
第23章 出生是人生的起点(15)




No sooner had Jia Yucun taken up his post as prefect of Yingtian than a charge of murder was broughtto his court. His attendant told him:“All local officials nowadays keep a secret list of the most powerful,wealthy and high-ranking families in their province. Each province has such a list. Because if unknowinglyyou offend one of these families, you may lose not only your post but your life as well. That’s why it’s calleda Protective Charm.”Yucun got a hand-written copy of the Officials’ Protective Charm from his attendantand asked him,“what’s the best way to settle this case ?”His attendant said with a smile:“I heard thatyour appointment was due to the good offices of the Jias and Wangs, and this murderer Xue Pan is relatedto the Jias by marriage. So why not sail with the stream and do them a good turn, settling this case in such away that you can face them in future ?”Yuncun lowered his head. After a long silence he asked:“Whatdo you suggest?”“I’ve thought of a good plan,”said the attendant.“When Your Honour tries the casetomorrow, make a great show of sending out writs and issuing warrants. Of course the murderer won’t beforthcoming and the plaintiff will press his case; then you can arrest some of Xue’s clansmen and servants forinterrogation. Behind the scenes I’ll fix things so that they report Xue Pan’s‘death by sudden illness,’andwe’ll get his clan and the local authorities to testify to this. Then Your Honour can claim to be able to consultspirits through the planchette. Have one set up in the court and invite both military and civilians to come andwatch. You can say: The spirit declares that Xue Pan and Feng Yuan were enemies in a former existencewho were fated to clash in order to settle scores; that, hounded by Feng Yuan’s ghost, Xue Pan has perishedof some mysterious disease; that since this trouble was caused by the man who kidnapped the girl with such-and-such a name, he must be dealt with according to the law, but no one else is involved... and so on and soforth. I’ll see to it that the kidnapper makes a full confession, and when the spirit’s message confirms this,people will be convinced. The Xues are rolling in money. You can make them pay a thousand or five hundredtaels for Feng Yuan’s funeral expenses. His relatives are insignificant people, and all they’re out for is money.

So the silver will shut their mouths.”Their consultation lasted late into the afternoon. So Yucun twistedthe law to suit his own purpose and passed arbitrary judgment. The Fengs received a large sum for funeralexpenses and made no further objections. Once the case was settled Yuncun lost no time in writing to JiaZheng and Wang Ziteng, Commander-in-Chief of the Metropolitan Garrison, to inform them that the chargeagainst their worthy nephew was dropped and they need not worry about it any longer. All this was due to theattendant who had been a novice in Gourd Temple, but Yucun, dismayed by the thought that this man mightdisclose certain facts about the days when he was poor and humble, later found some fault with him and hadhim exiled to a distant region. Hence one can see that Jia Yucun is not only obsequious to the great, floutingthe law for private considerations, but also reckless with greed, very treacherous and deceitful.


Jia Yucun fawns upon his superiors and insults his inferiors. He abuses his power and position as well.

For instance, Jia She happened to see a few old fans somewhere, which made him so dissatisfied with allhis best fans at home that he sent men out at once to search for better ones. The Stone Idiot had twenty oldfans as it happened, all made of rare varieties of bamboo and the calligraphy and paintings on them were bygenuine old masters. But the Stone Idiot would sooner die than sell them. Then that black-hearted scoundrelJia Yucun heard about it and hatched a scheme. He had the Idiot taken to his yamen on a charge of owingthe government some money, and ordered the default to be made good by the sale of his property. So the fanswere seized, paid for at the official price and brought to the Jia’s mansion.


Jia Yucun is always ungrateful and acts contrary to justice. He is often seen calling on the Jias Mansions.

He owes his promotion to the Jia family. He has now been promoted to be prefect of the capital in charge oftaxation. After the censors impeached the Jias the Emperor ordered him to investigate before any decisionwas made. Because he’d been helped by both mansions, for fear of being accused of shielding the Jias he gavethem a vicious kick —that’s why they were raided. In addition, at the start of his official career he passedarbitrary judgement in which poor Zhen Yinglian, his benefactor Zhen Shiyin’s daughter, was involved andXue Pan, the criminal, was protected. He returns kindness with hatred. How sinister and ruthless he is!



This Jia Yucun is an able gentleman and clever climber, getting himself promoted from the post ofa prefect to that of a censor and then, in another few years, becoming Vice-minister of Civil Affairs andMinister of War. After that, for some reason, he was demoted three ranks. Now he’s climbed up the officialladder again. He holds quite a high post but is too grasping; so several charges of extorting money from hissubordinates have been brought against him. The Emperor therefore issued a decree for his arrest and trial.

He was chained and taken to court for trial. He has been found guilty of embezzlement and condemned topunishment.Truly:

“In ragged coat one shivered yesterday,Today a purple robe he frowns upon”.

“Resentment at a low official rank,May lead to fetters and a felon’s shame.”



