
第8章 看图作文

Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.

Traffic and Population.

In fact,They Are the Same Thing

Look at the picture.There are three different kinds of containers,in all of which is the same liquid—water.But they are labelled differently.Who has done it?Obviously,it is the producer of the commodity.The picture exposes some producers trickery to the public.

Let s go to the market.We can find such trickeries everywhere on the market.A very ordinary product is labelled with a very big or profound name.For example,what is called“Halike”is,in fact,popcorn.What is named“Kelijia”is,indeed,a kind of very common biscuits.

Why do the producers do this?They just want to make profits.

However,whether or not a product can get into the market and sell well greatly depends on its quality.Whatever it is labelled with,if it is a fake product,people won t let it go into their lives.Wh do Jingdezhen s china,Qingdao s beer,Tongrentang s Chinese medicine,and so on sell well on the market at home and abroad?All in all,they have the first class quality.

They product s quality is the life of an industy.Whether an industry can exist,gain the market and develop or not depends on its product s quality.Above all,good quality speaks louder than flowery and empty labels.



After school Xiao Mei was going home.It was raining heavily.She held her umbrella walking in the rain.Not for away came a bus.When the bus stopped,an old lady got off.She carried a basket in her arm.For she had not umbrella,the old lady put a handkerchief over her head and walked quickly to prevent herself being caught in the heavy rain.Seeing this,Xiao Mei decided to help her.She went up to the old lady and shared the umbrella with her.Suporting the old lady with her arm,Xiao Mei sent her home.When Xiao Mei was about to leave,the old lady showed her great appreciation to her.Xiao Mei also felt very happy,for to give is much happier than to receive.


A Crow and a Jar

One day,a lucky crow found a jar in the forest when he was thirsty.But unfortunately,half of the jar was empty and the water was too low to get.The crow was a little worried about this.He had a look around and suddenly found that there were some stone.A good idea formed in his mind.He flew to the stones and held on in his mouth,then he flew back to the jar and put the stone into the jar.And so on and so on,the water level gradually became high.At last,the crow could easily get the water.How clever the crow was!


On Advertisements

Advertisements appear everywhere in the modern society.Good advertisements help to inform us of new products.They help us choose what we need.By telling us what is available on the market,where something is available and how one product differs from another,they may save us money and time.They also guide us in finding suitable jobs.The good advertisements are believable because they tell the truth and they themselves are true.

However,there are also some fake advertisements in the modern society.Actually,every producer says that his product is the best,or tries to give that impression.Therefore,consumers are often cheated by their flowery phrases and empty promises.

Look at the advertising pictures.In the pictures a boy is running to the old pumper with his toy car.He let the pumper pump up the toy car.The toy car becomes bigger and bigger.To one s surprise,the toy car becomes a real car.And the boy gets into the car at once and drives it away.This is an exaggerated advertisements.Anyhow,the toy car can not become a real one.These pictures expose the unhealthy phenomenon in the modern advertising.And every day thousands of people are cheated by such advertisements.

Advertisements,whether we like them or not,are pouring into our life.Not one can avoid being influenced by them.We can easily be persuaded by some advertisements.Unfortunately,this is often made use of by some producers.They pay much for advertisements,but pay little attention to the quality of their products.In this way,their advertisements are false advertisements.Together with other advertisements,they go into lives of people,who certainly don t know how to tell good advertisements from bad ones.

Therefore,to avoid being cheated by false advertisements,we should take a correct attitude:Let advertisements serve our life,but never believe them easily.

夸张的广告是虚假的,广告的生命力在于真实。文章从分析什么是真正的好广告谈起,接着简介、分析漫画,然后联系现实生活中出现的虚假广告及其产生的负作用,论证虚假广告的来源及其危害,最后表明我们对广告应持的态度。文章论证主次分明,有理有据,说服力强。Sending Away the Bragging Persons and

Employing the Talented Ones

The picture manifests a phenomenon in our society nowadays:those people in some enterprises select employees by relying on their boasting during the interview.They just listen to the candidate s introduction while caring nothing about his ability.Look at the three employers in this picture.They are giving the wouldbe employees balloons to blow,which actually means they are giving them an opportunity to brag.We can see nothing but balloons on the desk,so the young man blowing the balloons big,that is,who is good at boasting can easily get the job,while the other three candidates outside the office probably have got no chance to be employed.

There are indeed some people who are skillful in talking,especially in talking big.They boast their ability,wits,experience,and so on.Because of their excellent talent in bragging,they can easily be appreciated by some leaders.

However,if a company wants to run a good business,it should examine the wouldbe employees seriously and strictly,sending away the bragging ones and employing the talented ones.Only in this way can the company be prosperous;only in this way can the talented people exert themselves for our economy construction;only in this way can our economy develop speedily and steadily.


When One s Feather Is Full

The picture tells us a story of a hen and her son.Several years ago,the son left home for advanced study.His mother,the hen hoped earnestly that some day he would use his knowledge to make his poor hometown prosperous.Therefore,while seeing the chick off at the gate of the hut,she advised him to come back after finishing his study.To her disappointments,however,the learned chick,her son,is unwilling to return home,because he looks down upon his hometown for its poverty.

Obviously,the artist is comparing the hut to some poor or backward areas and the hen to the poor people there.And the chick is compared to those college students(including highly educated intellectuals)who refuse to go back to their backward hometown and contribute to its construction.

Nowadays,many students in faraway and backward areas regard entering colleges and universities as a means of leaving their poor hometown and becoming wealthy citizens.After passing the entrance examination to university with great efforts,they catch the chance of realizing their dreams.After graduation,they prefer to find jobs with good pay and conditions in cities,although they know their hometown is badly in need of qualified persons.This has become a social problem.How can those faraway and backward areas attract and keep their local educated students?We think the most effective way is to train their sense of responsibility for their homeland from childhood and to teach them take the poverty of their homeland not as a burden but as the motive of becoming useful constructors for it.

We hope the story of the hen and the chick will have a totally different ending some day.

文章对来自偏远贫困地区的大学生学成后不愿回去建设自己落后的家乡这一社会现象做了细致的分析,说明了导致这一现象的原因,指出解决问题的途径,最后,作者表达了自己的希望。文章语言简练,主题突出,说理透彻,值得大家借鉴。Giving the Seeings a Hand

In the State of Song,an old farmer planted a plot of rice.Every day he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow.He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day.But still,he though they were growing too slowly.He got impatient with the young plants.“How could the plants grow faster?”He tossed in bed during the night and could not sleep.Suddenly he hit upon an idea.He could not wait for daybreak.He jumped out of the bed and dashed to the field.By the moonlight,he began working on the rice seedlings.One by one,he pulled up the young plants by half an inch.When he finished pulling,it was already morning.Straightening his back,he said to himself,“What a wonderful idea!Look,how much taller the plants have grown overnight!”With grat satisfaction,he went back home.He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone.

