“Well. There are 3 semesters in one year. Winter, Summer, Autumn. Each semester you may choose 2-3 courses. For you are new here, My advice is to choose 2 courses in your first semester. No need to push yourself too hard at the beginning. Just slow down a bit. You have to make sure that you are able to pass the courses you’ve chosen. Because whether you can get the certificate of the master degree or not totally depend on your average score. To graduate, your average score must not below B. That means if you got a C on whatever course you choose, you got to get an A to balance. And an A is highly unlikely to get for a normal student. So choose your courses carefully. My advice not only for you, but also for all the students consulted me this question, is to be practical. Don’t only choose the course you interested. Choose those you sure you can pass cause to be honest, an average B is not that easy to get.”
“Un-huh. Average B huh?”
“Yeah. Average B. The CS major of Concordia University is very famous in Canada. Even Mcgill university can not match. You know Mcgill right?”
“Yeah I know.”
“Most of our professors are members of the government program. They’re real good in their field. That makes the course quite high standard and not easy to pass. We got to make sure that students graduate from Concordia are always the best in whatever field they are.”
“I see. Looks like I got to try my best to get the certificate.”
“You got that right.”
“OK. So what about the courses?”
“These are courses available in Winter semester. You may choose 2 from them. Ah…almost forget, you must choose COMP 491 in your first semester. Computer Architecture, That’s a pre-requisite course. Everybody in this department got to take that course when they start their study here.”
“So I only need to choose one course.”
“Yeah. What do you like?”
看了半天列表,“This one I guess, COMP 6471, Software Design Methodologies.”
“COMP 6471 huh?”
“That’s not a easy one.”
“Ah…It’s OK. I’ll try.”
“It’s done.”她把student card递给我,“And I just opened a new student account for you. Here’s your username and password. You may edit the password when you get back home.”
“Ah…How am I supposed to use it?”
“You go to concordia website. There’s a Concordia Portal frame on the right. You enter your username and password. Then you’ll get in your student account. You can pay your fee in there. And you can edit your information, check your status, get notification, everything. You give me your email address. I’ll put you in the CS mail list. Then you can receive notification from me online.”
“OK. Pay the course fee as soon as possible. And don’t forget if you feel the course you choose is too hard for you, quit it immediately, you must quit it before the deadline. If you fail to quit it on time, you have to finish it. If you fail that course, you put yourself in a real bad situation. Is that clear?”
“Yeah I got it.”
“Good. Ah…I guess that’s so much for today. If you got any questions, call me or come here directly.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Anytime. Have a nice day.”