
第53章 奋斗改变人生(3)


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms’ opening line is epitomized:“The empire, long divided,must unite; long united, must divide.”One hundred and twenty chapters later the story ends with the linereversed:“The empire, long united, must divide; long divided, must unite.”This is, to my thinking, thenovel’s general theme. Naturally, there are some sub-themes or profound ideas which are used to supportand interpret the general theme. Based on the general theme, the novel may be divided into three parts: Thefirst part is made up of Chapter 1 to Chapter 35. It may be epitomized in“probing the origins to find thesource”, that is to say, why and how does Han Dynasty fall? It’s just as the text reads:“The cause of Han’sfall may be traced to the reigns of Xian’s two predecessors, Huan and Ling. Huan drove from office andpersecuted officials of integrity and ability, giving all his trust to his eunuchs.”“From the four corners ofthe realm the common folk, nearly half a million strong, bound their heads with Yellow Turbans and followedZhang Jiao in rebellion...”(Chapter 1)“Sale of office and rank by the Ten Eunuchs is the fundamentalcause of the recent uprisings. They have appointed only their own and punished only their enemies, and havethrown the realm into chaos in the process.”“At the court the Ten Eunuchs were using their great power todo away with anyone who went against them.”“Bandits and rebels rise everywhere, plundering provinceand district—all because of the sale of office and the abuse of the people by the Ten Eunuchs, who havewronged and deceived Your Majesty. All upright men have fled your service. Disaster looms.”“I care notfor my life,”cried Liu Tao,“but how my heart aches for empire of Han—on the verge of extinction afterfour hundred years!”(Chapter 2) After the Ten Eunuchs were killed and the Emperor Shao was deposed, thenew Emperor, prince of Chenliu, Liu Xie, was enthroned by Warlord Dong Zhuo.“He was the second sonof Emperor Ling, nine years old as Emperor Xian. Dong Zhuo became prime minister. But he did not use hisown name when saluting the sovereign nor comfort himself reverently by scurrying in his presence, nor didhe remove his boots and sword before the throne as required. The prestige and wealth he amassed raised himabove all.”(Chapter 4) Afterwards“Cao Cao Moves the Emperor to Xuchang”.“Power was concentratedin Cao Cao’s hands to such a degree that all important issues at court were first proposed by petition to himand then presented to the Son of Heaven (Emperor)”. (Chapter 14) Up to that time the Han Dynasty hada mere nominal existence and finished its self-destroying course. But it was not until Cao Pi usurped thethrone of Han that he went through the ceremonial procedure. The second part consists of Chapter 36 toChapter 104. It may be summarized in a phrase“the rise and fall of the Three Kingdoms”, i. e. how are theThree Kingdoms—Wei, Shu and Wu established and maintained? And how do they disappear? What arethe qualities of an ideal emperor, an ideal general and an ideal minister? Generally speaking, the dynasticfounders respect talented people and thirst after talents. Consequently they have a galaxy of talented peopleand give full scope to the talents. They keep forging ahead energetically and never yield in spite of reverses.

They win men’s hearts and deserve to rule. The third part includes Chapter 105 to Chapter 120. It may besummed up in two phrases“the Three Kingdoms’ disappearance”and“the reunification of the Jin”, i.e.

Why do the Three Kingdoms disappear? How is the empire reunited by the Jin? The essential reasons ofThree Kingdoms’ disappearance are just the same of the Han Dynasty’ self-destruction: After the dynasticfounders died, their descendants as the emperors“indulged in vice and luxury and neglected the businessof the court”,“drove from office and persecuted officials of integrity and ability, giving all his trust tohis eunuchs”, and always were fatuous and incompetent, profligate and devoid of principles. Ay, what atypical“dynastic cycle”the Three Kingdoms’ or Three Dynasties’ rise-and-fall-cycle is! It is the mostvaluable one among many“dynasties’ rise-and-fall-circles”which are worth our while to think over—forinstance, the Shu-Han Dynasty disappeared when the Second Emperor was still on the throne.