His son was shocked.Now the sun had risen.The young man was heartbroken to see all the pulledup young plants dying.

People now use“Ba Miao Zhu Zhang”to describe the behaviour of those who are eager to get something done only to make it worse.The idiom is a bit like the English proverb:“Haste makes waste.”—to spoil things by excessive enthusiasm.


The Lazy Woman

In the old times,there once lived an unusual woman.She was much known for her extraordinary laziness.

In everyday life,her husband prepared everything for her.All she cared about was to open her mouth for food and to stretch out her hand for clothing.Her husband didn t like her living way,but he loved her very much.He was ready to do anything for her.They lived together smoothly for years.

One day the husband was to be out travelling for five days.Before he left,he baked a big cake enough for five days to be put in a ring round her neck for fear that she would suffer from hunger for being too lazy to cook by herself.After everything was ready,he started his journey,quite sure that she would not go hungry within the short time.But when he returned,he found her dead for three days.What about the cake?To his great surprise,he saw only the part of the cake near her mouth chewed off,with the rest left intact.

What a lazy woman she was!


Protect Trees

One day,three young pioneers were on their way home,laughing and singing.Suddenly one of them caught sight of an unusual tree on the other side of the road.The tree s trunk was crooked with all the branches growing to one side,so they decided to do something to save it.Having knocked a strong stick in the earth next to the tree,they tied the tree to the stick to keep it straight.After all the things were done well,they also put up a notice near it saying“Take good care of the tree”.From then on,they came to water it every day.The tree grew better and better with new buds sprouting on the branches.When the teacher know their good job,she praised them.At that moment,they all felt proud and happy with beautiful smiles on their faces.


New modern NetSchool

新世纪Netschool 网络系统表


远程教学系统向师生开放可向世界各地发送电子邮件可通过因特网(Internet)查寻最新信息只要家中有电脑,任何人都可以学习本校的课程Let me introduce our Netschool to you.In order to make our teaching and studying more convenient and interesting,to get more information in class and to learn more,we developed a Multimedia Teaching System.The Information Centre is always open to us.It s a very good place where you can send emails to all over the world.Besides,you can search for the latest news with the help of Internet.Anyone can study the lessons of our school by Long Distance Teaching System.You see,our school has developed a lot,and has already turns to a modern one.


My Father Did It

It was almost 12 o clock at midnight.Little Tom was still busy with his math homework.Seeing this,his father came to help him and did the rest for him.

The next morning Tom handed in his homework on time.The teacher was very angry with him because there were so many mistakes in the work.The teacher asked angrily,“How can you make so many mistakes?”Tom was frightened and had to tell the teacher the truth.“I don t know.”said Tom,in a very low voice,“Maybe my father knows.He did it.”

Then after school,the teacher came to Tom s home with him.His father was astonished to see the teacher when he opened the door.“You did it.Right?”the teacher asked.Tom s father looked at the exercise book and nodded,without saying a word.“Since you did it,I ll beat you.”With these words,the teacher beat the father s bottom heavily.



On December 20,1999.Macao returned to the motherland.The national flag began to flow in the region.History has turned a new page at the turn of the century.Macao is an attracting island region,which lies on the southeast of Zhuhai.It is made up of three islands.The three separate islands have been connected by bridges.It faces Hong Kong to the east.It covers an area of about 23.5 square km with a population of more than 400 000.It has convenient transportation.Now guided by the policy of “one country,two system”,we are sure that Macao has a bright future.

该文所用语言基本上都是正式说明文体的语言,其中使用了定语从句、被动句。句型和搭配:which lies on the southeast of Zhuhai是非限制性定语从句。guided by the policy of “one country,two systems”是过去分词短语作状语表示方式。文中含有对澳门回归祖国的喜悦之情,也有对澳门未来前景的憧憬。

A Large Orchard to Be Built in Xiaguang City

Xiaguang City lies by a railway line,with a highway leading to Zhitai Port and Daocheng Port.It is one of the most important apple production bases in China.Apples grown here sell well both at home and abroad.

It is decided that a 100hectare apple orchard is to be built in the city,where new and fine foreign apple trees will be introduced.By 2005 the output of apples will come to 1 200 tons per year.The project will be started in May,2000 and completed by the end of 2001.80 000 US dollars is needed.

Businessmen in and out of the country are welcome here for a visit and business talk.

根据图画写文章,要仔细看图,抓住图中每一个信息,不可漏掉要点。With a highway leading to Zhitai Port and Daocheng Port这一with的复合结构的使用,使文章显得言简意赅,比起使用从句要好些。

Smoking and Health

Today smoking is a widespread habit all over the world.Not only the old,the youth,but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking.Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.

However,smoking is harmful to one s health.It contributes a lot to lung cancer,from which many people have died in the past years.It can also cause many other diseases.In a word,if you smoke,you do have a much greater chance of losing your health.Furthermore,scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves,but also a threat to public health,especially to women and children.Therefore,many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas,stations,hospitals and so on.

Give up smoking!If you don t smoke,don t start.Give up smoking for the sake of your health,for the sake of your family,and for the sake of the whole world.


作者在最后一段奉劝人们戒烟时用了重复手法,三次使用了for the sake of短语,起到了增强语言气势、强调戒烟的必要性的作用。

Li Hua s Resume

TitleBicycle or Car1自行车和小汽车都是重要的交通工具

(它们各自的特点)使用方式行驶速度停放地点2你喜欢什么车居住土方生活习惯3我比较喜欢自行车花钱少使用方便不污染My name is Li Hua.I was born in Dalian,liaoning Province in February 1977.I started school in 1984 when I was seven.I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990.After that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer.The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and computer.I like English and computer best and I am very good at them.Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition.In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.

这种根据图表写出的短文,其信息顺序并不需要大的调整,关键是信息与信息之间的连接及信息的完整成句。根据实际情况,可适当地把图表中名词性的东西以动词性的形式表达出来。如表达学历时用了动词性的“I stated school...”也可用“I began my schooling...”

The Consumption of Energy in Beijing in 1984 and 1994

Year19841994Power(million kw·h)735021249Gas(million cubic meter)326.8801.6Water(million ton)306.6650.9The last decade has witnessed tremendous improvement in every aspect of the city life of Beijing,as is partly show in the chart above.

If we compare the figures of the consumption of electricity in 1984 and 1994,we can observe that there is a spectacular(壮观的) increase from 7 350 million kw·h to 21 249 million kw·h,almost a three fold rise.Similarly,the consumption of gas has risen from 326.8 million cubic meters in 1984 to 801.6 million cubic meters in 1994,partly as a result of a 300% increase in the number of households(家庭)which use gas as fuel.The consumption of water,too,has more than doubled in the last decade,from 306.6 million tons in 1984 to 650.9 million tons in 1994.

