
第34章 BOOK III(4)

AND Sir Gawaine went into the castle,and made him ready to lie there all night,and would have unarmed him.What will ye do,said Gaheris,will ye unarm you in this country?Ye may think ye have many enemies here.They had not sooner said that word but there came four knights well armed,and assailed Sir Gawaine hard,and said unto him,Thou new-made knight,thou hast shamed thy knighthood,for a knight without mercy is dishonoured.

Also thou hast slain a fair lady to thy great shame to the world's end,and doubt thou not thou shalt have great need of mercy or thou depart from us.And therewith one of them smote Sir Gawaine a great stroke that nigh he fell to the earth,and Gaheris smote him again sore,and so they were on the one side and on the other,that Sir Gawaine and Gaheris were in jeopardy of their lives;and one with a bow,an archer,smote Sir Gawaine through the arm that it grieved him wonderly sore.And as they should have been slain,there came four fair ladies,and besought the knights of grace for Sir Gawaine;and goodly at request of the ladies they gave Sir Gawaine and Gaheris their lives,and made them to yield them as prisoners.Then Gawaine and Gaheris made great dole.Alas!said Sir Gawaine,mine arm grieveth me sore,I am like to be maimed;and so made his complaint piteously.

Early on the morrow there came to Sir Gawaine one of the four ladies that had heard all his complaint,and said,Sir knight,what cheer?Not good,said he.It is your own default,said the lady,for ye have done a passing foul deed in the slaying of the lady,the which will be great villainy unto you.But be ye not of King Arthur's kin?said the lady.Yes truly,said Sir Gawaine.What is your name?said the lady,ye must tell it me or ye pass.My name is Gawaine,the King Lot of Orkney's son,and my mother is King Arthur's sister.Ah!then are ye nephew unto King Arthur,said the lady,and I shall so speak for you that ye shall have conduct to go to King Arthur for his love.And so she departed and told the four knights how their prisoner was King Arthur's nephew,and his name is Sir Gawaine,King Lot's son of Orkney.And they gave him the hart's head because it was in his quest.Then anon they delivered Sir Gawaine under this promise,that he should bear the dead lady with him in this manner;the head of her was hanged about his neck,and the whole body of her lay before him on his horse's mane.Right so rode he forth unto Camelot.And anon as he was come,Merlin desired of King Arthur that Sir Gawaine should be sworn to tell of all his adventures,and how he slew the lady,and how he would give no mercy unto the knight,wherethrough the lady was slain.Then the king and the queen were greatly displeased with Sir Gawaine for the slaying of the lady.And there by ordinance of the queen there was set a quest of ladies on Sir Gawaine,and they judged him for ever while he lived to be with all ladies,and to fight for their quarrels;and that ever he should be courteous,and never to refuse mercy to him that asketh mercy.Thus was Gawaine sworn upon the Four Evangelists that he should never be against lady nor gentlewoman,but if he fought for a lady and his adversary fought for another.And thus endeth the adventure of Sir Gawaine that he did at the marriage of King Arthur.Amen.


How Sir Tor rode after the knight with the brachet,and of his adventure by the way.

WHEN Sir Tor was ready,he mounted upon his horseback,and rode after the knight with the brachet.So as he rode he met with a dwarf suddenly that smote his horse on the head with a staff,that he went backward his spear length.Why dost thou so?said Sir Tor.For thou shalt not pass this way,but if thou joust with yonder knights of the pavilions.Then was Tor ware where two pavilions were,and great spears stood out,and two shields hung on trees by the pavilions.I may not tarry,said Sir Tor,for I am in a quest that I must needs follow.Thou shalt not pass,said the dwarf,and therewithal he blew his horn.Then there came one armed on horseback,and dressed his shield,and came fast toward Tor,and he dressed him against him,and so ran together that Tor bare him from his horse.And anon the knight yielded him to his mercy.But,sir,I have a fellow in yonder pavilion that will have ado with you anon.He shall be welcome,said Sir Tor.Then was he ware of another knight coming with great raundon,and each of them dressed to other,that marvel it was to see;but the knight smote Sir Tor a great stroke in midst of the shield that his spear all to-shivered.And Sir Tor smote him through the shield below of the shield that it went through the cost of the knight,but the stroke slew him not.And therewith Sir Tor alighted and smote him on the helm a great stroke,and therewith the knight yielded him and besought him of mercy.I will well,said Sir Tor,but thou and thy fellow must go unto King Arthur,and yield you prisoners unto him.By whom shall we say are we thither sent?Ye shall say by the knight that went in the quest of the knight that went with the brachet.

Now,what be your two names?said Sir Tor.My name is,said the one,Sir Felot of Langduk;and my name is,said the other,Sir Petipase of Winchelsea.Now go ye forth,said Sir Tor,and God speed you and me.Then came the dwarf and said unto Sir Tor,Ipray you give me a gift.I will well,said Sir Tor,ask.I ask no more,said the dwarf,but that ye will suffer me to do you service,for I will serve no more recreant knights.Take an horse,said Sir Tor,and ride on with me.I wot ye ride after the knight with the white brachet,and I shall bring you where he is,said the dwarf.And so they rode throughout a forest,and at the last they were ware of two pavilions,even by a priory,with two shields,and the one shield was enewed with white,and the other shield was red.


How Sir Tor found the brachet with a lady,and how a knight assailed him for the said brachet.

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