves the innovative performance of new products.Based on the arguments mentioned above, we propose:

Hypothesis 2b:Knowledge acquisition is positively related to an organization′s innovative performance.

Hypothesis 2d:Information distribution is positively related to an organization′s innovative performance.

Hypothesis 2f: Information interpretation and organizational memory are positively related to an organization′s innovative performance.

The conceptual model and hypothesis relations are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Conceptual model and hypothesis



We start a pilot test by a paired questionnaire investigation into human resource managers and general managers of 67 companies in Huai′an, Jiangsu Province of China, and conduct the formal investigation in a snowball sampling manner into 3 contact men respectively in Shandong, Guiyang, and Beijing.We got 221 effective questionnaires, 27.63 percent of the total questionnaires.Among the formal investigation samples, there are 98 companies with a staff of less than 100 employees, 190 companies with a life of 3-5 years, 5-10 years, and more than 20 years, 124 companies whose main businesses are in the electronic communications, computer, electronic equipment manufacturing, software, medicine manufacturing, new materials, or synthetical materials industries, and 97 companies in the machinery, chemical industry, textile, and other industries.


Financial performance and innovative performance are measured by what the responded managers have perceived.Financial performance is measured with 4 items, i.e. sales income, profit rate, ROI rate, and market share increase rate, and innovative performance also with 4 items, i.e. new methods, new service types, new markets, and new process/method increase rates.ACAP is measured with two endogenous dimensions, i.e. employee ability (3 items) and employee incentive (4 items).OL includes knowledge acquisition (5 items), information distribution (6 items), and information interpretation and organizational memory (7 items).

The control variable-company size is measured by employee numbers, the company nature by state-owned shareholding, non-governmental shareholding, and foreign funded shareholding, the company life by the time when it is founded, and the industrial nature of a company by whether it is in a new high-tech industry.

The pre-investigation data show that the construct validity of the pre-investigation questionnaires is acceptable.The formal investigation data show that the Cronbachαcoefficient of each scale is between 0.8584 and 0.9465, up to the threshold 0.7 (Nunally, 1978).The explorative factor analysis (EFA) shows the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of significance adequacy of 0.902 is in the high range of adequacy, the total variance explained with 7 factors is 78.193%, and Bartlett′s test of sphericity exist at the significance level 0.000.The extracted 7 factors are called respectively as information interpretation and organizational memory, information distribution, knowledge acquisition, financial performance, innovative performance, employee incentive, and employee ability.All of this demonstrates that the construct validity of this questionnaire is acceptable.Except that the standard loading coefficient of item L3 on organizational memory is 0.5523, less than 0.6, the standard loading coefficients of other items on construct respectively all are greater than the threshold 0.6, and passed the t test.Second-order confirmatory factor analysis of absorptive capacity, organizational learning, and organizational performance model shows that the loading coefficients between second-order constructs and first-order constructs are greater than 0.6.Theχ2/df value of each measurement model is between 0.83 and 1.81.The RMSEA values of measurement models are less than 0.08.The SRMR value is between 0.024 and 0.046, less than 0.08.The NFI, NNFI, CFI, and IFI of each measurement model exceed 0.90, showing that the measurement model is well coupled with the data.All loading coefficients and fit indices suggest that the measurement is of high convergence validity.AVE value is between 0.613 and 0.823, greater than the threshold 0.5, also showing that the measurement is of high convergence validity.The square roots of AVE values of every latent variable are greater than the absolute values of the relative coefficients of the said latent variable and other variables, showing that every concept′s discriminant validity is acceptable.



We conduct the data analysis and hypothesis test with SPSS13.0 and LISREL8.51.The data analysis shows that the results demonstrate that except NFI value is 0.8786, other fit indices of the model are acceptable, i.e. χ2/df1.72,RMSEA0.057,NNFI0.9407,CFI0.9458,IFI0.9462, showing that this sample data has effectively predicted the research model.The path coefficient from information distribution to financial performance fails to pass the significance test (β-0.070,t-1.10), but other path coefficients are statistically significant.


The effects of employee ability on information interpretation and organizational memory are less than those of employee incentive, suggesting that employee incentive should be further improved in information sharing and information interpretation.The hypothesis that information distribution affects positively financial performance is not supported, suggesting that general information rather than critical information is shared in Chinese enterprises.Information distribution has a negatively significant effect on innovative performance, a result contrary to our original hypothesis.This suggests that the more the information sharing, the less the innovative profits.



Based on the above-mentioned results, we arrive at conclusions as follows:

(1)Organizational learning acts as a mediator between absorptive capacity (ACAP) and organizational performance.The majority of our hypotheses have been empirically supported.