The increasing supplies of electricity,gas,and water have greatly promoted urban development as well as the living standard of Beijing citizens.


Persons in the Labor Force

This table(图表)shows the changing proportion of farm and nonfarm workers in the labor force from 1830 to 1970.The change is inverse;that is,as the size of the nonfarm labor force increases,the sizes of the farm and nonfarm occupation(占有率)are consistent through the years.

The proportion of farm and nonfarm workers was about equal in 1870.About 95 percent of the labor force were nonfarmers in 1970.The proportion of 70 percent of farmers and 30 percent nonfarmers in 1830 was exactly reversed in 1910.In 1830,70 percent of the labor force was required to feed a relatively small population,whereas in 1970,only 5 percent of the labor force was required to feed a large population.

本文分为两段,首段叙述了农业劳动力和非农业劳动力总的变化趋势;在第二段对表中的几个特殊点进行了说明。从一般到具体,结构简单清晰。首段的“inverse”和第二段的“reverse”用得恰当精练,为文章省了不少笔墨。“farm workers,nonfarm workers”,“farm labor force,nonfarm labor force”,“farm occupation,nonfarm occupation”及“farmers,nonfarmers”几组反义词的运用,避免了重复,使文章呈现出变化。

My Advice




建议或要求Dear sir or Madame,

I m very glad to be invited to the English summer camp.

I prefer to go in July because I ll have to prepare myself for the new school term in August.It seems all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful.But I d like to attend the English lectures,from which I can get more information on British and American culture.With the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,more and more foreigners are eager to know about China.So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture.

It s been a dream for me to visit Beijing.Could you organize a tour around the city during the camp?

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Li Ping


文中运用了较多的复杂句型,如:because,but,from which,with the coming of等关联的内容。

A Brave Classmate

The bravest student in our class is Wang Ming,who is always ready to help others get out of dangerous situations.

One day Wang Ming and I were walking by the bank of a river.We heard an old woman s loud cry for help.We ran towards her and she told us that her little grandson had fallen into the river.Wang Ming didn t hesitate at all.He took off his clothes and jumped into the river.The cold water made him shiver,but he struggled on.Gradually,he approached the child,then he got hold of his hand and managed to carry the child ashore.

Wang Ming is so brave that he is loved and respected by the whole class.


A Traffic Accident

Last Sunday,an old lady aged about seventy was badly hurt in a traffic accident at the second crossing of Weimin Road.It was half past twelve,and there were few cars in the street at the time.The old lady was crossing the street when a young man rode a bicycle,rushed up and knocked her down.The accident happened so suddenly that it had been some time before the other people in the street understood what was happening.The old lady was badly hurt and couldn t move at all.Someone called the First Aid Center and soon some doctors came and carried the lady to the hospital in their car.The police said that it was the young man s fault because he didn t see the red light turning on.


Production of Factory A

According to the graph,during the period from 1970 to 1979,there was a gradual decline in the production of radios in Factory A.It fell from 1800 sets per month in 1970 to 1000 sets per month in 1979.Thus,there was a total fall of 800 sets in the monthly output during those ten years.

On the other hand,there was a marked increase in the production of TV sets.The factory produced only 200 sets per month in 1970,but the output(产量)rose to 1200 sets per month in 1979.Thus there was a total increase of 1000 sets per month during the ten year period.The present output appears stable at 1200 sets per month.

本文结构清晰,“on the other hand”这一短语将曲线图涉及的两个方面加以区分。“a gradual decline”和“a marked increase”,“fell”和“rose”等几组对应词的使用,使文章结构趋于平衡。语言简洁明了,用词准确。内容反映了曲线图的大体特征和总的变化趋势,重点突出。

A Visit to Dongfang Farm

May 1st Sunday Fine

When the red sun rose in the east this morning,we,the students of No. 1 Middle School,left for Dongfang Farm.On the way there we marched in the line.Everyone was very happy.Some sang songs merrily.

One hour later,we arrived at the gate of the farm,where we were warmly welcomed.Uncle Li,the head of the farm took us to see the whole farm.There we saw many people working hard in the fields and learned a lot about vegetables and other crops.Until then did we realize that food doesn t come easily.

Around twelve o clock,we were offered a good lunch.After having it on the grass,we had great fun.Some danced,some sang songs,some played games,and others talked excitedly.We enjoyed ourselves very much.Soon it was evening,so we had to say goodbye to the people there.

What a good time we had today!

本文以日记的形式记述了“我”与同学们参观东方农场一事。作者按照时间顺序把参观农场的整个过程描述得有条不紊,详略得当。文章段落层次清晰,文笔流畅。短文第二段最后一句Until then did we realize that food doesn t come easily.是一个倒装句,在此起强调作用,说明直到那时“我们”才意识到食物来之不易,从而说明了“我们”在农场的收获是很大的,“我们”参观农场一事非常有意义。

Picking Up a Purse

An old man,wearing patched clothes,was sitting at a street corner begging,when a welldressed young man came.Just as the young man was passing by,he dropped his purse.The beggar saw it and stood up.“Excuse me,sir,”he said.He wanted to stop the young man with his hand in the air.The young man got angry and said rudely,“I don t have any money with me,so I don t think I can do anything to help you.”But the old man wasn t angry at all and said,“Excuse me,sir.Is this purse yours?I saw you drop it just now.”On hearing the old man s words,the young man s face turned red immediately.He just stood there and couldn t say anything.


The Relationship of Distances Between the

Driver s Thinking and the Vehicle s Braking

Some people don t believe that driving more slowly can save lives.But the truth of the matter is that driving more slowly can help a person to avoid serious accidents.

The illusration above shows the distance that it takes to stop a car at a given speed.The distance is measured in feet.The shaded area shows that driver s thinking distance.That s the distance that it takes the driver to react to danger that he sees.The white area shows the vehicle s braking distance.That s the distance that it takes for the car to stop once the brakes are applied.The number at the top of each bar show the total number of feet that it takes to stop the car.


My Birthday Party

whatbirthday partywhen1,July,6:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m.arrangements①put on a pretty new dress

②wait for your friends

③enjoy the delicious meal prepared by your mother

④play games,sing,dance and listen to musicJuly 1SaturdayFine

It is July the first.I m seventeen years of age.Today I had a wonderful birthday party.At the party I wore a pretty new dress.It is blue and white.The party started at 6:30 p.m.and all my friends arrived on time,bringing many beautiful presents with them to share the happy moment with me.My mother had prepared a lot of nice things for us to eat and drink.My friends and I played games,sang,danced and listened to music.All of us had a wonderful time.And after the party,I helped my mother wash the dishes.