The reunification of the realm of the Jin Dynasty took Sima-Three-generations’ great pains to carryon their work under difficult circumstances. They experienced all kinds of hardships to found their owndynasty. Sima Yi performed outstanding exploits and gained great fame and high prestige. Consequently hestrengthened his forces and gathered many talented people. That was why he dared to stage a coup d’etat.“Theruler of Wei, Cao Fang, appointed Sima Yi as his prime minister, conferring upon him the Nine Dignities.

Sima Yi protested strenuously, but Cao Fang prevailed, requiring Sima Yi and his two sons to manage jointlythe affairs of state.”From then on“Wei’s rule was transferred to the house of Sima.(Chapter 107)”AfterSima Yi passed away, the Wei ruler Cao Fang, appointed Sima Yi’s elder son Sima Shi his regent-marshaland authorized him to supervise the Secretariat’s most sensitive decisions; Sima Yi’s second son Sima Zhaowas made superior general of the Flying Cavalry. (Chapter 108) Two years later Sima Shi deposed Cao Fangand established Cao Mao as the new sovereign.“The golden battle-axe of supreme military authority wasplaced in the hands of Regent-Marshal Sima Shi. He was permitted to walk into the palace without hasteningand bending over, to petition the Emperor without using his given name, and to ascend the throne hallwearing a sword. (Chapter 109) After Sima Shi died of the tumor on his eye in the second month of the secondyear of Zheng Yuan (A.D. 255), his younger brother Sima Zhao inherited his brother’s power. Thereafter, allgovernmental and military matters were decided by Sima Zhao (Chapter 110). In the sixth month of the year,Sima Zhao established Cao Huang, the lord of Changdao Village, as emperor and changed the reign to JingYuan,‘Spectacular Origin,’year 1(A.D. 260). Cao Huang’s name was changed to Cao Huan (Jingming). Hewas the grandson of the Martial Emperor Cao Cao, and the son of Cao Yu, prince of Yan. Cao Huan honoredSima Zhao as prime minister and lord patriarch of Jin (Chapter 114).“At the Wei court the great vassalspetitioned the ruler Cao Huan to honor Sima Zhao as king in recognition of his achievement in conqueringthe Plain. Huan, Son of Heaven in name alone, had no influence at all and dared not oppose Sima Zhao,who held all power of decision. Huan therefore confer Sima Zhao, lord patriarch of Jin, as king of Jin... SimaZhao established his elder son Sima Yan as heir-son. Sima Zhao died of a severe stroke in A.D. 265.“Thatday Sima Yan assumed the position of king of Jin... Sima Yan’s father, Zhao, was posthumously titled KingWen.”“Sima Yan was a man of imposing stature, with hair so long that it touched the ground and armsso long that they hung below his knees. He was a man of quick mind and a brilliant warrior of surpassingcourage”. He had an emperor’s image and qualities. One day in A.D. 265 Sima Yan took his sword andentered the palace and went directly to the rear chamber and asked Cao Huan, ruler of Wei,“Whose effortshave maintained the empire for Wei?”“We owe everything to the father and grandfather of the king ofJin,”Cao Huan responded. With a smile Sima Yan went on,“In my judgment Your Majesty has provenill informed as to the true way of government and is unable to defend the kingdom militarily. Should you notstep aside for a ruler with the necessary talent and virtue?”Cao Huan was dumbfounded. Beside him wasZhang Jie, a courtier from the Inner Bureau, who shouted,“The king of Jin speaks false! Our Martil AncestorCao Cao led sweeping conquests in the four directions; it was no easy task for him to win the empire. Thepresent Son of Heaven has his virtue and is guilty of no crime. Why should he yield his reign?”Wrathfully,Sima Yan responded,“The dynastic altars belong to the great Han. Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven as ameans to control the lords of the realm. He made himself king of Wei, then he usurped the house of Han itself.

