
第55章 奋斗改变人生(5)





“The royal attendants said to the Emperor,‘We have heard that the lord patriarch of Wei wants toestablish himself as king of Wei. Before long he will usurp your throne.’Emperor and Empress wept.‘Myfather, Fu Wan,’the Empress said,‘always wanted to kill Cao Cao. Let me write to him now in secret sothat he can attempt it.’‘Once,’the Emperor said,‘Dong Cheng tried to do that. He was discoveredand executed. If they caught us, we would be doomed.’‘Day and night we sit on pins,’the Empresscontinued.‘I prefer death to a life like this. Among our eunuchs Mu Shun is loyal and true. He could deliverthe letter.’Thus, Mu Shun was summoned into the Empress’s presence for a private conference. Weeping,the royal couple appealed to Mu Shun:‘The traitor Cao wants to be king of Wei and may soon try for thethrone. We want the Empress’s father, Fu Wan, to move against Cao. But everyone works for Cao. Whomcan we trust to take him a secret message from the Empress? We know your sense of loyalty and honourwill not permit you to refuse us.’Tearfully, Mu Shun replied,‘I would gladly give my life to repay yourMajesties’ generosity. With your leave I shall go directly.’The Empress wrote the letter and handed it toMu Shun. He concealed it in his hair, slipped out of the forbidden chambers, and delivered it to Fu Wan. FuWan, recognizing his daughter’s hand, said to the bearer,‘Cao Cao’s creatures are legion. We cannot actprecipitately. Sun Quan and Liu Bei will have to mobilize and draw Cao Cao into the field. At this stage wemust look for loyal and honorable men at court to join with us. Only united action inside and out offers anychance of success.’Mu Shun replied,‘Then, Your Worship, write back to the Emperor and Empress andrequest that secret edicts go out to the Southland and to the Two Plain summoning them to arms to punish thetraitor and rescue the sovereign.’Fu Wan wrote the letter, which Mu Shun carried hidden in his topknot.

Unfortunately, Cao Cao had already been informed of Mu Shun’s movements and was awaiting him at thepalace gate. When Mu Shun returned to the palace, angered, Cao Cao had Mu Shun detained and questionedin a secret chamber. Mu Shun would not confess. That night Cao Cao surrounded Fu Wan’s home with threethousand men and seized the entire family. When he found the Empress’s original letter, he arrested everymember of the Fu clan. The following morning he authorized Chi Lü, general of the Royal Guard, to seize theEmpress’s seal and cord... Hua Xin took Empress Fu before Cao Cao.‘I treated you all with sincerity,’heranted,‘yet you planned to murder me. I must kill you first!’He ordered his men to beat her to death. Hethen removed the Empress’s two sons from the palace and had them poisoned. That evening he had Fu Wan,Mu Shun, and more than two hundred of their clansmen executed in public. This occurred during the eleventhmonth of the nineteenth year of Jian An (A. D. 215)”. (Chapter 66)


“Cao Hong and Cao Xiu strenuously urged the Emperor to attend the court session... HuaXin addressed the throne:‘Let Your Majesty be guided by our discussions of yesterday lest disasterstrike.’...‘Who would dare to murder me?’the Emperor demanded. Stridently Hua Xin replied,‘Allthe empire knows that Your Majesty, lacking the‘great blessing’by which Heaven mandates the rulerof men, must take responsibility for the chaotic state of the realm. If not for the king of Wei, Cao Cao, therewould have been more than one who would have put Your Majesty to the sword. But still you refuse toacknowledge his past concern and repay his erstwhile kindness, and seem to want a general assault uponyour imperial person.’Appalled, the Emperor rose with a sweeping motion of his sleeves. Wang Langeyed Hua Xin meaningfully. Hua Xin advanced boldly, laid hands on the sacred dragon robe and, his facecontorted, said,‘Agreed? Or not? Speak. Now.’The trembling Emperor could not respond. Cao Hongand Cao Xiu drew their swords and called for the keeper of the imperial jade seal. The keeper, Zu Bi,responded,‘Present.’Cao Hong demanded the jade seal. Zu Bi protested,‘The jade seal is the treasureof the Son of Heaven. How dare you demand it?’Cao Hong called for his guards who removed the keeperand cut off his head. Zu Bi continued to protest until the moment of his death... The Emperor shook violently.

