
第3章 谐音

If two cows help each other,What would that be?

Cowoperation (cooperation).


What is the best day for making pancakes?


(Friday中的Fri跟fry(煎)同音。pancake n.薄烤饼。)

If rabbits want to keep their fur in place,what do they use?

They use hare spray(hair spray).

(hare spray与hair spray(头发定型液)同音。keep...in place使……保持适当位置。)

What flower does everyone have?


(tulips与two lips(上下嘴唇)的读音近似。tulip n.郁金香。)

What is big,round and silly?

A full (fool) moon.

(a fool moon(傻月亮)跟 a full moon(满月)的读音相似。)

What do bees do for a living?

They sell(cell) honey.


What is writing paper that does not move?

Stationary (stationery).

(stationary adj. 不动的,静止的。)

What day do chickens hate the most?


(fry day(油煎的日子)跟Friday(星期五)的读音相同。)

What colours can be used for the sun and the wind?

The sun rose and the wind blew (blue).


What trees come in two s?

Pear(pair) trees.


What is the best key to have?



Why do your uncles,aunts and cousins depend on you?

Because without“u”your uncles,aunts and cousins couldn t exist.


How did the needle and thread say goodbye to each other?

So (Sew) long.

(needle n.针;thread n.钱;sew long与so long(再见)同音。)

What are the strongest days of the week?

Saturday Sunday.Because all the other days are week (weak) days.

(weak与week同音。一般从Monday到Friday是工作日,即week days。)

What kind of tea helps you feel brave?



When does a rocket get hungry?

When it s almost launch time.

(launch n. (导弹等)发射;launch time又与lunch time(午餐时间)的发音相似。)

How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep?

You rocket.

(谜底应为You rock it;此处rock作“轻摇”解。rock it与rocket (v.用火箭运载)的读音近似。)

What kind of knots are tied in outer space?


(knot n.结:tie a knot in a rope在绳子上打个结。knot与astronaut中的naut读音相近。 outer space外层空间。)

What do you call a crazy spaceman?

An astronut.

(crazy a. 疯狂的。 spaceman n.太空人;宇航员。nut n.坚果;疯子。 nut与astronaut中的naut读音相近。astropref.星,天体,宇宙。)

What did the astronaut cook for lunch?

An unidentified frying object.

(unidentified a.未辩别的。fry v.油煎。 object n.物体。谜底应为An unidentified flying object(UFO)(不明飞行物体)。此处将flying改为frying,十分幽默。)

If an athlete gets athlet s foot,what does an astronaut get?

Missile toe.

(athlete n.运动员。athlete s foot脚癣;香港脚。 missile n.导弹;missile toe与用于圣诞节的一种装饰物mistletoe同音,这种饰物通常挂在门上。)

What do you call a spaceship that is always sorry?

An Apollo G.

(Apollo G 阿波罗G号(飞船);其读音与apology n.抱歉,认错)相近。)

What poem can you find in outer space?

A universe!

(poem n.诗。 universe n.宇宙;该词的后半部分verse作“诗句,诗节”解。unipref.一,单。)

What kind of war do ecologists like best?


(谜底应为reservoir n.水库;该词的最后音节与war的读音相近。)

Why is a crash of thunder like a jewler?

Because both make the ear ring.

(crash n.爆裂声。thunder n.雷:a crash of thunder霹雷声。 jeweler n.珠宝商。make the ear ring 使耳鸣;其读音与make the earring(制作耳环)相近。)

When does rain become too familiar with a lady?

When it begins to pat her (patter) on the back.

(familiar a.随便的,放肆的。pat vt.轻拍:pat sb.on the back轻拍某人的背部。patter vi.发出嗒嗒声;其读音与pat her近似。)

Why did everyone trust the plateau?

Because they knew it was on the level.

(plateau n.高原。 level n. 水平,水平面;级别。on the level公平;读实。)

Why is the history of England like a wet season?

Because it is so full of rains(reigns).

(wet season雨季。reign n.君主统治;该词与rain同音。)

How do you count cows?

With a cowculator.

(谜底应为calculator (n.计算器);该词与cowculator (并无此词)的读音相近。)

What musical instrument should we never believe?

A lyre.

(musical a.音乐的。lyre n.里拉(古希腊的一种七弦竖琴)。该词与lier (n.说谎者)同音。)

What vegetable is measured like diamonds?

