
第14章 出生是人生的起点(6)


Lin Daiyu: Lin Daiyu was born of a family which was cultured as well as noble. Her father was LinRuhai who had come third in a previous Imperial Examination and recently been promoted to the censorate.

A native of Gusu, he had now been selected by the Emperor as a Commissioner of the Salt Inspectorate.

One of Lin Ruhai’s ancestors five generations earlier had been ennobled as a marquis. The rank had beenconferred for three generations; then, as the benevolence of the present gracious Emperor far exceeded thatof his noble predecessors, he had as a special favour extended it for one more generation, so that Lin Ruhai’sfather had inherited the title as well. He himself, however, had made his career through the examinations. LinDaiyu’s mother Jia Min was the daughter of Jia Daishan and Lady Dowager, i.e, nee Shi. Because Lin Daiyuhad no brothers and sisters, her parents loved her dearly. And because she was as intelligent as she waspretty, they decided to give her a good education to make up for their lack of a son and help them forget theirloss.


Unfortunately Lin Daiyu’s parents died of diseases one after another when she was quite young. She hadto go to her maternal grandmother’s home and be brought up there. She must watch her step in her new home,be on guard every moment and weigh every word, so as not to be laughed at for any foolish blunder. Shemanages to keep her self-respect in the midst of the grand and snobbish Jias, warding off slights and bullywith her candid and carping tongue.“You just said I should eat bird’s-nest.”Daiyu exclaimed with a sighto Baochai,“...but those below would be bound to think me too pernickety. Look how jealous these peopleare and how much gossip there is here because the old lady favours Baoyu and Xifeng. In my case, they’dresent it even more. After all, I’m not a daughter of the house, I’m here because I’ve nowhere else to go. Theyresent me enough as it is. If I should push myself forward, they’d all start cursing me.”“But I have nothing.

Yet all I eat, wear and use, down to the least blade of grass or sheet of paper, is the same as their own girls get.

Naturally those petty-minded people dislike me.”“As blossoms fade and fly across the sky, who pities thefaded red, the scent that has been ?”“Each year for three hundred and sixty-five days the cutting wind andbiting frost contend.”Under such circumstances, Lin Daiyu has become jealous and petty-minded, sick withlonging, always melancholy and moody.



Daiyu, who suffered from a bad cough around every spring and autumn solstice, had overtaxed herstrength this year by going out more than usual, because of the Lady Dowager’s good spirits, and had recentlystarted coughing again worse than ever. She therefore stayed in her own rooms to rest. But now Baoyu’spossession of a gold unicorn like Xiangyun’s might lead to a romance between them. So Daiyu slipped overto see what was happening and judge of their feelings for each other, arriving just as Xiangyun was speakingof worldly affairs, and in time to hear Baoyu answer,“Miss Lin never talks such disgusting nonsense. Ifshe did, I’d have stopped having anything to do with her.”This surprised and delighted Daiyu but alsodistressed and grieved her. She was delighted to know she had not misjudged him, for he had now proved justas understanding as she had always thought. Surprised that he had been so indiscreet as to acknowledge hispreference for her openly. Distressed because their mutual understanding ought to preclude all talk aboutgold matching jade, or she instead of Baochai should have the gold locket to match his jade amulet. Grievedbecause her parents had died, and although his preference was so clear there was no one to propose thematch for her. Besides, she had recently been suffering from dizzy spells which might be... Baoyu happenedto see Daiyu walking slowly ahead, apparently wiping her tears. He overtook her.“Where are you going,cousin?”he asked with a smile.“What, crying again? Who’s offended you this time?”Daiyu turned andsaw who it was.“I’m all right.”She gave a wan smile.“I wasn’t crying.”“Don’t fib—your eyes are stillwet.”He raised his hand instinctively to wipe away her tears. At once she recoiled a few steps.“Are youcrazy? Can’t you keep your hands to yourself?”“I did it without thinking.”Baoyu laughed.“I was deadto all around me.”“No one will care when you’re dead, but what about the gold locket and unicorn you’llhave to leave behind?”This remark made Baoyu frantic.“Don’t get so excited,”Daiyu begged.“Whywork yourself up over a slip of the tongue? The veins on your forehead are all swollen with anger, and whata sweat you’re in!”So saying, she too stepped forward without thinking and reached out her hand to wipehis perspiring face. Baoyu fixed his eyes on her. After a while he said gently,“you mustn’t worry”. Daiyugazed at him in silence,“Worry?”she repeated at last.“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”“Dearcousin, don’t tease.”Baoyu nodded and sighed.“If you really don’t understand, all my devotion’s beenwasted and even your feeling for me has been thrown away. You ruin your health by worrying so much. Ifyou’d take things less to heart, your illness wouldn’t be getting worse every day.”These words struck Daiyulike a thunderbolt. As she turned them over in her mind, they seemed closer to her innermost thoughts than ifwrung from her own heart. There were a thousand things she longed to say, yet she could not utter a word. Shejust stared at him in silence. As Baoyu was in similar case, he too stared at her without a word. So they stoodtransfixed for some time. Then Daiyu gave a choking cough and tears rolled down her cheeks. She was turningto hurry off without one look behind, while Baoyu just stood there like a man in a trance and declared,“Dearcousin, I never ventured before to bare my heart to you. Now that I’ve summoned up courage to speak, I’ll diecontent. I was making myself ill on account of you, but I dared not tell anyone and hid my feelings. I shall notrecover till you’re better too. I can’t forget you even in my dreams.”From here we can see how deeply Baoyuand Daiyu love each other.