At the base of the stairs leading to his throne all he could see were hundreds of armed men of Wei. Tearfully,the Emperor addressed the assemblage:‘We intend here solemnly to abdicate our rule, transferring allunder Heaven to the king of Wei. Kindly spare what breath still remains to me, that I may live out my naturalyears.’... The Emperor had no choice. He ordered Chen Qun to draft the edict; next, he ordered Hua Xinto receive the document and the imperial seal and then to bring the whole court to the king’s palace to makethe ritual presentation... When the edict had been read, Cao Pi was anxious to accept the decree, but Sima Yiwarned him,‘That would be wrong. Even though the edict and seal were brought here, let Your Highnessdecline in due modesty so as to forestall criticism in the outside world.’On this advice Cao Pi declined threetimes but finally accepted as the edict required... When the appointed time came, Emperor Xian invited CaoPi, king of Wei, to ascend the altar. Around the base clustered a vast assemblage of four hundred officials,major and minor, as well as some thirty thousand warriors including the Royal Guard, the Imperial Guard,and the Palace Guard. The Emperor held the jade seal in both hands and transferred it respectfully to Cao Pi.

Below, the assembly kneeled to hear the declaration of transmission... After the ceremonial reading, Cao Piundertook the eight-round inauguration ceremony and ascended the imperial throne... Cao Pi directed thatthe Han Emperor be honoured as lord of Shanyang and depart forthwith... Holding back tears, Emperor Xianmade the ritual gesture of appreciation, bowing low; then he mounted and set off under the grieving gaze ofthe commoners and soldiers around the altar.”(Chapter 80)


Lü Bu: His style is Fengxian, Ding Yuan’s adopted son. Ding Yuan pointed at Dong Zhuo and criedout,“Now you, without a jot of merit, speak madly of meddling in the succession. Do you want to overthrowthe dynasty yourself?”Before Dong Zhuo could reply Lü Bu was charging him; Dong Zhuo fled. Jian Yangtook a heavy toll of his forces, driving them back thirty li, where they pitched camp and took counsel.“LüBu is extraordinary!”said Zhuo.“If only I could win him to our side, the realm would be ours with littletrouble!”Li Su, a commander of the Imperial Tiger Escort, stepped up to Dong Zhuo and said,“Yourproblem is solved, my lord. I come from Lü Bu’s village and know him to be brave but shallow, and forgetfulof honor when it’s to his advantage. Let me try my powers of persuasion on him; I am sure I can get him tojoin us with his hands meekly folded.“How do you plan to do it?”asked Zhuo.“I understand,”Li Sureplied,“that you, my lord, have a prize horse, called Red Hare, of extraordinary speed and stamina. Letme offer it to him, together with gold and pearls, to engage his interest. I will add some arguments of my own,and I guarantee that Lü Bu will betray Ding Yuan and enter your service.”Just as Li Su expected that LüBu, to forsake good for the sake of gold, killed Ding Yuan after he had got the prize horse Red Hare, lots ofgold, pearls and a jade belt.“The next day Lü Bu brought Ding Yuan’s head to Li Su, and Li Su broughtLü Bu to Dong Zhuo. With great satisfaction Dong Zhuo ordered wine and invited Lü Bu to drink. He said,kneeling.“To have you here is to me like rain to the parched seedling.”Lü Bu then raised Dong Zhuo,urged him to his seat, and prostrated himself in turn.“If you will have me, I beg to honor you as a fosterfather.”Dong Zhuo presented Lü Bu with gleaming metal armor and robes. He appointed Lü Bu cavalrycommander and Imperial Corps commander, and enfeoffed him with a Capital Precinct. (Chapter 3)


“Dong Zhuo has wronged the Emperor and abused his power. The dynastic shrines stand inperil.”(Chapter 4) Lü Bu has been accessory to a tyrant’s crimes, rising to speak:“Father, have nofear. Those lords beyond the pass are so many weak reeds to me. With my stout warriors I’ll string uptheir heads on the capital gates.”Dong Zhuo, immensely pleased, said,“With Lü Bu on my side, Isleep easy.”(Chapter 5) It’s true that they were banded together as traitors and guilty of the most heinouscrimes. Naturally, evil actions will bring retribution.“Wang Yun Shrewdly Sets a Double Snare”(Chapter8).“Lü Bu Kills the Tyrant for Wang Yun”(Chapter 9). Why has Lü Bu killed his another foster father?