Yucun was pardoned under the general amnesty, but ordered back to his native place and reducedto the status of a common citizen. Having sent his family home first, he was making his way there with abaggage-cart and a page when, by the Ford of Awakening in the Stream of Rapid Reversal, he saw a Taoistpriest emerge from a thatched shed to greet him. Recognizing his old friend Zhen Shiyin, he promptlyreturned the greeting.“How amazing that we should meet again today!”said Shiyin.“My humble templeis not far from here. Would you care to come for a chat?”Yucun agreed willingly. Asked how he had cometo renounce the world, Shiyin said with a smile,“It’s easily done, with the speed of thought.”Yucun wasmystified and asked again,“There are many ladies in our humble clan; how is it that apart from the ImperialConsort all the others came to such undistinguished ends?”“All noble ladies come from the realm of loveand retribution.”explained Shiyin.“From time immemorial, carnal desire has been their cardinal sin, andthey must not even immerse themselves in love. Anyone ensnared by love can come to no good end!”Yucunabsently stroked his beard and sighed. He ventured again.“Will the Rong and Ning Mansions be restored totheir former prosperity?”“It’s an immutable law that the good are favoured by fortune while the dissolutemeet with calamity.”Shiyin forestalled further questions about Yucun’s own future by urying him to have arest in his temple.“I still have some worldly affairs to settle and must attend to them today,”he explained.

With a flick of his sleeve he rose. Yucun, left dazed, fell asleep in this thatched temple by the Ford ofAwakening in the Stream of Rapid Reversal.

1. 5 复习讨论题

1.5 Questions for Revision and Discussion


(1)Why did Cao Xueqin write A Dream of Red Mansions? How did he write A Dream of RedMansions?


(2)What main writing techniques has Cao Xueqin made use of in writing A Dream of RedMansions?How has he made use of a striking contrast?

(3)你对曹雪芹的人生有什么感悟?你打算如何度过自己的人生?(或:论曹雪芹的人生)(3)What do you think of Cao Xueqin’s life? How are you going to spend your life? (Or: OnCao Xueqin’s Life)(4)《红楼梦》的艺术成就表现在哪些方面?什么确定了《红楼梦》是人类文化财富宝库中的一颗真正的宝玉?(或:《红楼梦》的艺术成就探讨。)(4)What artistic achievements are displayed in A Dream of Red Mansions? What haveestablished the novel A Dream of Red Mansions as a true jewel in the store of mankind’s cultural wealth?

(Or: Studies on the Artistic Achievements of A Dream of Red Mansions.)(5)你认为贾母的人生如何?为什么她能福寿双全?

(5)How do you think of the Lady Dowager’s life? Why could she enjoy both felicity andlongevity?


(6)How do you think of Jia Zheng’s life? Why could he have a life of peace and mediocrity?


(7)What do you think of Jia Baoyu’s life? What experiences will you use for reference? Whatlessons will you draw from his life? Why was Jia Baoyu not interested in the Imperial examinations?

What differences are there between the Imperial Examination System and the present College EntranceExamination System? How do you think the present examination system should be reformed?


(8)Since the love between Daiyu and Baoyu is based on their mutual love and understandingand is a free and pure love without any concern for family status and interests, why is it finally turnedinto a heart-breaking tragedy? What are Daiyu’s characteristics? What do you think of Daiyu’s life? (Or:A Discussion on the Love Between Daiyu and Baoyu.)


(9)What are Baochai’s characteristics? Baochai and Daiyu, whom do you prefer? Why?


(10)What’s Xiangyun’s nature? Both Xiangyun and Daiyu are orphans, what are the differencesbetween their attitudes towards their lives and their characteristics? Xiangyun, Baochai and Daiyu, whomdo you like best? Why?


(11)What are Miaoyu’s characteristics? Why do evil thoughts cross her mind and kindle a hothumour? There is the same Chinese character“yu”in the names of Miaoyu, Baoyu and Daiyu, isn’tthere anything else in common among them? If there is, what is it?


(12)Miaoyu, Daiyu and Xiangyun are all orphans but they have different lives. Why?


(13)How do you think of Wang Xifeng’s life? What experiences and lessons may she afford usworthy of our attention? (Or: Some Thoughts on Wang Xifeng’s Life.)


(14)How do you think of Li Wan’s life? What striking contrasts are there between Li Wan’s andWang Xifeng’s characteristics?


(15)What do you think of Qin Keqing’s life? What about Jia Yuanchun’s? Is one’s birthmore important than one’s breeding? Why? (Or: An Analysis of Qin Keqing’s Life, Reflections on JiaYuanchun’s Life.)


(16)What are Yingchun’s characteristics? Why did she die so young? Why is it said that SunShaozu is a mountain wolf? What lessons can you get from Yingchun’s life?


(17)Do you like Jiao Da? Why?Why has his loyalty finally turned into a tragedy?


(18)How do you think of Xue Pan’s life? How do you think to make a family (or a country)prosperous? (Or: On Sustainable Development.)


(19)Why is it said that Xiangling is the most unfortunate girl of the Second Register of TwelveBeauties of Jinling and also the representative of those girls and maids who are oppressed, bullied andhumiliated in the Grand View Garden? How do you think of Xiangling’s life? What would you like tolearn from Xiangling?

(20)你喜欢刘姥姥吗?为什么?刘姥姥的性格特点是什么?为什么她90多岁还去拜访贾府?(或:对刘姥姥的人生之我见。)(20)Do you like Granny Liu? Why? What are Granny Liu’s characteristics? Why does she visitthe Jia Mansions when she’s over ninety? (Or: Random Thoughts on Granny Liu’s Life.)


(21)How can Qiaojie narrowly escape being cheated and sold? How do you think of Qiaojie’smarriage? How do you think of living and working in the countryside?


(22)What do you think of Zhen Shiyin’s life? What about Jia Yucun’s? Whose life do youprefer? Why?


(23)What family do you prefer being born of? Why?

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