
第89章 BOOK VII(16)

Ah,brother,said the Queen unto King Arthur,and unto Sir Gawaine,and to all her sons,ye did yourself great shame when ye amongst you kept my son in the kitchen and fed him like a poor hog.Fair sister,said King Arthur,ye shall right well wit Iknew him not,nor no more did Sir Gawaine,nor his brethren;but sithen it is so,said the king,that he is thus gone from us all,we must shape a remedy to find him.Also,sister,meseemeth ye might have done me to wit of his coming,and then an I had not done well to him ye might have blamed me.For when he came to this court he came leaning upon two men's shoulders,as though he might not have gone.And then he asked me three gifts;and one he asked the same day,that was that I would give him meat enough that twelvemonth;and the other two gifts he asked that day a twelvemonth,and that was that he might have the adventure of the damosel Linet,and the third was that Sir Launcelot should make him knight when he desired him.And so I granted him all his desire,and many in this court marvelled that he desired his sustenance for a twelvemonth.And thereby,we deemed,many of us,that he was not come of a noble house.

Sir,said the Queen of Orkney unto King Arthur her brother,wit ye well that I sent him unto you right well armed and horsed,and worshipfully beseen of his body,and gold and silver plenty to spend.It may be,said the King,but thereof saw we none,save that same day as he departed from us,knights told me that there came a dwarf hither suddenly,and brought him armour and a good horse full well and richly beseen;and thereat we all had marvel from whence that riches came,that we deemed all that he was come of men of worship.Brother,said the queen,all that ye say I believe,for ever sithen he was grown he was marvellously witted,and ever he was faithful and true of his promise.But Imarvel,said she,that Sir Kay did mock him and scorn him,and gave him that name Beaumains;yet,Sir Kay,said the queen,named him more righteously than he weened;for I dare say an he be alive,he is as fair an handed man and well disposed as any is living.Sir,said Arthur,let this language be still,and by the grace of God he shall be found an he be within this seven realms,and let all this pass and be merry,for he is proved to be a man of worship,and that is my joy.


How King Arthur sent for the Lady Lionesse,and how she let cry a tourney at her castle,whereas came many knights.

THEN said Sir Gawaine and his brethren unto Arthur,Sir,an ye will give us leave,we will go and seek our brother.Nay,said Sir Launcelot,that shall ye not need;and so said Sir Baudwin of Britain:for as by our advice the king shall send unto Dame Lionesse a messenger,and pray her that she will come to the court in all the haste that she may,and doubt ye not she will come;and then she may give you best counsel where ye shall find him.This is well said of you,said the king.So then goodly letters were made,and the messenger sent forth,that night and day he went till he came unto the Castle Perilous.And then the lady Dame Lionesse was sent for,thereas she was with Sir Gringamore her brother and Sir Gareth.And when she understood this message,she bade him ride on his way unto King Arthur,and she would come after in all goodly haste.Then when she came to Sir Gringamore and to Sir Gareth,she told them all how King Arthur had sent for her.That is because of me,said Sir Gareth.

Now advise me,said Dame Lionesse,what shall I say,and in what manner I shall rule me.My lady and my love,said Sir Gareth,I pray you in no wise be ye aknowen where I am;but well I wot my mother is there and all my brethren,and they will take upon them to seek me,I wot well that they do.But this,madam,I would ye said and advised the king when he questioned with you of me.Then may ye say,this is your advice that,an it like his good grace,ye will do make a cry against the feast of the Assumption of our Lady,that what knight there proveth him best he shall wield you and all your land.And if so be that he be a wedded man,that his wife shall have the degree,and a coronal of gold beset with stones of virtue to the value of a thousand pound,and a white gerfalcon.

So Dame Lionesse departed and came to King Arthur,where she was nobly received,and there she was sore questioned of the king and of the Queen of Orkney.And she answered,where Sir Gareth was she could not tell.But thus much she said unto Arthur:Sir,Iwill let cry a tournament that shall be done before my castle at the Assumption of our Lady,and the cry shall be this:that you,my lord Arthur,shall be there,and your knights,and I will purvey that my knights shall be against yours;and then I am sure ye shall hear of Sir Gareth.This is well advised,said King Arthur;and so she departed.And the king and she made great provision to that tournament.

When Dame Lionesse was come to the Isle of Avilion,that was the same isle thereas her brother Sir Gringamore dwelt,then she told them all how she had done,and what promise she had made to King Arthur.Alas,said Sir Gareth,I have been so wounded with unhappiness sithen I came into this castle that I shall not be able to do at that tournament like a knight;for I was never thoroughly whole since I was hurt.Be ye of good cheer,said the damosel Linet,for I undertake within these fifteen days to make ye whole,and as lusty as ever ye were.And then she laid an ointment and a salve to him as it pleased to her,that he was never so fresh nor so lusty.Then said the damosel Linet:

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