My father and his father before him guided and supported the Wei dynasty, which possessed the empire bythe strength of the house of Sima, not of Cao—as the world well knows. Why should I not inherit the reign ofWei?”Zhang Jie retorted,“If you carry it through, it will be treason by usurpation!”Sima Yan exploded inanger.“I am avenging the house of Han,”he cried.“Is something wrong with that?”So saying, Sima Yanordered his guards to beat Zhang Jie to death in the throne hall with the golden ceremonial mace. Cao Huankneeled and pleaded desperately, but Sima Yan rose and left the throne hall. Cao Huan said to Jia Chong andPei Xiu,“We have reached the crisis. What is to be done?”Jia Chong responded,“The Heavenly-ordainedtime has expired. Your Majesty should not defy Heaven, but rather follow the precedent of Emperor Xian andhave another Altar for the Acceptance of the Abdication erected for the transfer of the imperial seal to theking of Jin with dull ceremonial splendor. Such an act would coincide with the wish of Heaven and conformto the people’s mood while ensuring Your Majesty’s security and peace of mind.”Cao Huan accepted thisadvice and ordered Jia Chong to construct the altar. On the first cyclical day in the twelfth month (A.D. 265)Cao Huan, the seal of state held high in both hands, ascended the altar in front of a grand congregation of civiland military officials. Next, Sima Yan, king of Jin, was requested to ascend the altar and accept the abdication(Chapter119) It’s true that“Wei swallowed Han, and then Jin swallowed Wei;”“Jin’s model was Cao Cao,king of Wei.”From what is explained and quoted from the text of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms wecan see not only why and how the Simas usurped the throne just as the Caos did but also why and how theThree Kingdoms were reunited by the Simas, and furthermore we can understand why and how the dynasticcycles would be repeatedly made many times. Now we’ve also understood how important the theme of theRomance of the Three Kingdoms to all of us readers.


The great artistic excellences of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms lie in the following:


Firstly, the relationship between history and literature is properly treated. Though the novel covers ahistory of the Three Kingdoms Period, the author does not copy or exaggerate the historical figures and events,but artistically recreates them according to the given historical concept, ethics and aesthetics, thus making thenovel true to the historical reality on the one hand and vivid, graphic and readable on the other. A magnificentscroll of history unrolls itself in front of us.


Secondly, a group of historical characters are portrayed of their distinctive personalities. For instance,Liu Bei the benevolent, honest and kind-hearted; Zhuge Liang the wise and resourceful; Cao Cao the craftyand powerful; Guan Yu the loyal and heroic; Zhang Fei the impetuous and forthright; Zhou Yu the narrow-minded and Sima Yi the tricky and deceptive. In his characterizations the author resorts to embellishment andexaggerations to emphasize the major aspects of their personalities and makes his characters into“types”,which represent different sorts of people. For instance, Zhuge Liang is typical of the wise, Cao Cao of thetreacherous and Guan Yü of the loyal.


Thirdly, the plain and the smooth ancient Chinese in which novel is written, plus the diversified forms ofexpression and figure of speech, had made it accessible to both the refined and popular tastes.


Fourthly, the novel features a diverse range of characters and events presented in a well-knit structure.

It vividly portrays a panorama of 100 years of the Three Kingdoms period.



Fifthly, all kinds of writing strategies and techniques are employed in the Romance of the ThreeKingdoms, especially contrast and comparison are most extensively used. For example, the Liu Bei-CaoCao contrast, just as Liu Bei says,“The man who is my antithesis, who struggles against me as fire againstwater, is Cao Cao. Where his means are hasty, mine are temperate; where his are violent, mine are humane;where his are cunning, mine are truehearted. By maintaining my opposition to Cao Cao, my cause maysucceed.”(Chapter 60) The comparison between Liu Bei and Cao Cao includes not only their speechesand behaviour but also their thinking and concepts and characteristics—Liu Bei’s characteristic gesture isweeping while Cao Cao’s characteristic gesture is a laugh or a smile. The Zhuge Liang-Sima Yi contrast isvery outstanding: Zhuge Liang loyal, Sima Yi treacherous; Zhuge Liang public-spiritied, Sima Yi selfish;Zhuge Liang humane, Sima Yi cruel; etc. Another example, the sworn brothers’ brotherhood is a kind ofegalitarian fraternity with an“underworld”tinge. Its solidarity is based on the principle of“honor (yi)”.