Just because of a great beauty. He’s really bold enough to run the extreme risks for sex and has no sense ofgratitude and justice!



“After fleeing Chang’an during the invasion of Dong Zhuo’s two generals, Li Jue and Guo Si, Lü Buhad turned to Yuan Shu. But Yuan Shu mistrusted the turncoat warrior and refused his service; however,Yuan Shu’s brother Shao welcomed Lü Bu, and together they defeated Zhang Yan in Changshan. Impressedwith his own success, Lü Bu snubbed Yuan Shao’s officers and men, and Yuan Shao tried to kill him.

Thereupon, Lü Bu took refuge with Zhang Yang. At that time one Pang Shu, who had been hiding Lü Bu’sfamily in Chang’an, sent the members on to rejoin him. In Chang’an Li Jue and Guo Si learned of this andput Pang Shu to death. They also asked Zhang Yang to kill Lü Bu. Lü Bu had to move on; he left ZhangYang and found another protector in Zhang Miao. By coincidence Chen Gong had already been introducedto Zhang Miao by his brother Zhang Chao. Having failed to talk Cao Cao out of invading Xuzhou, Chen Gongurged Zhang Miao to invade Cao Cao’s territory.‘The empire is breaking apart,’he said,‘and heroesare rising all over. It is demeaning for someone with the territory and population you have here to be subjectto another’s control. Cao Cao’s province of Yanzhou is vulnerable while he is occupied with his easterncampaign against Tao Qian. Lü Bu, who has just applied for your protection, is a renowned warrior. If youand he could conquer Yanzhou, you would be in a position to establish independent rule.’Chen Gong’sproposal excited Zhang Miao. He ordered Lü Bu to attack Yanzhou and to occupy Puyang.”(Chapter11)“In Puyang, Lü Bu wanted to oppose Cao Cao personally, but Chen Gong advised him to wait until allhis commanders had gathered.‘I fear no man,’Lü Bu said and led his men out of the city to confront theattackers. Resting his giant halberd across his horse, Lü Bu reviled Cao Cao. Xu Chu rode forth and foughttwenty passes with Bu, but neither prevailed.‘No man can defeat Lü Bu alone,’Cao Cao said and orderedDian Wei to assist Xu Chu by attacking Bu from another side. Next, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan arrivedon the left, and Li Dian and Yue Jin arrived on the right. Lü Bu, unable to withstand the combined attack ofCao’s six commanders, retreated to Puyang. But the head of the Tian family (who had previously helped LüBu by luring Cao Cao into the city) now ordered the drawbridge raised.‘Let me in!’Lü Bu demanded.‘Ihave already surrendered Puyang to Cao Cao,’cried Tian. Enraged, Lü Bu raced to Dingtao as Chen Gongrushed Lü Bu’s family out through Puyang’s east gate.”(Chapter 12)“Badly beaten at Dingtao by Cao Cao,Lü Bu collected his battered units at points near the coast; his commanders rallied, eager for a showdownwith Cao Cao.“Cao Cao has the upper hand now,”objected Chen Gong.“This is no time to take him on.

Once we have a base of our own, there will be time enough for another battle.”“What about turning toYuan Shao as we did before?”Lü Bu suggested... Informed of the standoff between Cao Cao and Lü Bu,Yuan Shao considered his options.‘Lü Bu is ravenous beast,’Shen Pei advised Yuan Shao.‘If he takesYanzhou, our Jizhou will be next. It’s safer to help Cao.’The news astounded Lü Bu, and he turned to ChenGong for advice. Chen Gong said,‘I hear that Liu Xuande has recently take over Xuzhou. Let’s try him.’