One day,Jack and I went to the cinema.We only had one bike and I sat at the back.Then we came to the crossroads.Suddenly we were stopped by a man and a woman.We were very surprised.What on earth happened?The man told us the truth.They were stopped by a policeman half an hour before when they came to the crossroads.The policeman told them to stop the next offenders.Then the man smiled at us and said,“Now it is your turn to catch the offenders.Bye!”That day we acted the“policemen”.We had an unfortunate day!

本文要点齐全,行文流畅,表达清楚,语言简练地道。What on earth happened/The man told us the truth/to stop the next offenders表达得不落俗套,非常得体,体现出扎实的语言基本功。但是,篇尾acted该用acted as,意为“充当,担任”。


June 1st,1995

Dear Peter,

We re so glad you re coming to join us on Sunday.Here is how you can find us.We ll have our picnic in the People s Park.You know where that is,don t you?After you enter the park by the main gate,walk straight on till you come to a stream.Cross the stream and turn right.After walking for a while you ll come to a hill.Walk around to the other side of the hill.There you ll see a lake.We ll have our picnic there in the small wood by the lake.I m sure you ll have no trouble finding us.Do come!


Li Hua


City Change

Dear Mary,

This city has changed a lot in the past 5 years.First,more high buildings have appeared,which are modern and beautiful.Many overpasses have been set up,so it has become very convenient for people to travel.Besides,many families have got cars of their own.The people s life here has become rich and colorful.People can enjoy themselves travelling on holidays.To my delight,I can taste delicious food of different countries such as the food of America,Japan and South Korea.And now it is easier for me to keep in touch with you than last time,for I can email you in my office.




Ideal Jobs

Dear Mr.Smith,

I have recently made a survey among 100 boys and 100 girls about their future jobs.

What boys like to do most is to become scientists and their second choice is to become businessmen.While the largest group of girls would like to be teachers,only a few boys want to do this job.It is interesting that the numbers of boys and girls who want to be doctors are equal.As for lawyer,more boys expect to have their job.However,there are still some students who are not clear about their future.



本文文字不多,但是清楚地概括了学生们的择业倾向。文字简练,表达明了。尤其是在说明数据的过程中,不失时机地加进了一些人情味,使枯燥的数据有了活力。如:It is interesting that the numbers of boys and girls who want to be doctors are equal.


Switzerland lies in the middle of Europe.She is a small country.The population is 6 500 000.Austria,France.Italy and Germany are her nigh boring countries.The capital of Switzerland is Berne.And Geneva is a worldfamous city,where a lot of important meetings are held every year.There are many high mountains and big lakes in Switzerland.People all over the world visit Switzerland each year because she is a beautiful country.It is called“The World Garden.”Her watch,chemistry and food industries are very advanced.People can buy Swiss watches all over the world.The Swiss are hard working people.

I hope some day I will visit Switzerland.


Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow

Mike was Mr.and Mrs.Smith s only son.They loved him very much.

One day Mr.Smith bought Mike a new bike.The moment he had the bike,Mike rode it around and around.How happy he was!Mr.and Mrs.Smith stood nearby watching happily.Now Mike managed to ride with his hands off.He shouted.“Look at me!”How proud he felt!

While he was looking at his parents cheerfully,Mike sped up the bike.Oh,no!Off the bike fell the overjoyed boy.He got badly hurt.Mr.and Mrs.Smith went into deep sorrow.It was the right saying:“Extreme joy begets sorrow.”

The accident teaches that we must think of danger in time of joy.


Making Bread

Bread is not only delicious to eat but also easy to make.You may follow the four separate stages in making bread.

First,mix yeast with warm water.Add half the amount of flour to the mixture,and leave the batter mixture to rise for an hour.Second,add the rest of flour to the risen batter mixture,along with salt and oil.Then knead the dough thoroughly,and leave it to rise.Third,shape the dough into loaves.Then put them into bread tins and leave them to rise.Finally,put the bread into a hot oven.After it is cooked,take it out and put it on wire racks to cool.

That s the whole process of bread making.

短文完整地描绘出烤面包的过程,句子简练,清楚明白。短文顺序性强,无论先做什么,还是后做什么,通过短文中的first,second,third,then,finally,after it is cooked进行了解释。另外,短文的首尾相互照应,使读者感到短文很完整。

Women s Day

On March eighth,Women s Day,Wang Bing had a good idea that he was going to do something to celebrate it.He asked his father to help him.First they did some housework,which was always done by his mother.Wang Bing cleaned the house completely.His father washed all the dirty,clothes.Then they made a good meal,cooking fish,pork,chicken and some other delicious dishes.Wang Bing laid the table and set a vase in the middle of the table.After that,they did themselves behind the door,waiting for his mother.They wanted to give her a happy surprise.Indeed,when his mother came back and saw all of these,she felt very curious and happy.They had a pleasant festival.

短文内容完整,要点齐全,叙事顺序性体现得好,文中使用了first,then,after that,when his mother came back等,使短文条理清楚,行文连贯。结束时的They had a pleasant festival圆满结束短文。

Playing Football

One fine day,four little boys—Kangkang,Liangliang,Chichi and Minmin were playing football in the schoolyard.Suddenly Chichi kicked a high ball and Kangkang tried to catch it and ran after it.But he failed and the ball fell into a hole.The hole was too deep for them to reach the ball.While three of them were wondering what to do,Liangliang disappeared.After a while,he came back with a bucket of water.He poured the water into the hole and the ball floated with the hole full of water.Thus they picked up the ball and went on with their game.

短文中时间、地点、人物、起因、经过、结果都叙述得清清楚楚,无语言文字错误。短文中使用了表达连接的词和词组,使短文行文连贯。Suddenly,But,While,After a while,Thus等词和短语的运用值得模仿。

Our School

Dear Mr.Smith,

I am glad to hear from you.I am very happy to know that you want to know the changes in our school these past three years.Now,our school is quite different from the one three years ago.At that time,we only had one teaching building and a playground on the left of the building.But now we have added another two buildings on either side of the old one.The right is our new teaching building and the left is our library.The playground has been built on the left our of the school gate.And what s more,there have been many trees in and around the school.I wish you to visit our beautiful school again.

Best wishes.


Li Hua

该文语言流畅,文字简练,尤其连词(now,and,but)以及短文and what s more运用很自然。本文问题是有三处缺介词,即第二句末these past three years 前少了in,第四句The right is...and the left is...开始和and之后各少了一个on;还有第三句末from the one中,应在the后加old更准确明白。

An Email

Dear Sir/Madame,

I m writing for more information about the day tour to London.As a student at Oxford University,I d like to know if you have any special price for students.As for the money you charge,does it cover the entrance fees for visiting the places listed?What about lunch?Is it included?Or do I need to bring along my own food?

