
第63章 奋斗改变人生(13)

Lu Su: He is“styled Zijing from Dongchuan in Linhuai. He is a mine of strategies, a storehouse ofmachinations. Early in life he lost his father and has served his mother since with utter devotion. Lu Su’sfamily is extremely wealthy, and he is known for his generosity to the poor. When Yu was a precinct leaderin Juchao, he was taking several hundred men through Linhuai when they short of grain. People told themthat the Lu family had two granaries, each holding three thousand bushels. At their urgent request Lu Su putone of the granaries at their disposal. That’s an example of his largenss. In addition, he has a strong interestin swordsmanship and horseback archery. His home is in Qu’e, but he has returned to Dongcheng for hisgrandmother’s funeral...After the formalities Zhou Yu respectfully relayed Sun Quan’s intention...Lu Suaccepted Zhou Yu’s invitation. Sun Quan received Lu Su with the greatest respect, and they held daylongdiscussions. One day, after court had adjourned, Sun Quan kept Lu Su behind to share a simple repast; thenthey went to bed at opposite ends of the same couch. In the middle of the night Sun Quan asked,‘Howshould I proceed?’Lu Su replied:‘In my judgment, the Han is past recovery; and Cao Cao cannot befinally removed. Therefore the best plan for you, General, is to make the Southland the firm foot of the tripod,consolidate your region, and look for opportunities to take action. You can exploit the many preoccupationsof the north: knock out Huang Zu’s position, attack Liu Biao in Jingzhou, and take control of the GreatRiver in its entirety. This done, establish your imperial title and turn your ambitions toward the rest of therealm’(Chpater 29)”. What a penetrating analysis! It is true that all heroes think alike. His strategic ideais essentially of the same view that Zhuge Liang expressed in the Longzhong Dialogue between him andLiu Bei. His may be called the Southland Dialogue, or the dialogue between Sun Quan and Lu Su in theSouthland, but his is about ten years earlier expressed than Zhuge Liang’s. Just as Sun Quan says in Chapter77,“Lu Su, at his very first interview with me, broached a grand imperial strategy for the Southland—the firstboon.”This is Lu Su’s first great contribution—“broached a grand imperial strategy for the Southland”.


“In the Southland Sun Quan, stationed at Chaisang, heard that Cao Cao had accepted Liu Zong’ssubmission and was marching on Jiangling double time. He therefore assembled his counselors to discussthe defense of the Southland. Lu Su said,‘Jingzhou adjoins our territory. Rivers and mountains protect it.

Its people are prosperous. If we can seize and hold the province, we will acquire the resources to establishour rule over the empire. I propose that you send me to Jiangxia to offer your official condolences on theoccasion of Liu Biao’s death. I believe I can persuade the newly defeated Liu Bei to encourage Liu Biao’scommanders to make common cause with us against Cao Cao. Liu Bei’s cooperation would provide afirm basis for our grand strategy.’Sun Quan adopted the proposal and dispatched Lu Su to Jiangxia withmourning gifts.”(Chapter 42)“But Sun Quan pondered in silence.‘Have no doubts, my lord,’ZhangZhao continued.‘If we submit to Cao, the people of the region will be protected and the six districts ofthe Southland preserved.’Sun Quan lowered his head and said nothing. A moment later Sun Quan roseto go to the privy. Lu Su followed. Aware that Su did not share the views of Zhang Zhao, Quan turned tohim and asked,‘But what is your mind on this?’‘The majority’s view, General, will be your ruin,’Sureplied.‘They can submit to Cao, but you cannot.’‘What are you saying?’Quan asked.‘For someonelike me,’Su went on,‘submission means being sent home to my clan, my village. Eventually I’ll regain highoffice. But what have you to go home to? A minor estate? A single carriage? A single mount? A handful offollowers? And what of your claim to royalty? Your advisers all consider only themselves. You must not heedthem. It is time to make a master plan for yourself.’At these words Sun Quan sighed.‘Their counsel failsmy hopes.’He said.‘But the point you make—the master plan—accords well with my thinking. You cometo me by Heaven’s favor. Cao Cao, however, has Yuan Shao’s legions as well as the troops of Jingzhou. Heseems impossible to resist.’‘I have brought back with me,’Su went on.‘Zhuge Jin’s younger brother,Liang. Put your questions to him, my lord, and he will explain how things stand.’(Chapter 43)”“WhenCao Cao descended upon us, I was universally counseled to surrender. Lu Su alone urged me to call inZhou Yu, to oppose and attack Cao Cao—the second boon. (Chapter 77)”This is Lu Su’s second greatcontribution—He first advocated the forming of an alliance with Liu Bei against Cao Cao, and consequently,they defeated Cao Cao severely at the Battle of the Red Cliffs and laid the foundation of the destiny of theThree Kingdoms.