The love between Baoyu and Daiyu is based on their mutual love and understanding, is a free and purelove without any concern for family status and interests; and it is also a constant and rebellious love, whichemphasizes feeling rather than feudal ethical codes, and even runs counter to feudal ethical codes. AlthoughBaoyu is a talented young man and Daiyu is a beauty, the love affair between Baoyu and Daiyu is differentfrom the way such matters are treated in the traditional genre of novels featuring talented young scholars andbeautiful girls. In the latter novels the heroes and heroines have their struggles to exert control over theirown lives, but their opposition is to the marriage conventions of the time, and not to the basic principlesof the feudal system. They mostly excel in the imperial examinations, and when they do so their familiesbecome reconciled to their unconventional choices of marriage partners, and in the end harmony reigns.

The love between Baoyu and Daiyu, on the other hand, represents a fundamental challenge to the interestsof the feudal family. Baoyu scorns fame and fortune, and refuses to pursue an official position through theimperial examination system, resolutely rebuffing all—even intimates like Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai—when they urge him to be ambitious. Of all the young ladies in the household, only Daiyu understandshim, sympathizing with his straightforward nature, and his loathing of hypocrisy, affectation and worldlycalculation. It’s just because Daiyu aids and abets Baoyu in his rebellion against feudal mores, leading himdown a path that may spell ruin for the family, the Lady Dowager, the matriarch of the Jia family, regardsher as completely unsuitable as a marriage partner for Baoyu. The Lady Dowager said,“Baoyu and Daiyuhave been inseparable since they were small, and I didn’t think it mattered as they were children. Sincethen, though, there’s been all this talk about her sudden illness and sudden recovery—just because they aregrowing up now. So I don’t think it proper to leave them together all the time.”“Daiyu is over-sensitive,and though that’s not a bad thing in a way it’s also the reason why I don’t want to marry her to Baoyu. Besides,she’s so delicate, I doubt whether she’s long for this world. The most suitable choice is Baochai.”Accordingto the old lady’s instructions mentioned above, Xifeng made an underhand plan and said,“the only wayis to‘palm off a dummy’on him.”That was the plan to fob off a different bride on Baoyu. The news ofBaoyu’s impending wedding to Baochai, a prospect which Daiyu had dreaded for years, had so enraged herthat she had lost her senses. She staggered and fell, vomiting blood. She just longed to die quickly. She madeup her mind to refuse to eat anything. When the Lady Dowager, Lady Wang and Xifeng went to see Daiyu,the old lady dubiously said,“It’s natural for young people who’ve played together as children to be partial toeach other; but now that they’re big enough to know the facts of life they should keep at a distance. That’s howa girl should behave if she wants me to love her. To get other ideas into her head would be most improper, andall my love for her would be thrown away.”“In a family like ours, of course there can’t be any carryings-on, but even thinking such thoughts is taboo! If that’s not the root of her illness, I’m willing to spend any sumto cure her. If it is, I doubt if it can be cured and I don’t care!”During Daiyu’s previous illness, everyonefrom the old lady herself down to the maids of her cousins had come to ask after her health. But now not onerelative or servant came, not even sending inquiries, and when she opened her eyes there was nobody butZijuan in the room. She knew there was not the least reason for her to live on. Therefore, Daiyu made up hermind to burn her poems to end her infatuation. It was in the very same hour in which Baoyu and Baochai weremarried that Daiyu breathed her last. Her last words were“Baoyu, Baoyu! How...”