The comparison between the sworn brothers’ brotherhood and the blood brothers’ brotherhood gives abundantfood for speculation. Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei,“though of separate ancestry, join in brotherhoodhere, combining strength and purpose, to relieve the present crisis. We will perform our duty to the Emperorand protect the common folk of the land. We dare not hop to be together always but hereby vow to die theselfsame day.”(Chapter 1) And in fact, they have all fulfilled their pledge. Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, bothof them are Yuan Shao’s sons, struggle for Jizhou, finally, Yuan Tan is killed in the battle with Cao’s armywhile Yuan Shang is murdered by Gongsun Kang, governor o Liaodong. (Chapter 32 to Chapter 33) Liu Qiand Liu Zong, both are Liu Biao’s sons, fight for power. Although Liu Zong is set as ruler of Jingzhou, he iskilled by Yu Jin who is under Cao Cao’s order (Chapter 41). After his usurpation, Cao Pi hounds his youngerbrother Cao Xiong to death. He also oppresses his another younger brother Cao Zhi by saying:“Sevenpaces takes some time. Can you create a poem on a moment’s notice?”That’s why is written the immortalpoem“Beans simmer on a beanstalk flame/ From inside the pot expressed their ire:‘Alive we sprouted on asingle root—/ What’s your rush to cook us on the fire?’(Chapter 79)”Liu Bei is“so poor that he has to sellsandals and weave mats to live”(Chapter 1). He claims to be“a descendant of Emperor Jing of the FormerHan”, i.e. the nineteenth generation descendant, too, too remote! What a striking contrast between a very,very remote descendant and a very close paternal relation, such as Imperial Inspector Liu Biao or Protector ofYizhou Liu Yan and his son Liu Zhang, etc. What do fidelity and filial piety mean after all?


Sixthly, the novel gives an extremely successfully deion of warfare. It presents heart-quaking battlesettings and describes constantly changing situations very lively and vividly. It involves scores of campaignsgreat or small and a hundred or so battles, all of which have their own features without any repetition. But inthe deions of warfare the author lays emphasis on a battle of wits by the belligerent parties, the well-planned strategies of the military leaders who come out victorious on the battleground as well as the wisdomof warfare. For example, the Battle of the Red Cliff is mainly about a battle of wits among Zhuge Liang, ZhouYü and Cao Cao, including Zhuge Liang’s debate with the southern officials, Cao Cao’s arrows borrowedby Zhuge Liang through a ruse, the east wind supplicated by Zhuge Liang, a trap sprung by Jiang Gan at thecongregation of heroes, a ruse of flogging Huang Gai, a set of interlocking stratagems by Pong Tong and thefire unleashed to Cao Cao’s warships by Zhou Yü, to name just a few.


In the process of reproducing heart-stirring historical moments, the deions of military strategiescan be counted as the pinnacle of its kind. Innumerable tales of astonishing military expertise make thenovel the embodiment of the ancient wisdom of the Chinese people, placing history on a stage where civiland military heroes overcome their adversaries with both strength and craft, and leaving readers with raptadmiration for the historical heroes. It is said that insurgent peasants at the end of the Ming Dynasty used thisnovel as a military textbook. It is also said that many military commanders, soldiers, even militiamen used thenovel as a military textbook as well during the war years. In peaceful years the political and military intriguesand maneuvers in the novel can serve as reference for generations of statesmen and strategists. Many readerstake some characters in the novel as their worshipping images and learn their speeches and behaviours,learning from them how to be a man and how to deal with affairs. Different people can derive differentnourishment and receive different experiences and lessons from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Theprominent literary achievements of the novel make its influence deeply on people from all walks of life in botheastern and western society. It also makes one fever on The Romance of the Three Kingdoms higher than theother. In recent years, the fever on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms’ Culture is spread all over the world.