Zhou Yu wanted to assemble an army to recover their cities and have it out with Liu Bei and Kongming.

Lu Su advised:“Nothing doing. With our struggle against Cao Cao undecided and with Lord Sun’s advanceon Hefei stalled, we become easy prey for Cao Cao if we turn on one other. Our whole position will crumble.

What’s more, Liu Xuande was once Cao Cao’s good friend. If we push him into tendering his cities to Cao Caoand the two of them unite against us—then what?”(Chapter 52) From here we can see how circumspect andfarsighted Lu Su is. He is really worthy of the title of great strategist—one of the Four Great Strategists duringthe Three Kingdoms period. Although Lu Su sometimes looks like a fool, for instance, he has talked Sun Quaninto allowing Liu Bei to borrow Jingzhou, it’s indeed a magnificent feat of being the wisest man taking thelooks of folly so as to uphold the alliance with Liu Bei against Cao Cao. It’s also his third great contributionto the Southland. Because“Jingzhou’s nine districts are not the Southland’s territory, but rather the estate ofLiu Biao.”“Things belong to their owners.”“For an uncle to support a nephew in taking Jingzhou—whatcan there be to object to?”(Chapter 52) Furthermore,“After Zhuge Liang seized Nanjun, he used capturedmilitary credentials to deceive the guard at Jingzhou into coming to help. Then he had Zhang Fei seize thecity.”“Xiahou Dun was holding Xiangyang when Zhuge Liang sent someone with credentials claimingthat Cao Ren needed his help. Dun was lured out of the city, and Lord Guan captured it.”(Chapter 51) Allof these cities are captured from Cao’s army. Under such circumstances, Lu Su commented:“There is sometruth, I’m afraid, in what you say. The thing is, it puts me in a most difficult position.”Kongming replied:“Ifit’s a bit of face you’re afraid of losing, I can have Lord Liu give it to you in writing that we are borrowing theprovince as our temporary base, and that once Lord Liu has completed his arrangements for taking another,he will return Jingzhou to the Southland....If our document is not accepted, we’ll show a different face andyoru eighty-one townships will be lost. Both sides need good relations or the traitor Cao will make fools of usall.”(Chapter 54) This is why Lu Su has to talk Sun Quan into allowing Liu Bei to borrow Jingzhou. Whatis more important, it is the most effective means of allying Sun Quan himself with Liu Bei against Cao Cao.

It seems that Lu Su has been fooled by Zhuge Liang. But, in fact, Lu Su has got the official document thatJingzhou is borrowed from the Southland. It means that Jingzhou must be returned to the Southland sooner orlater.


“Lu Su, distinguished for his loyalty and dedication, serious and scrupulous in all affairs, may replaceme as chief commander.”“Sun Quan finished reading and said tearfully,‘Zhou Yu, with the talent of aking’s right hand man, is dead, suddenly and prematurely. Whom else have I to depend on? How can I ignorehis recommendation?’That day he appointed Lu Su chief commander”(Chapter 57). Lu Su gives his all tillhis heart ceases to beat so as to protect the Southland. In the twenty-second year of Jian An (A.D.217), Lu Sudied of illness at his post of chief commander, at the age of only forty-six.


Sima Yi: He, styled Zhongda, came from Wen county Henei district. He was the grandson of SimaJuan, governor of Yingchuan; the son of Sima Fang, governor of the western capital district Jingzhao; andyounger brother of Sima Lang, chief of the advisory staff. Sima Yi was made Cao Cao’s chief of the Bureau ofDocuments when Cao became the prime minister. And then as Cao Cao’s first secretary, Sima Yi, advanced aproposal:“Liu Bei has overthrown Liu Zhang by deception and force; the people of Shu have yet to give himtheir true allegiance. Attack at once and they will fall apart. Wise men know the value of timely action. This isa unique opportunity.”(Chapter 67) Cao Cao did not adopt his suggestion, very regretted this later on.


