
第70章 人生的回归是种无人能够违抗的自然规律(4)

1.4 主要人物的人生(经验教训)

1.4 Major Characters’ Lives (Experiences and Lessons)



Santiago: He is an aged Cuban fisherman. He has taught a boy named Manuolin to fish and the boyloves him. The boy has been with him for the first forty days without catching a fish. The boy’s parents saythe old man is too unlucky and have forced the boy to leave the old man in order to fish in a more prosperousboat. But the boy continues to care for the old man upon his return each night. Having made some money withthe successful fisherman, the boy offers to return to Santiago’s skiff, reminding him of their previous eighty-seven-day run of bad luck, which culminated in their catching big fish every day for three weeks. He offersthe old man a beer on the Terrace. Many of the fishermen make fun of the old man and he is not angry.“Youbought me a beer,”the old man said,“You are already a man.”“How old was I when you first took mein a boat?”asked the boy.“Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and henearly tore the boat to pieces.”The old man and the boy walk up the road together to the old man’s shackand go in through its open door. In it there is only a bed, a table, one chair and a place to cook.“I would liketo take the great DiMaggio fishing,”the old man said.“They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he wasas poor as we are and would understand.”“The great Sister’s father was never poor and he,”the boy toldhim,“the father, was playing in the Big Leagues when he was my age.”“When I was your age I was beforethe mast on a square rigged ship that ran to Africa and I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening.”Theold man said,“Should we talk about Africa or about baseball?”“Baseball I think,”the boy said. Afterdiscussing with the old man the greatest ballplayer and the greatest baseball managers, the boy declaresthat Santiago is the greatest fisherman:“There are many good fishermen and some great ones. But there isonly you.”The old man is an expert seaman, able to read the sea, sky, and their respective creatures likebooks that tell him what he needs to know. The flying fish, for instance, signal the arrival of dolphins, while,in Santiago’s experience, the magnificent tug on the line can mean only one thing: a marlin—a type of largegame fish that weighs hundreds of pounds. Throughout his life, the old man has been presented with conteststo test his strength and endurance. The marlin with which he struggles for three days represents his greatestchallenge. When Manuolin comes to the old man’s shack, the sight of his friend’s ravaged hands brings him totears. Fishermen have gathered around Santiago’s boat and measured the carcass at eighteen feet. Manuolinwaits for the old man to wake up, keeping his coffee warm for him so it is ready right away. When the old manwakes, he and Manuolin talk warmly. Santiago says that the sharks beat him, and Manuolin insists that he willwork with the old man again, regardless of what his parents say. He reveals that there had been a search forSantiago involving the coast guard and planes. Santiago is happy to have someone to talk to, and after he andManuolin make plans, the old man sleeps again. Manuolin desperately wants to complete his training. All ofthe old man’s noble qualities and more important, the lessons he draws from his experience, will be passedon to the boy, which means the fisherman’s life will continue on, in some form, even after his death. ThusSantiago manages, perhaps, the most miraculous feat of all: he finds a way to prolong his life after death.


It is certainly true that Santiago’s eighty-four-day run of bad luck is an affront to his pride as amasterful fisherman, and his attempt to bear out his skills by sailing far into the gulf waters leads to disaster.

For three days, he holds fast to the line that links him to the big fish, even though it cuts deeply into hispalms, causes a crippling cramp in his left hand, and ruins his back. He refuses to“turn to God”as a kindof mechanism-for-victory. He rejects the very religious terminology so completely that he uses it as a kindof verbal incantation; for while he calls on Christian Divinity in the heights (or depths) of his pain, he alsorefuses to consider the matter of“sin”as anything but a distraction. The only ritual he acknowledges is justthe ritual of Sacred Manhood.“Perhaps it was a sin to kill the fish. I suppose it was even though I did it tokeep me alive and feed many people. But then everything is a sin.”“You killed him for pride and becauseyou are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sinto kill him.”While Santiago struggles with the marlin, he reflects upon the nature of the universe and hisplace in it. He displays both pity for the fish and an unflagging determination to kill it, because the marlin’sdeath helps to reinvigorate the fisherman’s life. The predatory nature of this exchange is inevitable, for just ashawks will continue to hunt warblers, men will continue to kill marlin, and sharks will continue to rob them oftheir catches.



