

The saloon. Heads covered with bristles, gray iron bristles, and yellow heads, and bald, ripe heads were bent over the instruments and maps. Swiftly, with a glance, I gathered them in with my eyes; off I ran, back down the long passage, then through the hatch into the engine room. It was hot there from the red tubes, overheated by the explosions: a constant roar—the levers were dancing their desperate, drunken dance, moving ceaselessly with a barely noticeable quiver; the arrows on the dials...There! At last! Near the tachometer, a notebook in his hand, was that man with the low forehead.

"Listen," I shouted straight into his ear (because of the roar). "Is she here? Where is she?"

"She? There, at the radio."

I dashed over. There were three of them, all with receiving helmets on. And she seemed a head taller than usual, wingy, sparkling, flying like an ancient Valkyrie; the bluish sparks from the radio seemed to emanate from her—from her also that ethereal, lightning—like odor of ozone.

"Someone—well, you, for instance," I said to her, panting from having run, "I must send a message down to earth, to the docks. Come, I shall dictate it to you."

Close to the apparatus there was a small, box-like cabin. We sat at the table side by side. I found her hand and pressed it hard.

"Well, what is going to happen?"

"I don"t know. Do you realize how wonderful it is? To fly without knowing where...no matter where? it will soon be twelve o"clock and nobody knows what...And when night...Where shall you and I be tonight? Perhaps somewhere on the grass, on dry leaves..."

Blue sparks emanated from her, and the odor of lightning, and the vibration within me became more and more frequent.

"Write down," I said loudly, panting(from having run). "Time: eleven-twenty; speed, 5,800..."

"Last night she came to me with your note. I know... I know everything; don"t talk...But the child is yours. I sent her over; she is already beyond the Wall. She will live..."

I was back on the commander"s bridge, back in the delirious night with its black starry sky and its dazzling sun. The hands of the clock on the table were slowly moving from minute to minute. Everything was permeated by a thin, hardly perceptible quivering (only I noticed it). For some reason a thought passed through my head: it would be better if all this took place not here but somewhere below, nearer to earth.

"Stop!" I commanded.

We kept moving by inertia, but more and more slowly. Now the Integral was caught for a second by an imperceptible little hair, for a second it hung motionless, then the little hair broke and the Integral, like a stone, dashed downward with increasing speed. That way minutes, tens of minutes passed in silence. My pulse was audible; the hand of the clock before my eyes came closer and closer to twelve. It was clear to me that I was a stone, I-330 the earth, and the stone was under irresistible compulsion to fall downward, to strike the earth and break into small particles. What if...? Already the hard, blue smoke of clouds appeared below...What if...? But the phonograph within me, with a hinge-like motion and precision, took the telephone and commanded: "Low speed!" The stone ceased failing. Now only the four lower tubes were growling, two ahead and two aft, only enough to hold the Integral motionless; and the Integral, only slightly trembling, stopped in the air as if anchored, about one kilometer from the earth.

Everybody came out on deck (it was shortly before twelve, before the sounding of the dinner gong) and leaned over the glass railing; hastily, in huge gulps, they devoured the unknown world which lay below, beyond the Green Wall. Amber, blue, green, the autumnal woods, prairies, a lake. At the edge of a little blue saucer some lone yellow debris, a threatening, dried-out yellow finger—it must have been the tower of an ancient "church" saved by a miracle....

"Look, there! Look! There to the right!"

There—over the green desert—a brown blot was rapidly moving. I held a telescope in my hands and automatically I brought it to my eyes: the grass reaching their chests, a herd of brown horses was galloping, and on their backs—they, black, white, and dark...

Behind me:

"I assure you, I saw a face!"

  • 办公室的故事


    《办公室的故事(长篇小说)》》由张玉秋所著,哲学强调人的社会性。 现实生活中,一个人的社会化,恰是个人与社会不断磨合的过程。在现实与理想、妥协与坚守的撕扯中,有无奈,有让步,亦有内心的底线。作品中的人物在平淡琐碎而又复杂的职场生活中。给正义、责任、善良、爱情这些老掉牙的字眼以全新的解释。幽默诙谐的语言,让人在笑声中深思。
  • 红蚂蚱 绿蚂蚱

    红蚂蚱 绿蚂蚱

  • 三十里桃花流水(布谷鸟原创小说系列)


  • 呼兰河传


  • 秦淮悲歌


  • 必知的军事科技


  • 狂之巅峰


  • 牁盅


  • 快穿:这个主神不太冷


  • 我所想保护的世界


  • 福妻驾到


  • 婚前婚后,总裁前夫耍无赖


  • EXO之如果


  • 魔盔


  • 火影之战魔

