凯瑟医生推开病房的门,走了进来,潇语雅乐眼神示意两个秘书回避,琳达和羽茹雪自然明白。走出去,关好了门在门外等着,凯瑟医生对潇语雅乐说:“President Xiao Yu, your injury looks serious, but as long as the treatment with about half a month or so can be discharged.(潇语总裁,你的伤势看起来比较严重,但是只要配合治疗大约半个月左右就可以出院。)”潇语雅乐:“Thank you for your help this time. I will cooperate with the treatment actively and get well soon.(谢谢您这次能帮我这个忙,我一定会积极配合治疗,早日康复出院。)”凯瑟:“About the matter, your secretary has explained to me, can help you, I will do my best to help you.(事情的大概,你的秘书已经告诉我,能帮你的,我一定会帮你。)”潇语雅乐:“Thank you for trusting me so much. I was wondering if I could be discharged next week?(谢谢你能这么信任我,请问我可以下周出院吗?)”凯瑟医生:“You must have something else to take care of in such a hurry to get out of the hospital.(这么着急出院,你只有别的事情要去处理吧。)”潇语雅乐:“Yes, dr. cather, because I want to take care of something personal.(是的,凯瑟医生因为我想要去处理一些个人的私事。)”凯瑟医生有些生气的说:“President Xiao Yu, is your life important or your work important? I think you know that. Your body is too weak to be discharged from the hospital. you must undergo conditioning treatment. you need extra attention for head injuries. In case there's any post-traumatic effects that could lead to real amnesia. I wonn't regret it till then.(潇语总裁,你的命重要还是你的工作重要?这一点你应该很清楚吧。你的身体现在非常虚弱,不适合出院,必须经过调理治疗,你头部的伤是需要格外的注意。以免发生有伤口引发后遗症导致真正的失忆。到那个时候后悔都来不及。)”潇语雅乐:“I understand what you mean, and I know you're thinking about my health, but I have to be discharged next week, and I have to plan my next move. Please also see if there is any chance or method to let me out of the hospital early, but without leaving sequelAE.(我理解您的意思,也知道您是为了我的身体考虑,但是我必须要下周出院,我要规划一下我下一步的事情。还请您看看有没有机会或者方法让我提前出院,但是又不留下后遗症。)”凯瑟医生无奈的说:“If you insist, I cann't keep your body. it's the most important thing I will prescribe you an oral, erasable drug, and as long as you take it on time, there is little chance of a hangover (既然你执意如此,我也留不住你身体最重要,我会给你开出口服的可擦拭的药物,只要你按时按点服用擦拭,留下后遗症的可能性就几乎没有。)”潇语雅乐:“If there are no accidents. I'm going to be discharged next Monday. is that all right with you?(如果没有意外情况,我打算下周一出院您看可以吗?)”凯瑟医生:“Since you have your plans, I can only hope you take care of yourself and pay attention to your diet (既然你有你的安排我也只能希望你注意身体。在饮食方面千万要注意。)”潇语雅乐:“Could you also tell me what to pay attention to besides diet?(还请您告诉我除了饮食还应该注意哪些方面?)”凯瑟医生:“In addition to taking the medicine and wiping it on time Rest and drink plenty of water, drink as little alcohol as possible, and remember not to get overtired(除了按时服药和擦拭外,要多休息,多喝水,尽量少喝酒,记住不要过度疲劳)”潇语雅乐:“OK, thank you for asking. I'll keep that in mind. I'll be out of the hospital in three days Please give me your number. If I say I feel sick outside, I can call you directly.(好的,谢谢您的嘱托,我一定记住。这样三天以后我出院,你把您的电话给我一下。这样我在外面感觉身体有什么不适的时候方便直接电话问您。)”