Carrot (carat).

(carrot n.胡萝卜;该词与carat(宝石的重量单位:克拉)同音。)

What kind of television program do you see in the morning?

A breakfast serial (cereal).

(program n.节目。 serial n.电视连续剧;该词与cereal (n.<加工过的>谷类食品)同音。)

Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad?

Mom is closer,because dad is farther.


What s the poorest bank in the world?

The river bank.

(bank n.银行;堤岸。)

What month do soldiers hater?


(march n.行军。)

When is a person not a person?

When he is a little cross.

(cross adj.烦恼,恼火;n.十字架。)

When is a door not a door?

When it s ajar.

(ajar adj. (门)虚掩着,露了一条缝的音似a jar(一只壶)。)

When are boys not boys?

When they re barefooted.

(barefooted赤脚,音似bearfooted,脚和熊一样。)Why is tennis so noisy?

Each player raises a racket.

(racket n.(网球等的)球拍;喧哗,喧闹 raise a racket大吵大闹。)

When are people smartest?

When it s sunny,beacuse everything s brighter then.

(bright adj.明亮;聪明。)

What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?


(8p.m.音似ate p.m.,而p.m.是paymaster的缩写。paymaster n.(发放薪饷的)出纳员。)

Why are babies like hinges?

Because they are things to adore.

(adore v.喜欢,宠爱,音似a door。 hinge n.门铰链;things to a door门上的东西。)

How can you tell a clock is shy?

It has its hands over its face.

Why do carpenters think there s no such thing as gold in this world?

They never saw it.

(saw n.锯,也是see(看见)的过去式。英文中讲“seeing is believing.(眼见为实)”。)

What do you think of the Grand Canyon?

Just gorges.

(gorges是gorge(峡谷)的复数形式,音似gorgeous adj. 宜人的,好的,美丽的 Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了!)

How do you know a photographer is always progressive?

They are always developing.

(develop v.发展;冲(胶卷)。)

Why is a peacock the best storyteller?

Because it always has a beautiful tale.

(tale n.故事,音似tail(尾巴)。)

Why is Sunday the strongest day in a week?

The rest of the days are weak days.

(weak adj.弱的,音似week;weekdays指不包括星期日的那些天。)

Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?

They don t want to be hotdogs.

Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?

The cold war is over.

(cold war冷战。)

What can pierce one s ears without a hole?


(pierce v.刺穿,刺破;piercing adj.刺耳的。)

What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory?

People make faces there.

(make faces做鬼脸;做钟面。)

Something went wrong with the second hand of my watch.Where can I have it repleaced?

In a secondhand store.

(second hand adj.二手货的,旧的;second hand n.秒针。)

Why are chickens kept away from children?

Chickens use fowl language.

(fowl language音似foul language(脏话)。)

Why shouldn t we have teteatete in the country?

Because the corn have ears.

(teteatete n.私下密谈;corns have ears源于walls have ears隔墙有耳;ear n.耳朵;一穗(玉米)。)

What stays hot even if put in a refrigerator?


(pepper n.胡椒粉,辣椒;hot adj.热的;辣的。)

What is the best year for a kangaroo?

Leap year.

(knagaroo n.袋鼠;leap 跳跃;leap year闰年。)

Why do people wear watches when they cross the desert?

Because watches have springs in them.

(spring n.泉水;弹簧。)How does the sun affect weight?

It makes the daylight.

(makes the day light使白天变轻。)

What do you get if you cross stereo and fridge?

Very cool music.

(coll adj.冷的,凉的;棒的,美的。)

Which is easier to spell—Riddlededee or Riddlededum?

It s Riddlededee,because it s spelled with more e s.是Riddlededee,因为它写出来e比较多。

(e s音似ease(容易) with more ease更容易做……)

Why is the sweating boy sitting in the sun?

For sundry reasons.

(sunder adj.各种各样的,形似sundried晒太阳晒干(身上的汗水)。)

Upon leaving the Cafe,one boy paid his bill,while his friend handed the cashier a slip of paper with the number 1004180 on it.The cashier smiled and let him pass without paying.Why?

1004180 means “I owe nothing;for I ate nothing.”1004180意思是:“我什么没吃,所以不欠什么。”

(cashier n.收银员;1004180读作“I O nothing four I eight nothing”,意思是“I owe nothing for I ate nothing.”)

Which state in the United States is round at both ends and high in the middle?



Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes?

Because she is Miss Fortune.

(Miss Fortune音似misfortune n.不幸。)

As a large horse is getting on in age,why should he always stay in cold and wet?

So that he could catch cold and become a little hoarse.

(hoarse adj.嘶哑的,音似horse;a little horse一匹小马。)

What is a sleeping child?

A kidnapper.

(kidnapper n.绑匪;kid n.小孩;nap v.打瞌睡。)

What did the king cloud say to the rest of the clouds?

“I m the one who should rain here.”

(rain v.下雨,音似reign v.统治。)

What does the man who just had his face shaved resemble?

A bear.

(resemble v.与……相像;bear n.熊,音似bare adj.光秃秃的,无遮盖的;barefaced面孔干干净净,没有胡须的;bearfaced脸和熊一样的。)Why did the farmer take his chickens to taks?

Because they use fould language.

(foul adj.脏的,音似fowl n.家禽。)

Why did little Tom put his brother s guitar in the refrigerator?

Because he enjoyed cool music.

(refrigerator n.电冰箱(也可写作fridge或者icebox);cool adj.凉的,冷的;棒的,超级的,美妙的。)

Why are schools haunted?

They have the school spirit.

(spirit n.幽灵,鬼魂;精神,活力。)

When does a doctor get angry?

When he loses his patients.

(patients音似patience;lose one s patience不耐烦,发脾气。)

What s the difference between a woman and an umbrella?

You can shut up an umbrella.

(shut up关起来,收起来;(使)闭嘴,住嘴“you can shut up an umbrella”的含义是:you can t shut up a woman你可没法叫一个女人住嘴。)

What sport do waiters and waitresses excel in?

Tennis.They really know how to serve.

(serve v.发球;服务,侍候。)

Will liars be honest after they die?

No,they won t.They lie still after they die.

(lie still静躺,静卧;仍旧撒谎。)

Why are people always tired on April Fool s Day?

Because they ve just had a long March.

(March 三月;march n.行军,行进。)

What driver never speed?

A screwdriver.

(screwdriver n.螺丝刀。)

Why is the heart of a tree like the end of a dog s tail?

Because it s the farthest place from the bark.

(bark n.树皮;狗吠 the end of a dog s tail狗尾巴梢,离狗的嘴最远。)

Why is the airplane pilot like the escaping prisoner?

They both want safe flights.

(flight n.飞行;逃亡,逃跑。 safe flight安全飞行;安全出逃。)

When is a horse the heaviest?

When it s led.

(led:lead(牵引)的过去分词,音似lead n.铅。)

What vegetable do people have if they want privacy?

Lettuce alone.

(Lettuce alone音似let us alone(让我们单独呆一会儿;privacy n.隐私。)What s the most contradictory sign in a library?

To speak aloud is not allowed.

(contradictory adj.互相抵触的 To speak aloud is not allowed音似to speak aloud is not aloud.(大声讲话不是大声)。)

Why is jaywalking tiring?

Because it may make one have a rundown feeling.

(rundown adj.身体不好,音似run down(被车撞倒);jaywalk v.乱穿马路。)

Why are giraffes considered intelligent?

Because it s the highest form of animal life.

(high adj.高的;the highest form最高级形态。)

Why are horses considered talented in painting?

Because they draw a lot of things.

(draw v.拖,拉;画。)

Why did the banker keep looking up at the sky?

To see if there s any change in the sky.

(change n.变化;零钱。)

Do astronauts ever get hungry once they are in outer space?

Never,for they had a big launch.

(launch n.发射(尤指火箭),音似lunch n.午餐,也作luncheon。)

When is a football team like a scrambled egg?

When it s beaten.

(beat v. 击败,打输;打(蛋);scramble v.把蛋白黄搅拌在一起。)

What s the difference between a fly and a mosquito?

You can t sew a zipper on a mosquito.

(fly n.苍蝇;(裤子)前边的开口;mosquito n.蚊子。)

What color is the wind?


(The wind blew风在吹。)

Why is the library the highest building?

It has the most stories.

(story n.故事;(楼)层。)

Why do people never feel hungry on a beach?

Because of the sand which is there.

(the sand which is there音似the sandwiches there(那里的三明治)。)

Two wrongs don t make a right,but what do two rights make?

The first airplane.

(two rights音似two Wrights(发明第一架飞机的怀特两兄弟)。)

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