Lü Bu agreed and headed for Xuzhou. On hearing of his approach, Xuande said,‘Lü Bu is a hero of ourtime. Let us receive him.’But Mi Zhu objected:‘He is a beast, a brute. We will suffer for it in the end’...

The next day Lü Bu came to take leave of Xuande,‘I am grateful that you have not objected me, YourLordship,’he said,‘but I fear your brother has.’Xuande replied,‘Previously I stationed my army atXiaopei. I know it is small; but if you can overlook its limitations, please use it as a place to rest and recover.

What do you say?’Lü Bu thanked Xuande and settled down in Xiaopei. (Chapter 13)“Lü Bu AttacksXuzhou by Night”(Chapter 14)“Meanwhile, Yuan Shu (the object of Xuande’s southern expedition) hadlearned of Lü Bu’s coup in Xuzhou and promised him fifty thousand bushels of grain, five hundred horses,ten thousand ounces of gold and silver, and one thousand rolls of varicolored silk. Lü Bu, encouraged by thisoffer, eagerly sent General Gao Shun and fifty thousand men to attack Xuande from the rear.”(Chapter 15)From here we can see Lü Bu is not only blind to all but his own interest and forgetting all moral principles atthe sight of profits but also always chopping and changing and biting the hand that feeds him.




“Han Yin presented himself to Lü Bu, saying,‘My master, long your admirer, seeks your treasureddaughter’s hand in behalf of his son in order to bind the two houses in marriage as the states of Qin andJin did in ancient times.’...Lü Bu had three wives. His principle wife was Lady Yan; Diaochan was hisconcubine; and later he had married a daughter of Cao Bao’s when he was Xuande’s guest in Xiaopei. Hissecond wife died young and without issue; Diaochan had never borne a child, Lady Yan’s daughter was LüBu’s only child and the dearest object of his affections. In response to Han Yin’s offer Lady Yan said to LüBu,‘Yuan Shu has dominated the region below the River Huai for a long time. From such a powerful basehe should become emperor sooner or later. Our daughter could be empress. But how many sons does hehave?’‘Only the one,’Lü Bu replied.‘Then give your consent at once!’she said.‘Empress or noempress, our hold on Xuzhou will be strengthened.’His course decided, Lü Bu treated Han Yin royally andagreed to the marriage.”Lü Bu prepared the trousseau, put horses and carriage in order, and sent the girloff the same night. Han Yin, together with Lü Bu’s generals Song Xian and Wei Xu, rode escort. Despite hisailment, Chen Gui took himself to see Lü Bu and said,‘Some time ago, Yuan Shu sent presents hoping youwould kill Xuande. But your marksmanship got Xuande out of that. Now he’s back again seeking an alliancethrough marriage. He must want your daughter as a hostage so he can attack Xuande. Once Xiaopei fallsto him, Xuzhou is no longer safe.’...Realizing the sense of Chen Gui’s argument, Lü Bu panicked.‘SoChen Gong has led me astray!’he cried and ordered Zhang Liao to overtake the bridal carriage—it wasalready thirty li away—force it to return, and seize Han Yin. At the same time he told Yuan Shu to expect hisdaughter when her trousseau was ready. Chen Gui also wanted Lü Bu to deliver the prisoner, Han Yin, toCao Cao in the capital at Xuchang... Being informed that Zhang Fei had stolen half of their horses, Lü Bumarched at once to Xiaopei.“Can you deny,”Lü Bu cried angrily,“that you have stolen one hundred andfifty of my best?”“Yes, I stole them! So what?”Zhang Fei cried, dashing out with spear poised.“Round-eyed rogue,”Lü Bu retorted,“this is the final insult!”“You mind my stealing your horses?”Zhang Feitaunted him.“What about your stealing Xuzhou from my brother?”... Xuande sent a man to Lü Bu offeringto return the horses and make peace. Lü Bu accordingly attacked Xiaopei with renewed ferocity. Liu, Guan,Zhang broke through the encirclement and pitched camp outside the capital. The following day Xuandepresented himself to Cao Cao. To Xuande’s account of Lü Bu’s conduct Cao Cao responded,‘Lü Bu isno man of honor. Let’s work together to get rid of him, worthy brother.’... The next day Cao Cao prepared amemorial to the Emperor recommending Xuande as protector of Yuzhou. But Cheng Yu advised,‘Liu Beiwill not remain long under anybody. You’d better deal with him before it is too late.’‘At a time,’Cao Caoreplied,‘when we are calling for outstanding men to serve us, we cannot afford to lose the world by killingone person. Guo Jia agrees with me on this.’Thus Cao Cao rejected Cheng Yu’s advice. He gave Xuandethree thousand men and ten thousand bushels of grain and sent him off to his new post with instructions toround up any soldier near Xiaopei and continue the war against Lü Bu. (Chapter 16) Yuan Shu, possessorof Huainan’s extensive dominions and ample wealth as well as the royal seal Sun Ce had left as a pledge...