(2)Under Chinese context, OL can fall into 3 dimensions, i.e. knowledge acquisition, information distribution, and information interpretation and organizational memory.

(3)Information distribution has a negative effect on innovative performance, a finding contrary to the original hypothesis, showing that the more the information sharing, the less the innovative profits.

(4)Total effects of employee ability, employee incentive, knowledge acquisition, information interpretation and organizational memory are significant to financial performance, while indirect effects of employee ability and employee incentive are not significant to innovative performance.


We acknowledge several limitations of this study.First, our conclusions lack universal application.Second, we have not taken into account the interactive effects between employee ability and employee incentive Third, We only adopted the cross-sectional data.

Future Research

In the future, we will expand our research sample and select companies in other areas for empirical study.Besides, we will study the interactive effects between employee ability and employee incentive.


Financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number 70672030) is acknowledged.


[1]Brockman, B.K.and Morgan.R.M.(2003)‘The role of existing knowledge in new product innovativeness and performance’, Decision Sciences, Vol.34, No.2, pp.385-419.

[2]Cohen, W.M.and Levinthal, D.A.(1990)‘Absorptive capacity: a new perspective on learning and innovation’, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.35, No.1, pp.128-152.

[3]Galy, E.(2003)‘The mediating role of organizational learning between absorptive capacity and performance in companies employing enterprise resource planning software’,Ph D Thesis,Texas: University of Texas-PanAmerican.

[4]Grant, R.M.(1996)‘Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm’, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.17, No.Winter Special Issue, pp.109-122.

[5]Hage, J.and Aiken, M.(1970)‘Social change in complex organizations’,NY: Random House.

[6]Huber, G.P.(1991)‘Organizational learning: the contributing process and the literatures.Organization Science, Vol.2, No.1, pp.88-125.Lindsay, P H, and Norman, J G.(1977)‘Human information processing’,Orlando:Academic Press.

[7]Moorman, C.and Miner, A.S.(1997)‘The impact of organizational memory on new product performance and creativity’,Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.XXXIV , No.February, pp.91-106.

[8]Nonaka, I.A.(1994)‘dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation’, Organization Sciences, Vol.5, No.1, pp.14-37.

[9]Nunnally, J C.(1978)‘Psychometric theory(2nd edition).NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

[10]Slater, S.F.and Narver, J.C.(1995)‘Market orientation and the learning organization’, Journal of Marketing, Vol.59, No.3, pp.63-74.Spender, J.C.(1996)‘Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm’, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.17, No.Winter Special Issue, pp.45-62.

[11]Therin, F.(2003)‘Organizational learning and innovation in High-Tech small firms’, Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'03).

[12]Tsai, W.(2001)‘Knowledge transfer in intra-organizational networks’, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.44, No.5, pp.996-1004.

[13]Walsh, J.P.and Ungson, G.R.(1991)‘Organizational memory’, Academy of Management Review, Vol.16, No.1, pp.57-91.

[14]Zahra,S.A.and George, G.(2002)‘Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization, and extension’,Academy of Management Review, Vol.27, No.2, pp.185-203.





The Summarization and Review

on Enterprise Cluster′s Collective Learning

(Human Resource Management Department

of Business School of Nankai University, Tianjin 300071)

Abstract: Foreign and domestic organization and researcher have been studied and focused on enterprise cluster′s collective learning in recent years.This article summarizes and reviews on the conception, classification, pre-condition, learning capacity and learning mechanism of enterprise cluster′s collective learning in the literature about enterprise cluster′s collective learning.On the basis of summarization and review, some prospects that researcher study in the future are given by the author in the end of the article.

Key words: Enterprise Cluster,Collective Learning



集群学习(collective learning)概念最早是由欧洲区域创新环境研究小组(GREMI,Groupe de Recherche Europeen sur les Milieux Innovateurs)的学者们20世纪80年代中期研究欧洲高新产业区的过程中提出来的,该概念意味着特殊区域创新社会文化环境的能力可以通过环境内企业的创新行为而获得,其本意是集群内企业为了应付技术不确定性的挑战而协调行动(Camagni,1991),本质上是知识空间转移的一种有效载体(Capello,1999)。Camagni(1991)认为发展一个成功社会文化环境(Milieu)的中心是集群学习,地理接近在集群学习过程中扮演着重要的角色,集群学习关注介于企业和区域劳动力市场的联系和网络。Lorenz(1996,1997)最初的观点认为企业内的学习过程关注于企业通过建设共享知识以形成共同理解的规则和可接受程序来解决内部协调问题。通过概念的延伸,集群学习可以理解为一系列地理接近企业为了简化合作和一般问题解决而产生的基础公共知识和程序。在这种背景下,Lorenz指明了企业需要开发共享知识的区域:考虑学习的前提条件,即有必要建立讨论技术和组织问题的公共语言;共享知识的更为严格的技术和工程挑选;组织的共享知识。Lorenz与Camagni关于集群学习的界定都强调企业间通过共享和合作来降低技术的不确定性,强调区域企业间的联系和网络化,认识到区域集群学习过程的重要性。和Lorenz与Camagni区域集群学习概念相关的另外两个概念框架是“学习型区域”和“区域创新系统”,它们三者之间的联系与区别。