How long will the tour last?Since I need to prepare my lessons for the next day,I d like to know the time to return.Besides,is there any time for shopping?I really want to have a look at the big stores in London.


Li Hua


Our School Life

Dear Jeff,

I m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School.I m very happy to learn that you re going to stay with my family while you re in Beijing.

While you are here,we ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed,a desk,a couple of chairs and a TV.You ll also have your own bathroom.Our school is quite close to our home,so we could go to school together by bike.At noon we ll eat at the school dining hall.I m sure you ll like the delicious Chinese food there,and enjoy talking with friends over lunch.Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon.You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming.It ll be a lot of fun.

If you have any questions or requests,please let me know.We ll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


Waiting for a Rabbit

There was once a farmer who worked very hard every day.One day when he was hoeing in the sunshine,he suddenly heard a low sound“Ping!”.He turned and hurried to the tree.He found a rabbit dying.He took hold of the rabbit and was excited.“What a rabbit!I ll have it for dinner!”Then he had a good idea,“Why can t I want for more rabbits here?It s cool under the tree.”So he dropped off his hoe and waited there.But day after day,there were no more rabbits coming.What was worse,all his crops were dead.

The story tells us that if you want to get something,you must work hard for it.Remember,“No pains,no gains!”

本文有几个特点值得借鉴:讲述故事开门见山,符合英语国家人的思维方式;文中使用一般过去时为主体时态,且有引语,使短文句子长短、句式富于变化;巧妙合理地使用连接成分,如:One day,Then,So,But,What was worse等,使短文行文连贯;结尾处进行总结,并以No pains,no gains!结束短文,升华了寓言故事的寓意,可谓锦上添花。The Bus

It was snowing heavily on Monday morning.Li Hua was at the bus stop,waiting for Bus No.601 to go to school.After a while,a bus came and she got on it.There were many passengers in the bus.Some were talking and some were looking out of the windows.Suddenly the bus stopped.The driver turned around and said,“Sorry.The bus has broken down.Please get off and help push the bus.”When they heard this,Li Hua and the other passengers got off the bus.They worked hard together,pushing the bus slowly forward.Soon the bus was running again.All the passengers were smiling and the sun was shining.

全文使用过去时,符合讲故事的要求。短文当中的句子主语各不相同,避免了全文使用“she”的毛病,句式结构丰富多变。既有Waiting for...,pushing...forward这样的伴随状语,又有after a while,suddenly,when,soon,and等连接成分,使短文既有条理,又行为连贯。如果能够再加上下面一句更好:Standing on the moving bus,Li Hua felt more than happy and warm.

Should Students Make Friends Online?





3.可能上当受骗?Should students make friends online?Some people say yes.The Internet helps make many friends.Chatting online,students can more freely express their feelings and opinions,and even get help with their foreign language studies.

Others,however,think students should not.They say making friends online is a waste of time,which should be spent more meaningfully on study.Besides,some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study,health and safety before other things.As for friendship,we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.

短文分为三段,第一段说明yes的原因理由,第二段是no的原因理由,第三段为作者自己的观点,层次清楚。文中使用了and even,however,besides,as for等连接成分,使短文行文连贯;结尾处进行总结。但是,如果能够加入:In a word,every coin has two sides.结束短文,可谓锦上添花。My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

主要原因考试偏多、偏难不用功、懒惰取悦父母、老师个人看法作弊不对、违反校规要诚实,努力学习……(其他看法)It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students,we often take examinations at school,but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us.On the other hand,some of us are lazy and don t work hard at their lessons.So when taking examinations,they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion,it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools.We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations.What s more,we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.

段落凸现了文章的层次,逻辑性强。联结成分as students,but,on the other hand,so,in order to,in my opinion,and,instead of,what s more等的恰当使用使短文行文连贯,一气呵成。A Broken Chair

It was on Monday morning that when Xiaogang stepped into the classroom,he found his chair broken.Meanwhile an idea occurred to him.So he looked around and make sure no one was watching him.Then he changed his broken chair with Xiaohua s good one at a rapid spread.A few minutes later.Xiaohua appeared and she found her chair broken at first sight.It seemed that she felt a little surprised.But that expression just lasted a few seconds.To Xiaogang s surprise and embrassment,Xiaohua took the chair to be fixed without the slightest hestitation.(Through)He really didn t know if he should tell the truth.Finally he made up his mind and went up to help her.

文章以强调句开头,给人以良好的印象。文中使用了一些连接成分,使文章如行云流水。Mobile Phone

As can be seen from the chart,great changes have been taking place in the ownership of mobile phones in China.From 2002 to 2005,the owners of mobile phones have increased year by year.Mobile phones have many advantages.They re convenient.Whenever and wherever you make a phone call,you can get in touch with each other.Mobile phones can meet different demands.They can be used to give short messages,surf the Internet and so on.However,they also have many disadvantages.If you answer a wrong call,you have to pay for it.And the radiation of them is harmful to people.

开头点题,说明中国手机的拥有发生了很大的变化。此句对每年的变化情况进行了总的概述,用得非常精妙。Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Stduents

Recently,a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students.In this survey,one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were interviewed.They were asked which they like reading most among the four categories of English articles:news,stories,popular science and articles about learning methods.

The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most.Twentysix percent of the students say that English stories are their favorite.Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods.However,the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.

本文结构合理,叙述清楚,层次分明,重点突出,段与段之间、句与句之间衔接自然。作者运用了多种句式。如:which引导的定语从句They were asked which they like reading most among the four categories of English articles...作者还灵活运用了衔接词,如:recently,however。

Our Library

June 8

Dear Bob,

Thank you for your last letter asking about our library.

Our library is the center of the school.There is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building is right behind it.The library is big.When you get inside,you will see many shelves full of books on different subjects.There are also lots of newspapers and magazines.We borrow books and do some reading in the library.According to the rule,every students can borrow up to 5 books each time and keep them for 10 days.It is open from 9 a.m.to 7 p.m.from Monday to Friday and closed on weekends.

We all like our library very much.

Best wishes!


