问题三:描述一个例子,说明你如何获得了技能,并且把这些技能转化成实际应用。(Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.)
问题分析:这个问题的关键词是"把技能转化到实际运用(convert technical skills to practical application)",即其真正的考查意图是你的"学习及转换能力"。
总述-是什么(what):我学会了如何用一个科学的方法组织问卷,并将这项技能运用到一项有关新啤酒的研究中。(I learnt how to arrange the questionnaire forms in a scientific way and use them in the survey of a new beer.)
背景(situation):在消费者关于新啤酒口味意见的调查中,我发现我们使用的问卷有些问题,限制了消费者回复的自由。(In the investigation of customer opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of responses.)
措施(actions):我把这件事情告诉了我的上司,并且向一个在专门从事市场研究工作的朋友进行了咨询,用新方法设计问卷表。之后,我自己设计了两个表格,并把它交给上司,最后上司采用了我设计的其中一个方案。(I consulted my boss and a good friend who works in a professional marketing research company and learnt a new way of arranging questionnaire forms. I designed two new forms, and my boss chose one of them.)