
第48章 应用文写作(13)

1.You are a professor, write a recommendation letter for Jennifer Huang. She is a college student who will graduate this semester. Her major is international trade and economics. During her study in the university, she has got high score in almost all her courses. In addition, she also gets the chance to practice in a foreign company. She is a student who always takes an active part in discussion, research work and information collection related to study. Now she wants to pursue her MA program in a good university, please write a recommendation letter for her.

2. Mr. Tom Wilson is your classmate in university. He wants to take part in a private club. By accident, you are the member of this club. Write a recommendation letter for him.

3. You are the manager of the marketing research department. One of your employees, Joan Smith, wants to apply for the post of senior secretary in your company. Write a recommendation letter for her.


Have you ever written a resume for yourself? Please write yourself a resume according to your applied post, such as software engineer, administrative assistant, lawyer, teacher, and so on. Please pay attention to the form and language.


1.You are a college student majoring in Chinese. You want to apply for the summer position of proofreader advertised in the June 23 issue of Beijing Youth. So you decide to write an application letter to the editor.

2.You are an employee in a foreign trade company. You want to go abroad to conduct your further study in order to improve yourself. Please write yourself an application letter to a university which attracts you most.

3. You get to know that a famous accounting company is recruiting new employees. At the same time, you find you are losing your enthusiasm in your present job. So you decide to have a try and write an application letter to this company.



(1) They acted in a manner that rendered them liable to prosecution.

(2) John fell into the river and, before help could reach him, he sank.

(3) He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.

(4) He idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn"t until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.

(5) I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. I think they must have small insight or great vanity.

(6) Beautiful mountains like Mountain Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Yellow Mountain, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on those mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.



The birth of a volcanic island is all event marked by prolonged and violent travail: the forces of the earth striving to create, and all the forces of the sea opposing. At the place where the formation of such an island begins, the sea flour is probably nowhere more than about fifty miles thick. In it are deep cracks and fissures, the results of unequal cooling and shrinkage in past ages. Along such lines of weakness the molten lava from the earth"s interior presses up and finally bursts forth into the sea. But a submarine volcano is different from a terrestrial eruption, where the lava, molten rocks, and gases are hurled into the air from an open crater. Here on the bottom of the ocean the volcano has been resisting all the weight of the ocean water above it. Despite the immense pressure, it may be, two or three miles of sea water, the new volcanic cone builds upwards towards the surface, in flow after flow of lava. Once within reach of the waves, its soft ash is violently attacked by the motion of the water which continually washes away its upper surface, so that for a long period the potential island may remain submerged. But eventually, in new eruptions, the code is pushed up into the air, where the lava hardens and forms a rampart against the attacks of the waves.

(221 words)


Knowing what an employer is looking for in a potential employee can help to prepare for an interview. An interviewer for a major corporation was asked these questions: What specific skills are you looking for in applicants? And how do you identify these skills? He responded: Most important for us in the way of skills is the ability to communicate--can people speak clearly? Can they articulate the kind of person they believe themselves to be? In what kind of work situations do they perform well? What are their strengths and weaknesses? We want to know about the personal qualities of the individual, so I try to ask questions to draw them out and attempt to find out if they have a sense of themselves. What I"m looking for is an ability to verbalize an idea in clear, simple, understandable language. I"m also looking for the ability to listen attentively and then to be able to respond to an idea or thought that has been presented to them.

I"m looking for creativity--can they be spontaneous? I will ask some “off-the-wall” questions just to see if this throws them. How do they respond in these tough situations--can they be creative in their answers?This is very important when they are out in business situations with customers.They will have to respond to very sudden changes and problem-solving situations that they are not necessarily familiar with, and I want to know if they can handle them.

What we look for the most are personal qualitiesconfidence, selfmotivation, drive, ambition, and a cooperative spirit. They should be high achievers and want to work hard. I can usually tell about these qualities from the way the person presents himself or herself and some of the activities they have been engaged in. I pick up things from the applications and resume--how they have written them and the kinds of things they say. How they present their experiences is often very informative.


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