2007 Affect China s Person

姓名孟祥斌性别男出生年月1979年4月9日籍贯山东省齐河县家庭住址山东省齐河县刘桥镇刘桥村主要事迹:(Meng Xiaogbin)生前为驻浙江金华(Jinhua)某部(a local PLA unit)中尉军官,2007年11日30日,是妻子叶庆华到部队探亲的第二天,孟祥斌为了多抽出点时间和家人团聚,请一周的假,陪妻子和三岁的女儿到街上买东西。在准备去给女儿买红鞋的时候获知一女青年因失恋而跳入江中,正在水中挣扎,生命垂危,孟祥斌毫不犹豫地从10米高的桥上跳入冰冷的水中。女青年获救了,他却在妻子和三岁的女儿的眼前壮烈地牺牲了,年仅28岁。The next person I want to introduce is Meng Xiangbin,who was born in Liuqiao,Qihe,Shangdong Province.Before he died,he was a lieutenant of a local PLA unit in Jinhua,Zhejiang Province.It was on November 30,2007 that his wife and daughter came to see him.In order to spend more time with his wife and daughter,he asked to have seven days off.On their way to buy a pair of red shoes,he found that a girl had jumped into the river to commit suicide.For it was in winter,water in the river was very cold,the girl may be very dangerous.Without hestiation,Meng Jumped into the river from the 10meterhigh bridge.At last,the girl was resured,but Meng died.Meng is so great that we will remember him forever.Now welcome Meng s wife to our stage!


Xinhua Stamp Printing Factory

Xinhua Stamp Printing Factory lies 15 miles away from the center.When you step into the factory,you can realise it is not only a modern factory,but also a beautiful garden.Because flowers come out in changing seasons,the grass and the trees also are the ease for the eyes.In front of the gate stands the office block.Behind the office building,there is a conference hall and a big playground.At the left side of the playground we built two shower rooms and two workshops.A big garage and two workshops are located on the right side of the playground.At the end of the playground you can see four big dorms in which live our workers.

That is all I want to say.Please enjoy yourselves there.

文章要点全面、用词准确、行文流畅。能灵活运用倒装句和There be句型。较好地完成了写作任务。今后要避免文章的开头部分出现错误。要以精美的开篇给阅卷以享受。

Dear Bob,

Thank you for your last letter.I m so glad to hear that you ll come to learn Chinese in Jianxin Chinese School in September.I ve found a place for you.

As you wanted,the room has a bedroom,a bathroom,a kitchen.There is a bed,a sofa,a desk and a chair in the bedroom.It s about 25 square meters on the third floor,whose window faces the Fangcao Street.

It s not far from Jianxin Chinese School.You can take Bus No.11.It s only one stop.

By the way,you have to pay 500 yuan for the room every month.I m expecting your coming.

All the best!


Li Hua


周末活动(减负前)周末活动(减负后)白天:上课、做作业白天:参观博物馆、学习电脑、绘画等晚上:做作业晚上:看新闻、读书、看报就寝时间:11:30就寝时间:10:00Dear Dick,

I m very glad to hear from you.Now the students learning load has been reduced a lot.All this is due to the rule made by the Ministry of Education that every school must not leave too much homework for students to do after class.How happy we are since the rule was put into practice.In the weekends,we can visit museums,learn painting and how to operate computes.These changes could have never been thought of in the past.

But in my opinion,some people fail to realize the nature of reducing students learning load.Though teachers don t give us much work to do,parents force their children to put their minds into books after school.So we can see the rule cannot work by itself.We should let people understand the real meaning of reducing students learning load.

Best wishes.


Li Hua

这封书信感情真挚,流露出作者对减轻负担的欢迎之情。主题鲜明,言简意赅,内容翔实。并对一部分人,特别是家长对这一政策不能贯彻到底提出了批评,最后在结尾发出呼吁,“let people understand the real meaning of reducing students learning load”,使得文章具有更深的意义。不足之处是本文论述过于宽泛,没有较强的针对性。

Dear Editor,

I am a student of Sercior Three in a middle school in Fujian Province.

In order to make the most of learning materials our school is arranging an activity for us.It calls on the students of Sercior Three to donate their used books,newspapers,or magazines to the lower grade.The activity is aimed at promoting friendship and encouraging economy.The idea is very popular among the students.And it s highly prosed by the teachers.This activity will be held on the first floor of our library and it will last ten days from June 10th to 20th.

If we all make a small contribution to it,a great deal of resource will be saved.I m looking forward to seeing this meaningful and helpful activity going on in the future.


Li Hua


Waiting on MidAutumn

It is MidAutumn Day,a traditional day of great importance for Chinese.Time now being a quarter past one,Grandpa and Grandma are still waiting for their son,daughterinlaw and grandchildren coming home,with those prepared,delicious,but already cold food set on the table.Grandpa gets his hands on a phone,wondering whether he should call to check out what happened to his offspring,while Grandma impatiently watches the closed door,trying to listen to the steps of her children coming home.What a terrible day,though originally scheduled for family getting together,celebrating the reunion.

People nowadays spending MidAutumn like Grandpa and Grandma are usual in modern society.With a society in fast lane,people s life has changed a lot.Usedto extended family separates into smaller family,typically away from the original family.And high pressure in work and life contributes to people s lateness of getting back home.So under the circumstances,how to maintain the traditional value is a question presented for everyone to think about.If those valuable traditions disappear,people would have a bigger problem to deal with:how to rebuild culture that has gone.


An Instruction for Shopping Center

有关事项内容说明营业时间上午8:00—11:00经营商品一楼:日常必需品二楼:服装三楼:电器四楼:办公用品产品齐用,货真价实特别服务电话服务导购服务供货需求联系电话 68426688或68424488Hello,welcome to our shopping center!Now please allow me to introduce something to you about it.

The first thing customers should keep in mind is that the shop remains open from 8am to 11am.

The first floor sells daily goods as well as food.If you want to buy clothes,you can go to the second floor,where you can find whatever you want,which is a feast for eyes.In order to satisfy more people s needs,we open the third floor used for eletrical appliances.And the highest floor provides the things for people who work in the office.You can combine shopping and entertainment at the same time.

Beside,we also offer many extra series,such as telephone series,guidence serives and so on.

In shot,our products are cheap but of good quality,please keep in touch with us by calling 68426688 or 68424488.

Thank you!


Do or Don t

Do you understand this cartoon?Let me tell you.One day,the son wanted to help a little girl up when she fell over,but his mother stopped him and said,“Don t do that,otherwise others will think it was you who knocked her down.”A few days later,the mother was shocked at seeing her son just let the fallen oil bottle be.She asked him why he didn t put it in place,but the boy talked back,“If I had straightened the bottle up,you would have thought that I did it.”

I disagree with what the mother did in the story.I think parents should set a good example to their children.They should not only care for their children s health,but their minds.They should let their children know it s a pleasure to help others who are in trouble.We live in the society which is a big family for all of us.Everyone should do something good to build up our society.





3.改掉不良习惯。你的看法Health is far more important than wealth.Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career.On the contrary,poor health leads to nothing.Since health is so important,how to keep good health?

Firstly,it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins,and we have to keep a balanced diet.So we should avoid eating food with lots of sugar and fat.Secondly,we d better exercise every day to make our bodies strong.Besides,we have to avoid too much work pressure.Finally,we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health,such as drinking and smoking.

In conclusion,if we stick to the advice given above and keep a good mood,we will keep in good health.

