
第21章 出生是人生的起点(13)



From what mentioned above we can see Granny Liu is not only simple, plain and intelligent, but alsofull of resources and calculations. When her family gets in more grain and a good crop of pumpkins, fruit andvegetables, they don’t like to sell their first pickings and keep the best for the Jias to taste. That’s just theirpoor way of showing their gratitude. Mrs Zhou told Granny Liu:“Madam Lian said:‘She’s come all thatway with a load of things; let her spend the night here and go back tomorrow.’Doesn’t that show she’s takena fancy to you? That’s not all either. The old lady happened to overhear us and asked,‘Who’s this GrannyLiu?’When that was explained by Madam Lian she said,‘I’ve been wanting to have a chat with someexperienced old soul. Ask her over to see me.’Who could have imagined such a stroke of luck?”WhenGranny Liu saw the Lady Dowager, she stepped forward, smiling, and curtseyed to her.“Greetings, Goddessof Long Life!”she cried.“How old are you, venerable kinswoman?”asked the Lady Dowager, Granny Liurose to answer,“Seventy-five.”“So old, yet so hale and hearty! Why, you’re older than I am by severalyears. If I live to your age, I doubt whether I shall be so spry,”the Lady Dowager went on.“Just nowXifeng told me you’ve brought us a lot of pumpkins and vegetables. I’ve asked to have them cooked at once.

I’ve been longing for some freshly picked things of this kind. Those we buy outside aren’t as good as yours,straight from the fields.”“This is rough country fare but at least it’s fresh,”Granny Liu answered.“We’drather eat meat and fish ourselves, only we can’t afford it.”“Now that we relatives have met,”the LadyDowager continued,“you mustn’t leave with nothing to show for your visit. If you don’t dislike our place, dostay for a couple of days. We have a garden too with fruit in it. Tomorrow you must try some and take somehome, to show you’ve visited your relatives here.”Xifeng also pressed Granny Liu to stay, seeing what aliking the old lady had taken to her.“Though our place here isn’t as large as your farm we have a coupleof empty rooms,”she said.“Do stay for a day or two, and tell our old lady some of your village news andstories.”Granny Liu regaled the Lady Dowager with some village gossip which quite delighted her.


Granny Liu though a countrywoman is no fool. Besides, being old and experienced she can see howdelighted the old lady is and how eagerly the young people are listening. So when she runs out of gossip shedraws on her imagination. When she is held up to ridicule, she turns everything into ridicule. Xifeng pulledGranny Liu forward and said with a smile:“Let me make you beautiful, granny!”Seizing all the flowers onthe plate, she stuck them this way and that in the old woman’s hair, reducing everyone present to helplesslaughter.“I don’t know what meritorious deed my head’s done to deserve this good fortune,”cackledGranny Liu, instead of having got angry.“What a dash I’m cutting today!”“Why don’t you pull themout and throw them in her face?”gasped the others.“She’s got you up to look a real old vampire.”“I’mold now, but when I was young I was flighty too and fond of flowers,”chuckled Granny Liu.“So It’s right Ishould be an old flibbertigibbet today.”The Lady Dowager gave a feast in Grand View Garden to repay ShiXingyun’s hospitality. Granny Liu sat at the table next to the Lady Dowager’s. When the Lady Dowager urgedher to make a start, Granny Liu stood up and declaimed at the top of her voice:

“Old woman Liu, I vow,Eats more than any cow,And down she settles now,To gobble an enormous sow.”

Then she dried up abruptly, puffing out her cheeks and staring down at her bowl. The others had beenstaggered at first but now everyone, high and low, started roaring with laughter. When presently the mealended, Xifeng said with a smile to Granny Liu:“You mustn’t take offence. We were only having fun justnow.”“What a thing to say,”Granny Liu laughed.“We were trying to amuse the old lady, why shouldI take offence? When you tipped me off, I knew it was all in fun. If I’d been annoyed I would have kept mymouth shut.”



After the evening meal Granny Liu took Ban’er to see Xifeng.“I must go home first thingtomorrow,”she announced.“I’ve not stayed here long, only two or three days, yet I’ve seen things, eatenthings and heard tell of things I never even knew existed. The old lady and you, madam, as well as theyoung ladies and the girls in the different apartments, have all been kindness itself to a poor old woman.