集群学习的概念是环境创新理论的中心(Aydalot,1986 Aydalot and Keeble,1988 Camagni,1991 Mailiat et al.1993)。超越企业边界但保留在创新环境边界内的共同知识的出现产生了累积区域知晓的过程。在空间层次,环境的特异性通过集群学习过程与集群内部知晓、创新潜力融合在一起。在环境创新理论中,集群学习是社会经济体的固有属性,具有环境进化模式的特点(Capello,1998)。

集群学习通常被界定为累积知识的一个社会过程,基于一系列共享规则和程序,这些允许个人为了问题解决而去调整他们的行动(Rallet,1993Livet and Thevenot,1994Dupuy and Gilly,1995Lazaric and Lorenz,1996)。作为空间知识转移工具的集群学习与学习既有相似性也有差异性。





大量研究文献都在从不同层次上强调集群学习的前提条件。第一个层次通常指制度因素和社会因素,主要包括集群区域内相互联系和特殊文化的重要性(Aydalot and Keeble,1988 Camagni,1991);第二个层次强调区域特殊技术资源基(technological resource base)和知识基(knowledge base)的重要性;第三个层次强调高层次技术劳动力流动特征的区域劳动力市场及隐性专门技术和技术知识的扩散(Camagni,1991 Keeble et al.1988)的重要性。Capello(1999)认为集群学习是企业集群发展的动力之一,集群内企业、相关机构之间的相互信任以及由于集群内企业间的组织制度和文化的接近而在技术、管理、组织等方面的合作是集群学习的前提条件。Capello通过一个四阶段演化模型分析了集群中的企业如何通过频繁的合作形成集群学习的环境并由此产生正反馈,加快了隐性知识的传播和创新的产生。而Keeble(1999)指出企业集群学习的前提条件是建立一个处理技术和组织问题的公共语言。这种公共语言是紧密联系于信任的一般标准和信息共享。如Lorenz(1996)所说:“对于规则的明确的理解和双方一致同意提供了一个积极信任的对于创新合作不可缺少的基础。”Camagni(1991)、仇保兴(1999)认为文化因素和文化背景对企业集群学习有一定的影响。这种影响表现在集群内企业对所根植文化的认同,将显著地便利“源自于共同文化背景的行为协同”。


Todtling和Kaufmann(1999)在对区域创新系统研究时曾得出结论:“知识的溢出(spill over)构成了集群创新能力的本质特征”。而知识溢出通过企业集群各行为主体的互动学习来实现,正是由于正式或非正式互动学习的存在,导致了集群内部各成员研究开支活动所产生的知识技能以及外部吸收知识的能力、技术能力都是建立在企业集群知识生产、吸收和利用的基础上。企业集群的知识来源是单个企业知识、企业与企业间、企业与研究机构间的互动所产生的知识和集群外部的知识。集群学习能力的影响因素有知识资源、社会资本和企业集群的关联(度)(韩晶、王迎军,2005;陈剑峰,2003)、空间(接近)距离(陈剑峰,2003)、集群文化根植(魏江、叶波,2001)。韩晶、王迎军、陈剑峰论述了三个因素和企业集群学习能力的关系:



20世纪90年代以来,关于企业集群学习机制的研究文献大量出现。研究对象大都集中在欧美的高科技集群。所谓企业集群学习机制是指集群内各个主体之间,以及群内各主体与群外各主体之间的知识流动的渠道和作用方式(Keeble and Wilkson,1999魏江、魏勇,2004;李军晓、黄文馨,2005)。企业集群内各主体之间以及群内主体与群外主体之间,通过人际关系、价值链关系和竞争合作关系构成了特殊的网络生态系统,包括内部核心网络、辅助网络和外围网络三个子系统(魏江、魏勇,2004)。三个子系统各行为主体之间在交换知识、传递知识活动中发生联系时建立了各种正式和非正式关系,构成了集群学习的知识互动网络。魏江、魏勇(2004)、李军晓、黄文馨(2005)分别给出了企业集群学习的知识互动网络示意图。






















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