

Sweet, sharp white teeth—a smile. In the open cup of the armchair she was like a bee, sting and honey combined.

Yes, duty....I turned over in my mind the pages of my records; indeed there is not a thought about the fact that strictly speaking I should...

I was silent. Exaltedly, and probably stupidly, I smiled, looking into the pupils of her eyes. I followed first one eye and then the other, and in each of them I saw myself, a millimetric self imprisoned in those tiny rainbow cells. Then again the lips and the sweet pain of blooming.

In each Number of the United State there is an unseen metronome that tick-tocks silently; without looking at the clock we know exactly the time of day within five minutes. But now my metronome had stopped, and I did not know how much time had passed. In fright I grasped my badge with its clock from under the pillow. Glory be to the Well-Doer! I had twenty minutes more! But those minutes were such tiny, short ones! They ran! And I wanted to tell her so many things. I wanted to tell her all about myself; about the letter from O- and about that terrible evening when I gave her a child; and for some reason also about my childhood, about our mathematician Plappa, and about the square root of minus one; and how, when I attended the glorification on the Day of Unanimity for the first time in my life, I wept bitterly because there was an inkstain on my unif—on such a holy day!

I-330 lifted her head. She leaned on her elbow. In the corners of her lips two long, sharp lines and the dark angle of lifted eyebrows—a cross.

"Perhaps on that day..." her brow grew, darker; she took my hand and pressed it hard. "Tell me, will you ever forget me? Will you always remember me?"

"But why such talk? What is it, I-, dear? "

She was silent. And her eyes were already sliding past me, through me, away into the distance. I suddenly heard the wind beating the glass with its enormous wings. Of course it had been blowing all the while, but I had not noticed it until then. And for some reason those cawing birds over the Green Wall came to my mind.

I-330 shook her head with a gesture of throwing something off. Once more she touched me for a second with her whole body, as an aero before landing touches the ground for a second with all the tension of a recoiling spring.

"Well, give me my stockings, quick!"

The stockings were on the desk, on the open manuscript, on page 124. Being in haste, I caught some of the pages and they were scattered over the floor, so that it was hard to put them back in the proper order. Moreover, even if I put them in that order there will be no real order; there are obstacles to that anyway, some undiscoverable unknowns.

"I can"t bear it," I said. "You are here, near me, yet you seem to be behind an opaque ancient wall; through that wall I hear a rustle and voices; I cannot make out the words, I don"t know what is there. I cannot bear it. You seem always to withhold something from me; you have never told me what kind of place it was where I found myself that day beneath the Ancient House. Where did those corridors lead? Why was the doctor there—or perhaps all that never happened?"

I-330 put her hands on my shoulders and slowly entered deeply into my eyes.

"You want to know all?"

"Yes, I do."

"And you would not be afraid to follow me anywhere? Wherever I should lead you?"


"All right then. I promise you, after the holiday, if only ...Oh, yes, there is your Integral. I always forget to ask; will it soon be completed?"

"No. "If only" what? Again! "If only" what?"

She, already at the door: "You shall see."

I was alone again. All that she left behind her was a barely perceptible scent, similar to that of a sweet, dry, yellow dust of flowers from behind the Green Wall; also, sunk deeply within me, question marks like small hooks similar to those the ancients used for fishing (vide the Prehistoric Museum).

...Why did she suddenly ask about the Integral?

  • 理智与情感


  • 金融街


  • 巴勒斯坦之恋


    这是一部交织着爱、激情与阴谋的黑色罗曼史,堪称中东版《无间道》!2007年“美国犹太图书奖”和“美国近20年最佳短篇小说奖”得主乔纳森·威尔逊,用天才式的拼图结构,书写一段交织着激情与阴谋的中东传奇。本书的背景是1924年巴勒斯坦地区在英国托管下的耶路撒冷。小说以一战后的巴勒斯坦的人口流动为背景,讲述了一个交织着爱,激情与阴谋的故事,小说中的人物命运与巴勒斯坦局势一如今天的中东局势一样 ,动荡不定,难以预料。1924年,小说主人公约翰·布鲁伯格,一位心灰意冷的伦敦画家带着他的妻子,乔伊斯,一位狂热的基督教犹太复国主义同情者,一来到巴勒斯坦便目睹了一起谋杀案。从此卷入一场阴谋。犹太人与阿拉伯人矛盾,英国人,美国人之间错综复杂的关系,妻子与犹太复国主义者之间的神秘联系,与英国军官之间的暧昧,使得小说从一开始就充满悬念。
  • 兄妹


  • 西域东来


  • 龙珠之贝吉特


  • 王牌杀手:废柴逆天七小姐


  • 神巫之爱·一个天才的通信(沈从文小说全集)


  • 欢喜冤家:腹黑,请多指教


  • 我的传奇之保彪


  • 极地破坏


  • 邪君霸世:王妃不好惹


  • 晨曦明夕


  • 霸道总裁的逆天狂少


  • 暗夜诡影