“Cao Cao was in Ye when he learned that Xuande had installed himself as king of Hanzhong. In agreat rage he cried,‘the low-down mat-weaver presumes too much. I vow now to annihilate him!’...‘SunQuan, lord of the Southland,’Sima Yi suggested,‘married his sister to Liu Bei, only to seize the occasionto steal her back again. Liu Bei holds Jingzhou and refuses to return it. Thus, bitter enmity exists between thetwo. Now is the time to send a man of persuasive powers with a letter to convince Sun Quan to send an armyto capture Jingzhou. That should force Liu Bei to send his entire army to rescue it, and Your Highness will beable to capture Hanzhong while Liu Bei, unable to coordinate his fronts, will be in peril.’(Chapter 73)”CaoCao adopted Sima Yi’s suggestion. Consequently, they changed the union between Sun Quan and Liu Beiagainst Cao Cao into the union between Sun Quan and Cao Cao against Liu Bei.


“Cao Cao summoned his advisers and said in alarm,‘I have always known that Lord Guan surpassedall others in wisdom and valor. Now he holds Xiangyang: the tiger has grown wings! Yu Jin has been captured,Pang De killed, and our own keen mettle blunted. What if they come straight to the capital? I think we shouldtake the precaution of transferring the government.’Sima Yi objected to this proposal,‘Current discordbetween the Liu and Sun houses means that if Lord Guan gets what he wants, Sun Quan will be very unhappy.

This is the time, Your Highness, to send someone down there who, by judicious argument—and by offeringthe entire Southland to Sun Quan as his fief once peace is restored—will be able to convince Sun Quan tomuster a force and quietly pounce on Lord Guan from behind. That is how to relieve the siege at Fan.’CaoCao assented, and the idea of moving the capital was dropped.’(Chapter 75)”Cao Cao sent a man withhis letter to the Southland on the one hand. On the other hand he appointed Xu Huang as the commanderto check Lord Guan’s advance. Consequently, the siege of Fan was lifted. Both Lord Guan and his son werebeheaded.



“Cao Cao called for Cao Hong, Chen Qun, Jia Xu, and Sima Yi; when they were at his bedside, heinstructed them on the matter of the succession. ...‘Only the eldest, Pi, is reliable, generous, respectfulto others, and scrupulous in word and deed—fit, therefore, to succeed to my estate. I hope you will givehim all support and assistance.’(Chapter 78)”“When the edict had been read, Cao Pi was anxious toaccept the decree, but Sima Yi warned him,‘That would be wrong. Even though the edict and seal werebrought here, let Your Highness decline in due modesty so as to forestall criticism in the outside world’.

On this advice Cao Pi declined three times but finally accepted as the edict required.”(Chapter 80)“CaoPi said delightedly,‘With Liu Bei gone, my worries are over. Let us attack while they have no king.’ButJia Xu remonstrated with him,‘Liu Bei must have charged Zhuge Liang with the care of his son. Mindfulof Liu Bei’s kindness, Zhuge Liang will render to the heir the fullest measure of devotion. Your Majestycannot invade precipitately.’Sima Yi stepped out from the rows of officials and cried with fervor,‘suchan opportunity to attack will never come again! Troops from north China alone cannot succeed. To attain ourobjectives will require a vast force composed of five field armies concerted in an all-round attack to preventZhuge Liang from coordinating his van and his rear.’...the kingdom of Wei has fielded five armies in orderto conquer the Riverlands.”(Chapter 85) The Wei Emperor, Cao Pi, declared angrily,“An alliance betweenWu and Shu will have the north as its next objective. We should attack them first.”“Sima Yi addressedCao Pi,‘We’ll need boats to cross the Great River, the Southland’s strategic defense. The best plan is forYour Majesty to lead the expedition. Select a fleet of large and small craft, then enter the Huai region fromCai and Ying and capture Shouchun. When you reach Guangling, cross the river and capture Nanxu.’CaoPi adopted the plan... The land and naval forces, all told, came to more than three hundred thousand. A daywas set to launch the invasion. Sima Yi, appointed supervisor of the Secretariat, remained in Xuchang andassumed overall administrative responsibility.”(Chapter 86) From here we can see the Wei Emperor, CaoPi, trusts Sima Yi very much.


“Cao Pi was afflicted with severe chills that the doctors could not control. He summoned three men tohis resting chamber: Cao Zhen, Supreme Commander of the central army, Supreme Commander Chen Qun,controller of the army, and Supreme Commander Sima Yi, rallier of the army. Cao Pi then called for CaoRui and, pointing at him, said to Cao Zhen and the two others,‘My illness is grave; recovery impossible.

