
第9章 BOOK I(5)

With this answer the messengers departed and told to King Arthur this answer.Wherefore,by the advice of his barons,he took him to a strong tower with five hundred good men with him.And all the kings aforesaid in a manner laid a siege to-fore him,but King Arthur was well victualed.And within fifteen days there came Merlin among them into the city of Carlion.Then all the kings were passing glad of Merlin,and asked him,For what cause is that boy Arthur made your king?Sirs,said Merlin,I shall tell you the cause,for he is King Uther Pendragon's son,born in wedlock,gotten on Igraine,the duke's wife of Tintagil.Then is he a bastard,they said all.Nay,said Merlin,after the death of the duke,more than three hours,was Arthur begotten,and thirteen days after King Uther wedded Igraine;and therefore I prove him he is no bastard.And who saith nay,he shall be king and overcome all his enemies;and,or he die,he shall be long king of all England,and have under his obeissance Wales,Ireland,and Scotland,and more realms than I will now rehearse.Some of the kings had marvel of Merlin's words,and deemed well that it should be as he said;and some of them laughed him to scorn,as King Lot;and more other called him a witch.But then were they accorded with Merlin,that King Arthur should come out and speak with the kings,and to come safe and to go safe,such surance there was made.So Merlin went unto King Arthur,and told him how he had done,and bade him fear not,but come out boldly and speak with them,and spare them not,but answer them as their king and chieftain;for ye shall overcome them all,whether they will or nill.


Of the first war that King Arthur had,and how he won the field.

THEN King Arthur came out of his tower,and had under his gown a jesseraunt of double mail,and there went with him the Archbishop of Canterbury,and Sir Baudwin of Britain,and Sir Kay,and Sir Brastias:these were the men of most worship that were with him.And when they were met there was no meekness,but stout words on both sides;but always King Arthur answered them,and said he would make them to bow an he lived.Wherefore they departed with wrath,and King Arthur bade keep them well,and they bade the king keep him well.So the king returned him to the tower again and armed him and all his knights.What will ye do?said Merlin to the kings;ye were better for to stint,for ye shall not here prevail though ye were ten times so many.Be we well advised to be afeared of a dream-reader?said King Lot.

With that Merlin vanished away,and came to King Arthur,and bade him set on them fiercely;and in the meanwhile there were three hundred good men,of the best that were with the kings,that went straight unto King Arthur,and that comforted him greatly.Sir,said Merlin to Arthur,fight not with the sword that ye had by miracle,till that ye see ye go unto the worse,then draw it out and do your best.So forthwithal King Arthur set upon them in their lodging.And Sir Baudwin,Sir Kay,and Sir Brastias slew on the right hand and on the left hand that it was marvel;and always King Arthur on horseback laid on with a sword,and did marvellous deeds of arms,that many of the kings had great joy of his deeds and hardiness.

Then King Lot brake out on the back side,and the King with the Hundred Knights,and King Carados,and set on Arthur fiercely behind him.With that Sir Arthur turned with his knights,and smote behind and before,and ever Sir Arthur was in the foremost press till his horse was slain underneath him.And therewith King Lot smote down King Arthur.With that his four knights received him and set him on horseback.Then he drew his sword Excalibur,but it was so bright in his enemies'eyes,that it gave light like thirty torches.And therewith he put them a-back,and slew much people.And then the commons of Carlion arose with clubs and staves and slew many knights;but all the kings held them together with their knights that were left alive,and so fled and departed.And Merlin came unto Arthur,and counselled him to follow them no further.


How Merlin counselled King Arthur to send for King Ban and King Bors,and of their counsel taken for the war.

SO after the feast and journey,King Arthur drew him unto London,and so by the counsel of Merlin,the king let call his barons to council,for Merlin had told the king that the six kings that made war upon him would in all haste be awroke on him and on his lands.Wherefore the king asked counsel at them all.They could no counsel give,but said they were big enough.Ye say well,said Arthur;I thank you for your good courage,but will ye all that loveth me speak with Merlin?ye know well that he hath done much for me,and he knoweth many things,and when he is afore you,I would that ye prayed him heartily of his best advice.All the barons said they would pray him and desire him.So Merlin was sent for,and fair desired of all the barons to give them best counsel.I shall say you,said Merlin,I warn you all,your enemies are passing strong for you,and they are good men of arms as be alive,and by this time they have gotten to them four kings more,and a mighty duke;and unless that our king have more chivalry with him than he may make within the bounds of his own realm,an he fight with them in battle,he shall be overcome and slain.What were best to do in this cause?said all the barons.

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