Thomas Edison—Genius Made by Teamwork
Thomas Edison was the genius inventor of the electrical age. His hundreds of inventions made him a giant public figure in American and around the world at the turn of the 20th century. Among Edison's most famous inventions is the first practical long-lasting light bulb; he also helped refine and develop other inventions like motion picture cameras, the stock ticker and the typewriter. By the end of his life Edison had registered 1093 patents. Edison's labs were located in Menlo Park, New Jersey, leading to his nickname of “The Invention Factory” where he conducted experiments. However, he did not work alone. A team of talented professionals assisted him all hours of the day and night. These men had the skills to make Edison's ideas and sketches into real devices of wood, wire, glass, and metal.
Edison had a large staff of specialists, ranging from machinists to physicists, who helped turn his ideas into realities. Charles Batcheldor was an English machinist. John Kruesi was a Swiss clockmaker. Ludwig Boehm was a German glassblower. Francis Upton was a Princeton-trained mathematician. They were drawn to the then-isolated hamlet of Menlo Park by the magnetic force of Thomas Edison's genius. But it was Edison's unique ability to tap into their skills that turned his half-formed ideas into workable products. “He was never the lonely inventor,” says Bill Pretzer, a curator of the Edison collection at the Henry Ford Museum.
Edison broke the previous individual scientists to engage in research tradition in this laboratory, and organized a group of professionals, and the subject of their assignment, a common commitment to the invention. The way he did created the correct way to modern scientific research. Edison believed that inventions and research could best be accomplished by great minds working together. His laboratory is the basis for the majority of our current laboratories and research development places. While he didn't invent teamwork, he just made it popular. Until Edison, most inventors worked by themselves for many years, sometimes giving up because they couldn't solve problems by themselves.
It had been a general belief in Edison's time that the act of invention was pure happenstance or isolated genius. Edison considered this wrong and he demonstrated that by bringing the right people together in the right environment, world-changing inventions could be produced in a regular manner. A good example of this is the light bulb. Since 1802, over 20 different inventors had been working to solve the difficult problem of lighting the world. Most of them had been working by themselves and weren't using the other inventors' research or solutions. When Edison set out to create the light bulb, he encouraged the inventors and scientists who worked with him to concentrate on this difficult problem. Suddenly, there were ten people working on the problem instead of just one. Ten people working meant ten times the amount of time and energy and the “cross-pollination” of ideas, which improved the chances of success more than tenfold.
Edison and his team worked together in an open and collaborative environment. Their work, driven with the purpose of building valuable marketable products, produced world-changing new inventions at an unprecedented7 rate. Edison set a goal to produce a minor invention every ten days and a major one every six months. However, not everyone who worked for Edison found the experience satisfying—the hours was long. Those who found the working environment too coarse soon left. But those who could work the long hours as “one of the boys” often stayed with Edison for years.
Edison and his professionals often recorded designs and experiments in notebooks all around the lab. In October 1879, Batchelor recorded a series of experiments with carbon filaments made from a variety of materials. Much mythology surrounds these experiments, but according to the notebooks a carbonized filament of uncoated cotton thread operated for a total of 14 hours. While not the 40 hours of legend, this success led the Menlo Park team to believe that they were absolutely on the right track. By November 2nd of that year that belief was such that Upton reported in a letter home, “The electric light is coming up. ”It was Upton who invented the instruments that led the team to a breakthrough insight in electric lighting, and it was Batcheldor's nimble hands that threaded a carbon filament into a bulb that Boehm evacuated to a millionth of an atmosphere. And on Oct 22, 1879, when the bulb finished a 14-hour burn, the darkness filled with the cheers of five men and four nationalities.