established the reign period Zhong Shi and created a secretariat and other state offices. Borne in a dragon-and-phoenix carriage, he preformed the imperial rituals at the northern and southern limits of the city. Hemade Feng Fang’s daughter his empress, his son crown prince, and sent an envoy to Xuzhou to speed thewedding with Lü Bu’s daughter. At that point he learned that Lü Bu had already delivered the go-between,Han Yin, to the capital, where Cao Cao had had him executed. In great anger Yuan Shu organized an armyof over two hundred thousand under the leadership of Regent-Marshal Zhang Xun: his object, to conquerXuzhou. (Chapter 17)“The acquisition of Xuzhou was a great satisfaction to Cao Cao. He began at once toplan the attack on Xiapi.”Lü Bu, with his reserves of grain and the protection of the River Si, was contentto remain on the defensive.”“Lü Bu stayed indoors all day drinking with Lady Yan and Diaochan todispel his sorrows. Counselors Xu Si and Wang Kai came before Lü Bu and presented a plan:‘Yuan Shuis in Huainan; his influence is great. Why not renew the attempt to form an alliance by marriage with him,General? If he sends troops to relieve us, we will be able to defeat Cao Cao with a two-sided attack.’Lü Buapproved the plan and ordered the two to take a letter to Yuan Shu.”When Xu Si and Wang Kai returnedand told Lü Bu what Yuan Shu said,‘How fickle and faithless Lü Bu is! Send the girl first; then I’ll sendtroops.’‘What about today?’Lü Bu said. Lü Bu, though a warrior of boundless courage, would notrush the enemy lines lest the girl come to harm. Finally he was forced back into Xiapi. Lü Bu drank heavilyin despair and Cao Cao ordered his men to divert water from the rivers Yi and Si into the city. The watersflooded Xiapi. Soldiers raced to Lü Bu with the news.“I have a champion horse,”Lü Bu said,“thatcrosses water as if it were land, flat and dry. We have nothing to fear.”Joined by his wives, Lü Bu wenton sating himself with choice wines. The commanders were deeply disheartened.“Lü Bu loves only hisfamily,”Xian said,“We are chaff to him,”added Wei Xu.“The city is besieged; the towers are floodedround—we are done for.”“He has no humanity, no honor. Why not leave him to his fate?”suggestedXian.“That’s not a hero’s part,”replied Wei Xu.“Let’s deliver him to Cao Cao instead.”At this pointHou Cheng spoke up,“I suffered for recapturing the horses, yet it is Red Hare that he depends on. If youtwo seize Lü Bu and deliver the city, I will steal his horse and present it to Cao Cao myself.”Thus the threemen set their course and did what they said. That’s why“Cao Cao Battles Fiercely at Xiapi / Lü Bu Falls atWhite Gate Tower”. Since Lü Bu“is fickle and faithless”and“has no humanity, no honor”, how canhe not be defeated? He’s so selfish, so self-willed and conceited that no one can save him.


The Chaotic Three Kingdoms Period is an era that gives birth to a multitude of heroes. Lü Bu’s militaryarts excel all and truly is it said:“Among heroes, Lü Bu; among horses, Red Hare.”Why can Lü Bu onlyswagger like a conquering hero for a time but not have a base of his own or any cause of justice after all?

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