黛玉生来体弱多病,但非常聪明漂亮,难怪熙凤看到她便笑道:“天下真有这样标致的人儿?我今日才算看见了!”在宝玉看来,黛玉“真是与众各别”。“两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目……闲静似娇花照水,行动如弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。”林黛玉最突出的特点是弱不禁风,多愁善感。因此“林黛玉”现在已变成了凡有那两个特点的人的代名词。她的另一个特点是爱哭。她为什么哭呢? 她为美丽而短暂的生命哭泣——“一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知。”她为自己的命苦哭泣——她父母双亡,又无兄弟姐妹,孤苦伶仃,只得寄居亲戚家中。她为爱而哭泣——“一个是阆苑仙葩,一个是美玉无瑕。





Daiyu was born weak and often ill, but very intelligent and beautiful. No wonder Xifeng saw her andcried with a laugh,“This is the first time I’ve set eyes on such a ravishing beauty. Her whole air is sodistinguished!”In Baoyu’s eyes, Daiyu was“different from other girls.”“Her dusky arched eyebrowswere knitted and yet not frowning, her speaking eyes held both merriment and sorrow... In repose she was likea lovely flower mirrored in the water; in motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind. She looked more sensitivethan Bi Gan, more delicate than Xi Shi.”Lin Daiyu’s most outstanding characteristics are oversensitive andso weak as to be unable to stand any breeze. Thus“LinDaiyu”has already been turned into a substitutename for all those who have the same characteristics now. Her another characteristic is that she often weeps.

What for? She weeps for her beautiful and short life—“The day that spring takes wing and beauty fades,who will care for the fallen blossom of dead maid?”She weeps for her ill-fate—her parents are dead andshe’s all on her own, with no brothers and sisters; so she has to put up in her grandmother’s house. She weepsfor love—“One is an immortal flower of fairyland,The other fair flawless jade,And were it not predestinedWhy should they meet again in this existence?

Yet, if predestined,Why does their love come to nothing?

One sighs to no purpose,The other yearns in vain;One is the moon reflected in the water,The other but a flower in the mirror.

How many tears can well from her eyes?

Can they flow on from autumn till winter,From spring till summer?”


Xue Baochai: Xue Baochai came of a scholarly JinLing family. She is a beautiful and intelligent girlof great natural refinement. While her father was still alive he made her study, and she turned out ten timesbetter than her elder brother. After their father’s death it was so clear that Xue Pan would prove no comfortto their mother that Baochai gave up her studies and devoted herself to needlework and the householdmanagement, so as to share her mother’s burden and cares. Recently, to honor culture, encourage proprietyand search out talent, in addition to selecting consorts and ladies-in-waiting the Emperor in his infinitegoodness had made the Board compile a list of the daughters of ministers and noted families from whom tochoose virtuous and gifted companions for the princesses in their studies. Thus Xue Baochai and her motherand elder brother came to stay in the Rong Mansion.


But now Baochai had suddenly appeared on the scene. Although only slightly older, she was such aproper young lady and so charming that most people considered Daiyu inferior to her. In the eyes of the world,of course, everyone has some merits. In the case of Daiyu and Baochai, one was lovely as a flower, the othergraceful as a willow, but each charming in her own way, according to her distinctive temperament. Besides,Baochai’s generous, tactful and accommodating ways contrasted strongly with Daiyu’s stand-offish reserveand won the hearts of her subordinates, so that nearly all the maids liked to chat with her. Because of this,Daiyu began to feel some twinges of jealousy. But of this Baochai was completely unaware. When Baoyu wentto see Baochai for the first time, she was sewing on the kang. Her glossy black hair was knotted on top of herhead. She was wearing a honey-coloured padded jacket... There was nothing ostentatious about her costume,which was none too new. Her lips needed no rouge, her blue-black eye-brows no brush; her face seemed asilver disk, her eyes almonds swimming in water. Some might think her reticence a cloak for stupidity; butcircumspect as she was she prided herself on her simplicity.


Xue Baochai is kind and amiable, generous and magnanimous. She’s really good natured and tolerant.

She is so popular in the Jia Mansions that nobody can help admiring her. Even her rival in love Lin Daiyuexclaimed with a sigh:“How good you always are to others! I’m so touchy that I used to suspect your motives.

I really began to appreciate you that day when you warned me against indiscriminate reading and gave mesuch good advice. I can see now I’d misjudged you all along ...No wonder Xiangyun speaks so highly of you. Iused to be sceptical when she sang your praises, but not after my own recent experience. For instance, whenyou said anything I always answered back, but instead of taking offence you offered me good advice. Thatshowed that I’d been wrong.”


Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu are equally charming physically and intellectually, and Baoyu was attractedto both of them at first. In fact, Baoyu once clung to Baochai, putting aside Daiyu. He gradually distanceshimself from Baochai, who has been urging him to adapt himself to the feudal mores and whose characteris the opposite of his, being inclined to the ways of feudal orthodoxy. Baochai thinks more of feudal ethicalcodes than of feelings; she involuntarily restrains her temperament and feelings and always behaves herselfaccording to the needs of the feudal ethical codes. He cleaves once more to his true soulmate Daiyu, becauseshe alone had never urged him to seek an official career or fame for himself. It’s also just because of thisthat the Jias determine to marry Baoyu off to Baochai who comes from a noble and very proper family and isgenerally regarded as the very person to steer Baoyu back onto the road of feudal rectitude, instead of Daiyuwhose staunch, defiant character matches that of Baoyu well.


The marriage between Baochai and Baoyu is not based on love, but on considerations of family interests.

As a girl in the feudal society, Baochai herself can not have scholarly honour or official rank by taking partin the imperial examinations. She has to do what her verse reads.“But lend me strength, good wind, to soarup to the azure sky at last.”That is to say, she has to rely on her husband and her ideal husband must be aman who is ambitious and tries his best to seek for fame and riches. But Baoyu detests the pursuit of rank andwealth and has a rebellious nature. How can they happily live on together? After their marriage, Baoyu cannot forget his sweetheart Daiyu and finally leaves the family home to be a Buddhist monk. Baochai is living awidowed life and the“perfect match”turns into a tragedy.“Alas for her wifely virtue, ...Buried in snow thebroken golden hairpin”.“Burned with anxiety both day and night, comsumed with anguish as time slipsaway.”

宝玉深爱黛玉却被迫和宝钗结婚,因此作者把黛玉与宝钗放在一起写,常常一个出现另一个就会出现,以便读者能理解她们间的鲜明的对照。黛玉没有兄弟姐妹,父母死得早,她与外婆表姐妹们永久住,因她没有其他地方走,林家除她以外真没一个人了。 但宝钗在荣府是暂住,以备选择,为宫主郡主入学陪侍,充为人才赞善之职,并有母亲和哥哥保护。


Baoyu loves Daiyu deeply but is married by force to Baochai. Thus the author puts Daiyu and Baochaitogether in writing, often one appears after another so that readers can see the striking contrasts betweenthem. Daiyu has no brothers or sisters and her mother and father died early. She stays with her grandmotherand uncle’s girls for ever because she has nowhere else to go. There is really no one left in the Lin familybesides Daiyu. But Baochai stays in the Rong Mansion for the time being for the selection of virtuous andgifted companions for the princesses in their studies under the protection of her mother and elder brother.

Furthermore, she has an uncle named Wang Ziteng who is the Commander-in-Chief of the MetropolitanGarrison. Her family is one of the most notable families in the Officials’ Protective Charm in Jia Yucun’spocket—“The Xues in their affluence are so rich and grand, gold is like iron to them and pearls likesand.”They are millionaires, in receipt of an income from the State Treasury as Purveyors for the ImperialHousehold. Her elder brother, though a Court Purveyor, knows nothing of business or worldly affairs, onlyprevailed on his grandfather’s old connections to find him a well-paid sinecure in the Board of Revenue.

Baochai’s family has some houses and shops, such as a pound called Heng Shu on the main road west of theDrum Tower, etc. in the capital. Daiyu is born weak and often ill. She’s rather jealous and petty-minded,oversensitive and speaking candidly and carpingly. But Baochai is born of a good constitution and only onepill of Cold Fragrance Pills each time an attack comes on—the Monk diagnosed her trouble as a cholerichumour she’d brought from the womb. She’s so broad-minded and sweet-tempered, generous and tactful,just a wise girl looking stupid. What is more important, Daiyu is inflexibly seeking for a free and pure love,which conforms to neither the feudal ethical codes nor the interests of the feudal families nor the will of thefeudal patriarchy, and thinks that love is above all, including her life. Baochai is always doing her best to be avirtuous lady, who observes the three obediences (in ancient China a woman was required to obey her fatherbefore marriage life and her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood) and four virtues (fidelity,physical charm, propriety in speech and efficiency in needle work) and has finally become Madam Bao, sucha dutiful daughter-in-law.

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