本文分三个段落,第一段谈健康的重要性,第二段谈如何保持健康,第三段谈结论,层次十分清晰。第一段用对比的方式,提出健康的重要性,观点鲜明,重点突出。第二段作者用到了很好的连接词,firstly,secondly,finally,使前后自然衔接,内容具有很好的连贯性。另外还用到了很多好的过渡词On the contrary,In conclusion,使文章读起来很自然。


New Zealand has good weather in all seasons.December,January and February are her summer months,and June,July and August are her winter months.In New Zealand,however,it is not very hot in summer and not very cold in winter.The highest temperature is only a little above 25℃ in Auckland,which is the“hottest”in summer in the country.The lowest temperature in New Zealand s winter does not reach zero centigrade.From summer to winter,the greatest change in temperature is in Queens town.

In New Zealand,it is not too hot in summer and not too cold in winter,so it is a good place for a visit.


Dos and Don ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers

DosDon ts待人礼貌友好避免不得体的言行坚守岗位不忘履行自己的职责介绍中国的历史和文化不损害祖国的形象如果你成为志愿者,你还应该做什么,不应该做什么。

(内容由考生自己定)Firstly,they should be polite and friendly to the athletes and visitors from all over the world,and avoid improper behavior.Secondly,they should stick to their posts,offering good services,satisfying any reasonable needs and being ready to help those in difficulty,and never fail to do their duty.Thirdly,they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners so that they may know China better,and never say or do anything that harms the image of our motherland.

If I have the honor to be chosen as a volunteer,besides these above,I will work hard and creatively,and never be lazy.I will follow the laws and discipline,and never break them.I will take the opportunity to make friends with the athletes and visitors,and help make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success.


A Brief Survey of the Traffic Accidents on Link Road

A survey conducted recently shows that the change of traffic accidents on Link Road from 1999 to 2008.

Before 1999,there were not so many cars as now.So the number of traffic accident is small.Later,with the development of our society,many cars appeared in the street.Owing to the lack of traffic facilities like traffic lights,in the year 2000,the accident rate increased sharply from 5 to 35.Then the government realized the seriousness.To avoid the traffic accidents,the government equipped the road with better facilities,so the accident rate decreased sharply.However,in the following three years,the accidnet rate kept almost at the same level.

From 2000 then on,more steps have been taken by the local government,such as making improving people s awareness,improving the road conditions,and so on.

To conclude from the chart,there will be few accidents in the future as long as our government pay more attention to the traffic and take more measures.


A Letter

旅游资源许多世界著名的风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子:清澈见底;色彩斑斓)、都江堰水利工程(2 000多年的历史,仍在发挥作用)相关信息气候适宜,交通方便

Dear Nick,

I m glad to hear that you re coming to Sichua in August.You ve made the wise choice to travel here.Sichuan Province is rich in tourist attractions and has many worldfamous places of interest,such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project.

Jiuzhaigou is wellknown for its beautiful lakes,of which the water is clear and looks colorful.It can excite visitors imagination.Another attraction is Dujiangyan Irrigation Project.It was built over 2 000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today.Besides,the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable.I m sure you ll have a good time.

I m looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

本文覆盖了所有的内容要点,格式正确,结构紧凑,完全达到了预期的交流目的。开头简要提出四川有名的景点,然后详细地说明两大景点的特色,结尾处表明了作者的愿望,完全符合书信格式。文中应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,有效地使用了语句间的衔接词,如:be rich in,play an important part,another,besides等,由此看出作者具有较强的语言运用能力。

English Learning Age






The students of Class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.

Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood.As little boys and girls have a very good memory,they can learn a lot of English words by heart.This will help them lay a foundation for their future English learning.

But others do not agree.Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school.If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time,it will be very easy for them to mix them up.This will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also their future English learning.

In short,the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.

本文结构严谨,层次清楚,恰当地使用了连接词语,使文章前后连贯。如:but,at the same time,in short等。另外,语言流畅,措辞恰如其分,句式变化多样。如:lay a solid foundation,mix...up,by heart等词和not only...but also...句型。不失为一篇优秀的作文。

Story of a Tree

Once there was a family living in a cabin under a huge tree.Its strong branches and thick leaves kept the family safe from the wind and rain.Sometime later,they cut down the tree with an axe,as they were building another cabin.They needed the wood for its walls and the branches and leaves for its roof.But before the completion of the new cabin,there came a storm.And strong winds blew away the roofs of both the old and new cabins,because the tree was no longer there to protect the place from the wind.



America,one of the most developed countries,is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.The northern land neighbour is Canada,and the southern is Mexico.America,made up of 51 states,owns the land of 9 360 000 square kilometers.Besides,the U.S.A. is also known as one of the biggest countries in the world,with a population of 230 000 000.

Recently the friendship between Chinese and Americans has developed fast,and people of the two countries have begun to known more about each other.The whole world will benefit a lot from the friendship and cooperation between the two big countries.


Noise Pollution

问题危害措施噪音随处可见,可有人认为噪音不会造成严重问题实际上噪音对人的身心健康会造成很大危害我们应该积极采取措施防治噪音污染In modern cities there are noises everywhere,but people seem to be used to these noises.They do not take much notice to these unpleasant sounds around them.Therefore,people never believe these sounds will be a serious problem.

However,they are wrong.In fact,noises can do great harm to people s physical and psychological health.Staying in a noisy circumstance for too long will not only damage people s hearing but also cause discomfort of their bodies,and also they will feel nervous and lose their temper easily.

Since noise is a serious problem,measures must be taken to control it.Laws and regulations should be passed to reduce the noises in the city.Only in this way can noise pollution be brought under control.

本文第一段提出问题,即人们不重视噪音污染,第二段说明其危害,第三段介绍解决问题的措施,层次分明,结构合理。最后一段连续使用了三个情态动词和被动语态,表现出作者严肃认真的态度,达到了较好的语言效果。文中用到了Therefore,However等承接词,很有逻辑性。最后还用到了倒装句Only in this way...,起到了强调作用。

Differences Between China And The United States

CountriesThe USAChinaArea9.4 million km29.6 million km2Population283 million1.3 billionLanguageEnglish, SpanishChinese,Mongolian,etc.Minority groupsBlacks,Jews,American Indians,etc.Tibetans,Miaos,Yis,etc.Important citiesWashington DC,New York,Los Angeles,etc.Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Chongqing,etc.Dear Jenny,

I m very glad to talk with you about the differences between China and the States.

First,the State has an area of 94 million km2 while China has 9.6 million km2.Second,there s a population of 283 million in the USA.However,China has a population of 1.3 billion,which is much larger than that of the USA.Third,there are differnt languages spoken in the USA,among which English and Spanish play the mare part.There the whites as well as blacks,Jews and other racial live together happily.In China,Chinese is the mother tongue,but we also speak Mongolian,Yis and so on.Because of our long history we have formed a big family in which Han and other 55 nationalities get on well with each other.