I’ve no way to show my gratitude when I get back except by burning incense every day and prayinghard to Buddha to grant that all of you live to be a hundred.”“Yes, after all, it’s the old who are themost experienced.”Observed Xifeng with a smile.“Can you tell me, granny, why our Dajier is alwaysailing?”“It’s natural enough,”replied Granny Liu.“The children of wealthy families are too delicate tostand any rough handling. Being too pampered isn’t good for kids either. She’ll do better, madam, if you don’tspoil her too much.”“I think you’re right,”agreed Xifeng.“By the way, she has no name yet. You giveher one so that she can share your good fortune and live as long as you. Besides—I hope you won’t mind mysaying this—you country fold aren’t so well off, and a name given by someone poor like you should act asa counterbalance.”“When was she born?”asked Granny Liu after some thought.“That’s the trouble:

the seventh of the seventh month.”“Why, that’s good! Call her Qiao Jier then. This is what is knownas‘fighting poison with poison and fire with fire.’If you agree to this name, madam, she’s sure to live toa ripe old age. And when she grows up and has her own family, if anything untoward happens, her bad luckwill turn into good all because of this‘happy coincidence’in her name.”Xifeng was naturally pleased andsaid gratefully,“I hope it will turn out for her as you say.”She called Ping’er then and told her,“Tomorrowwe’ll most likely be busy. Sort out our presents for granny now that you’re free, so that she can leave as earlyas suits her tomorrow.”“Come and have a look, granny.”Ping’er said. She picked them up one by one toshow them to granny.“This is the green gauze you admired yesterday. And here is some pale grey gauze fromour mistress for a lining. These two rolls of raw silk would do well for tunics or skirts, and the two lengths ofsilk in this wrapping will make clothes for New Year. Here’s a hamper of all sorts of cakes from the Imperialkitchen; some you’ve tasted, others you haven’t; they’re better to offer to visitors than any you can buy outside.

One of these two sacks you brought vegetables in has two pecks of rice in it from the Imperial fields, whichmakes an excellent porridge; the other is full of fruit and nuts from our Garden. In this packet are eight taelsof silver. All these are presents from our mistress. These two packets of fifty taels each, a hundred in all, area present from Lady Wang who wants you to start a small business or buy some land with it, so that in futureyou don’t have to appeal to friends for help.”Then, smiling, she said in a low voice,“These two tunics andthis skirt, four headscarves and packet of embroidery silks are from me, granny. The clothes may not be new,but they haven’t been worn much. Still, if you turn up your nose at them, I shan’t complain.”




When Granny Liu knew that the old lady was free, she came to say goodbye. The Lady Dowager urgedher to come again and told Yuan Yang:“See Granny Liu out.”Then with final thanks Granny Liu took herleave and withdrew with Yuan Yang to the maid’s room. Yuan Yang pointed at a bundle on the kang.“Thoseare two sets of clothes given to the old lady on previous birthdays,”she said.“But she’s never once put themon. Yesterday she told me to choose two sets for you to take back. In this hamper are the pastries you askedfor. In this packet are the medicines. Here are two embroidered pouches you can wear for fun. Those clothesyou changed into when I asked you to have a bath the other day were mine. If they’re any use to you keepthem, and here are a few others.”As Granny Liu hastily thanked her, she produced two more sets of clothingand wrapped them up for her. The old woman wanted to go to the Garden to say goodbye to Baoyu, the youngladies and Lady Wang, but Yuan Yang prevented her.“There’s no need. They don’t see people at this hour.

I’ll tell them later. You must come again when you’ve time.”An old serving-woman was dispatched to geta boy from the inner gate to help Granny Liu with her things. Then they went to Xifeng’s apartments to fetchthe gifts there, which the page carried out through the side gate and loaded on to the carriage they had hired.

Finally, the old serving-woman escorted Granny Liu to the carriage and saw her off.