Even though Santiago doesn’t consider himself a religious man, it is during his struggle with the marlinthat the book becomes strongly suggestive of a Christian parable. As his struggle intensifies, Santiago beginsto seem more and more Christ-like: through his pain, suffering, and eventual defeat, he will transcend hisprevious incarnation as a failed fisherman. Hemingway achieves this effect by relying on the potent and, tomany readers, familiar symbolism identified with Jesus Christ’s life and death. Hemingway employs a numberof images that link Santiago to Christ, the model of transcendence, who turned loss into gain, defeat intotriumph, and even death into new life. Hemingway unabashedly paints the old man as a crucified martyr: assoon as the sharks arrive, the narrator comments that the noise Santiago made resembled the noise one wouldmake“feeling the nail go through his hands and into the wood.”The narrator’s deion of Santiago’sreturn to town also recalls the crucifixion. As the old man struggles up the hill with his mast across hisshoulders, the reader cannot help but recall Christ’s march toward Calgary. Even the position in which hecollapses on his bed—he sleeps facedown on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of hishands up—brings to mind the image of Christ suffering on the cross.



Like the marlin, the old man suffers something of a death while struggling with the big fish first andthen the sharks. Still hopeful that the whole ordeal had been a dream, the old man cannot bear to look atthe mutilated marlin. Another shovel-nosed shark arrives. The old man kills it, but he loses his knife in theprocess. Just before nightfall, two more sharks approach. The old man’s arsenal has been reduced to the clubhe uses to kill bait fish. He manages to club the sharks into retreat, but not before they repeatedly maul themarlin. Stiff, sore, and weary, he hopes he does not have to fight anymore. Around midnight, a pack of sharksarrives. Near-blind in the darkness, Santiago strikes out at the sounds of jaws and fins. Something snatcheshis club. He breaks off the boat’s tiller and makes a futile attempt to use it as a weapon. When the last sharktries to tear at the tough head of the marlin, the old man clubs the shark until the tiller splinters. He plungesthe sharp edge into the shark’s flesh and the beast lets go. No meat is left on the marlin. The old man spitsblood into the water, which frightens him for a moment. He settles in to steer the boat, numb and past allfeeling. He asks himself what it was that defeated him and concludes,“Nothing... I went out too far.”Sucha simple sentence“I went out too far”is repeated four times in the final pages of the story. What does itimply? Because Hemingway believed that the simplest writing, when done well, would hint at the greatesthuman truths, just as the tip of an iceberg hinted at the terrific frozen mass that rested underwater. It is truethat this is a cruel but instructive lesson to all—a tragic lesson about what happens when man’s pride forceshim beyond the boundaries of his rightful, human place in the world. Just as Santiago told his apprentice:

They (sharks) beat me, Manuolin. They (sharks) truly beat me.”The old man has won the marlin but hasbeen beaten by sharks.“We shouldn’t be intoxicated with our victories over nature. For every victory wewon, nature has retaliated.”Nature is to be respected and even cultivated. We must cooperate with natureand learn better ways to use, not abuse, our natural environment. The natural environment encompasses allliving and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth. Biodiversity is important because all the speciesthat share the same environment, or habitat, rely on one another for survival. But many species, such asthe tiger, the blue whale, the sea turtle, etc are endangered. Without the biological diversity, how can wehumans survive alone? This is just a contemporary ecological philosophy—deep ecology that emphasizes theinterdependent nature of human and non-human life as well as the importance of the ecosystem and naturalprocesses.


Manuolin: He is a boy in his teens. As Santiago’s apprentice and devoted attendant, the old man firsttook him out on a boat when he was merely five years old. Due to Santiago’s recent bad luck, Manuolin’sparents have forced the boy to go out on a different fishing boat. Manuolin, however, still cares deeply for theold man, to whom he continues to look as a mentor. His love for Santiago is unmistakable as the two discussbaseball and as the young boy recruits help from villagers to improve the old man’s impoverished conditions.

He makes sure that the old man has food, blankets, and can rest without being bothered.


Hemingway does hint at the boy’s resentment for his father, whose wishes Manuolin obeys byabandoning the old man after forty days without catching a fish. This fact helps to establish the boy as a realhuman being, as a person with conflicted loyalties who faces difficult decisions. He stands, in the novella’sfinal pages, as a symbol of uncompromised love and fidelity. As the old man’s apprentice, he also representsthe life that will follow from death. His dedication to learning from the old man ensures that Santiago will liveon.


Joe DiMaggio: DiMaggio never appears in the novel, but Santiago and Manolin always discuss baseball,inevitably talking about the great DiMaggio. Santiago worships him as a model of strength and commitment,and his thoughts turn toward DiMaggio whenever he needs to reassure himself of his own strength. Despite apainful bone spur that might have crippled another player, DiMaggio went on to secure a triumphant career.

He was a center fielder for the New York Yankees from 1936 to 1951, and is often considered the best all-around player ever at that position.

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