At last,Washington DC and Los Angeles,etc are the most important cities in the USA.Here in China,the most important are Beijing,the capital city,Shanghai and so on.

If you want to know more about the differences between China and the States,please let me know.


Li Hua

这是一篇表格式的对比型说明文,表中信息非常之多,而作者却能做到条理清楚,层次分明,是非常难得的。文章引文流畅,衔接非常自然。连接词用得非常巧妙,如引对比时,用到了while,however,but等词,避免了单一与重复。又如First,second,than,at last等使结构非常清晰。总之,这是一篇非常不错的习作。


Taiwan lies to the west of the Pacific Ocean.North of its lies the East China Sea and southwest,the South China Sea.The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian.

Taiwan is the largest island in China.It has an area of about 36,000 square kilometers and it has a population of over 20 000 000.

It s rich in natural resources.Bananas,rice,tea and so on are famous at home and abroad.Clothes,food,electronic products and so on are also wellknown all over the world.

Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times.Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong.All the people on both sides of the straits desire to unite our motherland.


文章的表达方式多样,语言地道。如:lie to,have an area of,have a population of,be rich in,at home and abroad,have a strong with等;还用到了倒装句和省略句。如:North of its lies the East China Sea and southwest,the South China Sea.


I think the artist wants to show changes in the city.From the picture we can see that the man stands for the old generation in China.He is wearing oldfashioned clothes that date back to the beginning of the twentieth century.Now he is looking at the laptop in great curiosity.

After thinking hard,he was still unable to figure out what it is.The girl,on the other hand,is totally different.She has long hair and wears a fashionable skirt.While the man doesn t know anything about the laptop,she plays with it skillfully.The striking differences between the two show rapid changes in people s life in China.Do you agree with me?

文章最大的亮点是句式运用丰富多彩,宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句在文章中都用到了。再者,短句的运用也很广泛,尤其是date back to,in great curiosity,figure out,on the other hand等短语的运用,使上下文衔接自然,语句表达地道得体。文章结尾用了一个疑问句,别出心裁,别有一番味道,显得与众不同。

讨论内容高考是否应该取消听力考试讨论结果反对取消理由听力是语言学习的重要组成部分;对英语教学是一种促进;交际的需要;听力测试中存在的问题可以克服Dear editor,

According to the Ministry of Education,each province will decide whether or not listening comprehension is to be included in the NMET.After a heated discussion,we think listening is quite necessary and can t be taken out of the English examination.

Firstly,listening,speaking,reading and writing are four main skills of language learning,listening comprehension is as important as the other three.Secondly,listening will certainly do good to English teaching.Moreover,it is most valuable in our daily communication.

Of course,we admit that sometimes something unpleasant did happen in the listening test,but it is certain that we can find better ways to avoid the problems in listening tests.

So we are strongly against the idea that we won t have listening tests in the coming English examination.

Yours truly,

Wang Hua


New Outlook?

We can see in the picture that one person is asking the other to do some voluntary labor,but the other feels it very funny,saying,“Are you kidding me?Times have changed and doing voluntary labor is already out of date.”

It is true that with the development of economy,many people have become rich.However,with their wallets full,some people have changed their outlook on value,laying too much emphasis on nothing but money and personal interests.At one time,serving the people heart and soul was glorious,but now it is being constantly laughed at.

In my opinion,spiritual civilization is as important as material civilization.Nowadays,the government advocates setting up a harmonious society.Therefore,people should reply to the call with action.If everyone does a little bit for others and the society,our world will be a much better one.

本题通过漫画来反映一种社会现象,写作时首先要仔细观察,包括图片及上面的文字,领会画中所要表达的意思。作者发表了自己的看法,进行了合理的发挥。文中用到了比较好的过渡词,如however,at one time,in my opinion等,使文章衔接自然。

Recently a survey has been done to find out the cause of obesity among high school students.1 000 students in ten schools in Hebei Province were interviewed by questionaire.There are four main reasons for the obesity problem.First,thirty percent of the students get too fat because they seldom take exercise.Another thirty percent of them eat too much food which contains too many calories.Then,about twenty five percent of the students believed that they get fat because of family genes.The last portion of fifteen percent think that they put on weight just because they did not realize the harm of the obesity which causes heart trouble,high blood pressure and some other diseases.

这是一篇图表型说明文。作者对图表观察仔细,对数据分析细致入微。文章覆盖了全部要点,行文连贯,使用了一些连接成分,如first,then,another等。在表示百分比时采用了不同的表达法。如thirty percent of the students,Another thirty percent,about twenty five of the students,The last portion of fifteen percent等,使文章富于变化。

As a saying goes:Books are ladders of people s progress.The history of mankind over thousands of years tells us that books are important.It is books that help man make more and more progress.Everyone born with nothing learns from books which our ancestors left for us,which do not satisfy our demand.On the base of farmer knowledge people explore the world widely and deeply which make our lives between and better.


看图作文(Writing Through Picture)就是依据图画所表现的情景、表格所提供的信息,按规定的题目或要求写作。看图、表作文是近年高考英语作文经常采用的形式之一,它往往把观察、分析结合起来,把形象思维和抽象思维结合起来,把说明、议论、记叙和各种应用文体结合起来,考生应该根据图示和试题要求确定文体。这是对考生进行综合考查的一种作文。












第一,审清题目,根据要求选择适当的表达方式和文体。如要求中只提到采用短文形式,则考生便可自主作宽范围的选择。如题中有特殊要求,如“作简单评论”,考生则需要从评论的角度考虑问题。在确定了表达方式以后,还要注意选择适当的文体。不同的文体有不同的要求。如正式的信函形式要求有信头、信内地址,呼语,文末根据对象不同有Yours sinerely或Yours faithfully及本人签名等,而普通朋友之间的信函可不写信内地址,称呼可直接写成诸如“Dear John”样的形式,信末可写成Yours sincerely或Yours即可,如是亲密朋友,则会更简单一些。而文体选择合适与否,格式是否正确,也是评分标准中的一条,不能忽视。




  • 学习是不需要教的:发现与解放的教育


  • 木偶奇遇记(语文新课标课外读物)


  • 民用航空法概论


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  • 青少年应该知道的龙舞和狮舞(阅读中华国粹)


  • 吾妃吉祥


  • 爱,就在百转千回处


  • 花开富贵一剑倾心


  • 星河记忆


  • 戒指情缘


  • 盲妃驾到:鬼王请接招


  • 猫武士蓝灰星的预言


  • 重生之羽化纤殇




  • 史莱姆之超级吃货