Granny Liu is kind-hearted and amiable, a woman who knows that she should reciprocate for the goodthings which have been done for her. When she heard about the Lady Dowager’s death, she came to the JiaMansions. Xifeng asked Granny Liu:“How are you making out these days?”Her heart brimming over withgratitude Granny Liu answered,“If not for you.”She pointed at her grand-daughter Qing’er then wenton,“Her dad and mum would have starved. Now, though life on a farm is hard, we’ve bought quite a few muof land and sunk a well. We grow vegetables and fruit too, and make enough from them to feed ourselves. Thelast couple of years, besides, you’ve given us clothes and material from time to time so that in our village wecount as quite well-off. Amida Buddha! The other day when her dad came to town and heard that your familyhere had been raided, I nearly died of fright! Luckily others told me it wasn’t this house, and that set my mindat rest. We learned later that the master had been promoted, and I was so pleased I wanted to come to offercongratulations, but what with all the field work I couldn’t get away. Then yesterday we heard that the old ladyhad passed away. I was getting in beans when they brought me word, and it shocked me too much to go on. Ibroke down there in the field and cried my heart out! I told my son-in-law,‘I shall have to leave you to yourown devices. Whether it’s true or not, I must go to town to have a look.’My daughter and son-in-law aren’tlacking in gratitude either. They both cried over the news, and this morning before dawn they sped me onmy way.”Granny Liu was grieved to see how wasted Xifeng had become, and how unclear in her mind. Shesaid:“We villagers don’t fall ill. When we feel poorly we just pray and make pledges to the gods—we nevertake medicine. I dare say, madam, this illness of yours was brought on by evil spirits.”This coincided withXifeng’s own view. Xifeng asked Qiaojie to her and said:“Have you greeted granny? She’s the one who gaveyou your name, so she’s your godmother in a way. You should pay your respects to her.”She also beggedGranny Liu:“Please offer prayers for me! If you need money for a sacrifice, I have some.”She slipped off agolden bracelet and held it out to her. Granny Liu said:“There’s no call for this, madam. When we villagersrecover after making pledges, we just spend a few hundred coppers. What need is there for all this? I shallpray for you and make some pledge, and once you’re better you can spend as much as you like.”Aware thatshe was in earnest, Xifeng could not insist.“Granny, my life is in your hands!”she said:“And my littleQiaojie is always ailing too; I entrust her to you as well.”Granny Liu assented readily and proposed.“In thiscase, as it’s still early, I’ll go back now. When you recover, madam, you can go to thank the gods.”


While Granny Liu has gone home to offer prayers for Xifeng and her daughter Qiaojie, Xifeng died andJia Lian has gone to see his father who is dying of consumption. It’s just at the critical moment when Qiaojieis going to be cheated and sold to a prince in a border province by her bad uncle Jia Huan, cruel-hearteduncle Wang Ren and evil elder brother Jia Yun, Granny Liu who’s over 90 years old comes again to the JiasMansions, Ping’er dressing Qiaojie up to look like Qing’er, she herself, pretending to be seeing off GrannyLiu, slipping into the carriage too when no one is looking; so they have left the mansion for Granny Liu’s homeand averted the catastrophe. Truly:

Thanks to one small act of kindnessShe meets by chance a grateful friend;Fortunate that her motherHas done some unnoticed good.

Men should rescue the distressed and aid the poor,Be not like her heartless uncle or treacherous cousinWho for love of money forget their own flesh and blood.

Truly, rewards and punishmentsAre meted out by Heaven.


Qiaojie: Qiaojie is the daughter of Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian. When Granny Liu paid her second visitto the Rong Mansion, Xifeng asked her,“Can you tell me, granny, why our Dajie is always ailing?”“It’snatural enough. The children of wealthy families are too delicate to stand any rough handling. Being toopampered isn’t good for kids either. She’ll do better, madam, if you don’t spoil her too much.”“I thinkyou’re right,”agreed Xifeng.“By the way, she has no name yet. You give her one so that she can shareyour good fortune and live as long as you. Besides—I hope you won’t mind my saying this—you country folkaren’t so well off, and a name given by someone poor like you should act as a counterbalance.”“Whenwas she born?”asked Granny Liu after some thought.“That’s the trouble: the seventh of the seventhmonth.”“Why, that’s good! Call her Qiaojie then. This is what is known as‘fighting poison with poisonand fire with fire.’If you agree to this name, madam, she’s sure to live to a ripe old age. And when she growsup and has her own family, if anything untoward happens, her bad luck will turn into good all because ofthis‘happy coincidence’in her name.”




It used to be the Lady Dowager’s rule every year to hold a“cold 罥 dispelling party”on the first ofthe eleventh month, getting everybody together to drink and have fun. On that day morning Qiaojie paidher respects to the old lady.“Good child!”said the Lady Dowager with a fond smile.“I got up early andall this time I’ve been waiting, but so far only your Uncle Bao has come.”“Pay your respects to youruncle, miss,”prompted the nurse. Qiaojie curtseyed to Baoyu, who returned her greeting.“Mama saysNanny Li has been teaching me to read for several years,”said Qiaojie,“but she doubts if I really knowmany characters... She wants you to test me, uncle, when you have time.”“How many characters do youknow?”asked Baoyu.“More than three thousand.”replied Qiaojie.“I’ve read the Book of Filial Women,and a fortnight ago I started on the Lives of Chaste Martyrs.”“It’s good when girls can read,”put inthe Lady Dowager.“But needlework is more important for them.”“I’m learning that too from NannyLiu,”said Qiaojie“Applique work, chain stitch and so on. I’m not much good at it, but I’m learning somedifferent stitches.”“As you obviously know how to read,”observed Baoyu,“there’s no need to test youon that.”Qiaojie said:“I heard mama say too that our maid Xiaohong used to work for you, Uncle Bao; andafter mama took her she’s never sent you another girl instead. Now mama wants to send you one called Wu’erfrom the Liu family, but she doesn’t know whether you’ll have her or not.”“Just listen to her!”exclaimedBaoyu in delight.“Your mother can send anyone she likes. Why ask me if I’ll have her?”He turned to saylaughingly to his grandmother,”“Judging by my niece’s looks and intelligence, she should outdo evenCousin Xifeng in future. Especially as she can read as well.”