2.4 Major Characters’ Lives (Experiences and Lessons)


帝又宠幸王美人,生皇子协。何后嫉妒,鸩杀王美人。皇子协养于董太后宫中。董太后乃灵帝之母。……董太后尝劝帝立皇子协为太子。帝亦偏爱协,欲立之。当时病笃,中常侍蹇硕奏曰:‘若欲立协,必先诛何进,以绝后患。’帝然其说,因宣进入宫。进至宫门,司马潘隐谓进曰:‘不可入宫。蹇硕欲谋杀公。’进大惊,急归私宅,召诸大臣,欲尽诛宦官。……正踌躇间,潘隐至,言:‘帝已崩。今蹇硕与十常商议,秘不发丧,矫诏宣何国舅入宫,欲绝后患,册立皇子协为帝。’说未了,使命至,宣进速入,以定后事。操曰:‘今日之计,先宜正君位,然后图贼。’进曰:‘谁敢与吾正君讨贼?’一人挺身出曰:‘愿借精兵五千,斩关入内,册立新君,尽诛阉竖,扫清朝廷,以安天下!’进视之,乃司徒袁逢之子,袁隗之侄:名绍,字本初,现为司隶校尉。何进大喜,遂点御林军五千。绍全身披挂。何进引何罥、荀攸、郑泰等大臣三十余员,相继而入,就灵帝柩前,扶立太子辩即皇帝位。”(第二回)Liu Bian—Han Emperor Shao: In the fourth month of the sixth year of the Zhong Ping reign (a.d. 189),Emperor Ling fell gravely ill and called for Regent He Jin to make plans for the succession. He Jin was froma butcher’s family and had attained his powerful position only through the influence of his younger sister,Lady He, a royal concubine who on giving birth to a son Bian, had become Empress He. Emperor Ling hada second favorite, Lady Wang. Lady Wang too bore a son, and Empress He out of jealousy poisoned her. Thechild, Xie, was raised in the palace of the Emperor’s mother, Dong.... In the matter of Ling’s heir apparent,Queen Mother Dong urged the Emperor to name Xie, son of the murdered concubine Wang, over Bian, sonof Empress He. The Emperor himself was disposed to make this change as he was partial to Prince Xie. AsEmperor Ling’s end drew near, the eunuch Jian Shuo advised him,“If it is Your Majesty’s wish that PrinceXie, not Prince Bian, follow you on the throne, first get rid of Regent He Jin, Bian’s uncle, to forestall counter-measures.”Emperor Ling took his advice and commanded He Jin to appear. He Jin arrived at the palacegate but there was warned by the commanding officer, Pan Yin, not to enter because Jian Shuo meant to killhim. He Jin fled to his quarters and summoned the ministers and high officials to consider executing all theeunuchs.... The problem was still under discussion when commanding officer Pan Yin brought the news of theEmperor’s demise.“Jian Shuo and the eunuchs,”he informed He Jin,“plan to keep the death secret. Theyhave forged a decree summoning you to the palace and expect to have their way by eliminating you beforedeclaring Prince Xie emperor.”The group had not yet reached a decision when the court’s messenger camecommanding He Jin’s immediate appearance to resolve all pending issues.“Today before all else we mustrectify the succession,”cried Cao Cao.“then we can take care of the traitors.”“Who will join me,”askedHe Jin,“in supporting the legitimate heir, Prince Bian, and bringing the traitors to justice?”“Give mefive thousand crack troops,”one official spoke up,“and I will march into the palace, enthrone the rightfulemperor, destroy the eunuchs, and purge the court, thus restoring peace in the land.”He Jin eyed thespeaker. It was Yuan Shao (styled Benchu), son of former Minister of the Interior Yuan Feng, nephew of YuanWei; at the time Shao was commnader of the Capital Districts. He Jin, gratified by the offer, assigned fivethousand of his Royal Guard to Yuan Shao’s command. Yuan Shao girded himself for battle. With He Jin inthe lead, He Yu, Xun You, Zheng Tai, and some thirty other high officials filed into the palace. There beforethe coffin of Emperor Ling they placed He Jin’s nephew, Prince Bian, on the throne as Ling’s successor,Emperor Shao.”(Chapter 2)“

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