Two roads diverged in a yellow wood 我矗立金黄落叶满铺的树林中,眼前两条小径蜿蜒
And sorry I could not travel both 可惜我不能同时涉足
And be one traveler,long I stood 我站立良久,形影孤独
And looked down one as far as I could 我将视线顺着其中一条,远远眺望
To where it bent in the undergrowth 直到小径钻入灌木丛中
Then took the other,as just as fair 然后选了另外一条,它同样美丽宜人
And having perhaps the better claim 因为沿路草长及膝,似乎等待旅人践踏
Because it was grassy and wanted wear 使我的选择,或许有了更好的理由
Though as for that the passing there 尽管往来的足迹
Had worn them really about the same 其实对两者的磨损程度相当
And both that morning equally lay 清晨新落的叶子,覆盖了小径
In leaves no step had trodden black 脚下不曾被旅人步伐染污的落叶,我踏上旅途
Oh,I kept the first for another day 噢!就把平坦的那条留待下一次吧
Yet knowing how way leads on to way 然而一个旅程会导向另一个旅程,这个道理我明白
I doubted if I should ever come back 也不禁令我怀疑可有机会旧地重游
Shall be telling this with a sigh 多年、多年以后的某个时刻
Somewhere ages and ages hence 我将宽慰地吐着气,述说这段经历
Two roads diverged in a wood,and I 在金黄落叶满铺的树林中,眼前两条小径蜿蜒,而我
I took the one less traveled by 我踏上乏人问津的那条
And that has made all the difference 也展开了截然不同的人生