Granny Liu went to pay her third visit to the Rong Mansion, for she heard that the Lady Dowager hadpassed away. When she saw how wasted Xifeng had become and how unclear in her mind, Granny Liu wasgrieved to say,“We villagers don’t fall ill. When we feel poorly we just pray and make pledges to the gods— we never take medicine. I daresay, madam, this illness of yours was brought on by evil spirits.”Thiscoincided with Xifeng’s own view.“Granny,”she said with an effort.“Please offer prayers for me! If youneed money for a sacrifice, I have some.”She slipped off a golden bracelet and held it out to her.“There’sno call for this, madam,”explained Granny Liu.“When we villagers recover after making pledges, we justspend a few hundred coppers. What need is there for all this? I shall pray for you and make some pledge,and once you’re better you can spend as much as you like.”Aware that she was in earnest, Xifeng could notinsist.“Granny, my life is in your hands!”she said.“And my little Qiaojie is always ailing too; I entrust herto you as well.”Granny Liu assented readily and proposed,“In this case, as it’s still early, I’ll go back now.

When you recover, madam, you can go to thank the gods.”


It was just at the critical moment when Qiaojie was going to be cheated and sold to a prince in a borderprovince by her bad uncle Jia Huan, cruel 罥 hearted uncle Wang Ren and evil elder brother Jia Yun,Granny Liu came again to the Rong Mansion; Ping’er dressed Qiaojie up to look like Qing’er, she herself,pretending to be seeing off Granny Liu, slipped into the carriage too when no one was looking; and so theyleft the mansion for Granny Liu’s home. When the few well-to-do families in the village heard that a younglady from the Jia Mansion was staying with Granny Liu, they flocked to see her and thought her a goddesscome down to earth. Some sent presents of vegetables and fruit, others of game, making quite a commotion.

The richest family among them, named Zhou, were millionaires owning a vast estate of good land. Their onlyson, a handsome, intelligent lad of fourteen for whom his parents had procured a tutor, had just passed thecounty examination. When his mother saw Qiaojie she thought enviously,“Country folk like us aren’t goodenough for such a young lady from a noble house.”Granny Liu guessed what she was thinking.“I knowwhat’s in you mind,”she said.“Let me propose the match.”Concerned to know how the Jia family wasfaring, Granny Liu sent Ban’er to town to make inquiries. As it happened, he found Rongning Street linedwith carriages and sedan-chairs, and people in the neighbourhood informed him,“The heads of the Ningand Rong Mansions are getting back their official posts and their confiscated property. They’re going up in theworld again.”Ban’er hurried back to tell his grandmother. Granny Liu, gratified to hear this, had two cartsprepared for them and urged Qiaojie to mount one. But by now she felt so at home here that she was reluctantto leave, while Qing’er burst into tears, unwilling to part with her. Seeing this, Granny Liu told Qing’er to gowith them, and together they drove straight back to the Rong Mansion.



It so happened that Jia Lian had come back from his father’s place of exile when Qiaojie was backsafe and sound with Granny Liu and Ping’er. Granny Liu told Jia Lian everything about Qiaojie. Then JiaLian reported to Jia Zheng:“My parents are willing to marry Qiaojie to the Zhou family.”Jia Zheng, whohad heard the previous night of all that had happened to her, said,“That’s for the Elder Master and ElderMistress to decide. We shouldn’t despise country people, providing they are honest folk and their son isstudious and seems promising. Not all the officials at court are city bred, are they?”“No, sir,”agreed JiaLian. Then he sent for Granny Liu to tell her the match was agreed on. Truly:

When fortune frowns, nobility means nothing;When a house is ruined, kinsmen turn unkind.

Because of help given by chance to Granny Liu,In time of need she is lucky a friend to find.

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