You three will have to guide this child and keep faith with my wishes.’A last tear fell, and he passed fromthis world at the age of forty; he had reigned for seven years... Then Cao Rui was established as augustemperor of the great Wei dynasty. Cao Zhen was made regent-marshal... Sima Yi chief general of the FlyingCavalry. At this time the two provinces Yong and Liang needed someone to govern and defend them. SimaYi petitioned to become defender of Xiliang and other points west. Cao Rui approved, and Sima Yi wasappointed superintendent of Yong’s and Liang’s armed forces. Sima Yi accepted his edict of appointment anddeparted. Rvierlands spies swiftly reported these changes at the Wei court. Startled, Kongming said,‘Cao Piis dead, the boy Rui enthroned. There is little to concern us there. But Sima Yi, a man of deep strategy, hastaken charge of the Liang and Yong armies; and once he has trained them, the Riverlands will have a seriousproblem. It would be best to act first and attack them!’The military adviser Ma Su said,‘Although Sima Yiis a leading minister of the Wei court, Cao Rui has always regarded him with suspicion and fear. I recommendspreading rumors in Luoyang, Ye, and other key cities of Wei that Sima Yi is plotting to rebel. In addition,throughout the enemy’s districts we can post forged proclaimations by Sima Yi to the empire at large. Thatshould unnerve Cao Rui enough to have him killed.’Kongming approved the plan and sent secret agentsto carry it out.”(Chapter 91) Consequently, the Wei Emperor, Cao Rui, stripped Sima Yi of his office andordered him back to his village.




Why did Cao Rui strip Sima Yi of his office and order him back to his village? Besides having fallen inMa Su’s trap, he was also in doubt. Because Grand Commandant Hua Xin addressed his sovereign,“Nowwe see Sima Yi’s true purpose in seeking military authority in the western provinces of Yong and Liang. Iremember the great ancestor Cao Cao, August Emperor Wu, once telling me,‘Sima Yi has hungry eyes,like an eagle’s or wolf’s. Given military power, he will ruin the dynasty.’His revolt must be put downbefore it starts.”Minister of the Interior Wang Lang addressed the Wei sovereign,“Sima Yi, with hisdeep comprehension of strategy and thorough understanding of military action, has long harbored grandioseambitions. Remove him or suffer the consequences.”Regent-Marshal Cao Zhen said,“The late sovereign,Cao Pi, entrusted the successor to my colleagues and me, and I am certain that Sima Yi has no subversiveintent. The facts of the situation remain unclear, and precipitate military action will only force him intorebellion. It is possible that agents of the Riverlands or the Southland are attempting to sow discord betweenour sovereign and his subjects in order to create disorder before an attack. Your Majesty should inquire mostcarefully into this matter.”Cao Rui said,“But what if Sima Yi is plotting to revolt?”... Moreover,“CaoXiu came forward and said,‘Sima Yi, you are one of those whom the late Emperor charged with the careof his heir apparent, now our sovereign. Why are you in rebellion?’Sima Yi turned pale and sweat pouredfrom him as he asked for an explanation. Cao Xiu recounted the preceding events, and Sima Yi said,‘Thisis the work of Riverlands and Southland agents trying to turn an emperor and a loyal subject into mortalenemies so that they can exploit the chaos and attack us. I shall have to see the Son of Heaven and clarifythis.’Sima Yi ordered his army to withdraw. Then he went to Cao Rui’s carriage and, bowing abjectly,tearfully addressed his sovereign:‘Your late father entrusted you to me, and my thoughts could never bebut wholly loyal. These slanders against me are the treachery of the Southland and the Riverlands. Grant mecommand of an expeditionary force, and I will defeat first Shu and then Wu to requite the late Emperor’s andYour Majesty’s grace and to manifest my loyalty.’Cao Rui, unsure what to do, made no decision. Hua Xinaddressed the Emperor,‘He should not have military authority. Relieve him of office and send him home atonce.’Accordingly, Cao Rui stripped Sima Yi of his office and ordered him back to his village.”(Chapter91) If Sima Yi did not“turn pale”and“sweat pouring from him”, not“bowing abjectly, tearfullyaddressing his sovereign”, not obediently“being stripped of his office and sent back to his village”, theconsequences were too ghastly to contemplate. It is the“timidity”that gives him a chance to resume hisformer position.


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