
第26章 BOOK II(6)

And therewith anon Pellinore smote him a great stroke through the helm and head unto the brows.And then all the host of Orkney fled for the death of King Lot,and there were slain many mothers'sons.But King Pellinore bare the wite of the death of King Lot,wherefore Sir Gawaine revenged the death of his father the tenth year after he was made knight,and slew King Pellinore with his own hands.Also there were slain at that battle twelve kings on the side of King Lot with Nero,and all were buried in the Church of Saint Stephen's in Camelot,and the remnant of knights and of others were buried in a great rock.


Of the interment of twelve kings,and of the prophecy of Merlin,and how Balin should give the dolorous stroke.

SO at the interment came King Lot's wife Margawse with her four sons,Gawaine,Agravaine,Gaheris,and Gareth.Also there came thither King Uriens,Sir Ewaine's father,and Morgan le Fay his wife that was King Arthur's sister.All these came to the interment.But of all these twelve kings King Arthur let make the tomb of King Lot passing richly,and made his tomb by his own;and then Arthur let make twelve images of latten and copper,and over-gilt it with gold,in the sign of twelve kings,and each one of them held a taper of wax that burnt day and night;and King Arthur was made in sign of a figure standing above them with a sword drawn in his hand,and all the twelve figures had countenance like unto men that were overcome.All this made Merlin by his subtle craft,and there he told the king,When I am dead these tapers shall burn no longer,and soon after the adventures of the Sangreal shall come among you and be achieved.

Also he told Arthur how Balin the worshipful knight shall give the dolorous stroke,whereof shall fall great vengeance.Oh,where is Balin and Balan and Pellinore?said King Arthur.As for Pellinore,said Merlin,he will meet with you soon;and as for Balin he will not be long from you;but the other brother will depart,ye shall see him no more.By my faith,said Arthur,they are two marvellous knights,and namely Balin passeth of prowess of any knight that ever I found,for much beholden am I unto him;would God he would abide with me.Sir,said Merlin,look ye keep well the scabbard of Excalibur,for ye shall lose no blood while ye have the scabbard upon you,though ye have as many wounds upon you as ye may have.So after,for great trust,Arthur betook the scabbard to Morgan le Fay his sister,and she loved another knight better than her husband King Uriens or King Arthur,and she would have had Arthur her brother slain,and therefore she let make another scabbard like it by enchantment,and gave the scabbard Excalibur to her love;and the knight's name was called Accolon,that after had near slain King Arthur.After this Merlin told unto King Arthur of the prophecy that there should be a great battle beside Salisbury,and Mordred his own son should be against him.Also he told him that Bagdemegus was his cousin,and germain unto King Uriens.


How a sorrowful knight came before Arthur,and how Balin fetched him,and how that knight was slain by a knight invisible.

WITHIN a day or two King Arthur was somewhat sick,and he let pitch his pavilion in a meadow,and there he laid him down on a pallet to sleep,but he might have no rest.Right so he heard a great noise of an horse,and therewith the king looked out at the porch of the pavilion,and saw a knight coming even by him,making great dole.Abide,fair sir,said Arthur,and tell me wherefore thou makest this sorrow.Ye may little amend me,said the knight,and so passed forth to the castle of Meliot.Anon after there came Balin,and when he saw King Arthur he alighted off his horse,and came to the King on foot,and saluted him.By my head,said Arthur,ye be welcome.Sir,right now came riding this way a knight making great mourn,for what cause I cannot tell;wherefore I would desire of you of your courtesy and of your.gentleness to fetch again that knight either by force or else by his good will.I will do more for your lordship than that,said Balin;and so he rode more than a pace,and found the knight with a damosel in a forest,and said,Sir knight,ye must come with me unto King Arthur,for to tell him of your sorrow.

That will I not,said the knight,for it will scathe me greatly,and do you none avail.Sir,said Balin,I pray you make you ready,for ye must go with me,or else I must fight with you and bring you by force,and that were me loath to do.Will ye be my warrant,said the knight,an I go with you?Yea,said Balin,or else I will die therefore.And so he made him ready to go with Balin,and left the damosel still.And as they were even afore King Arthur's pavilion,there came one invisible,and smote this knight that went with Balin throughout the body with a spear.

Alas,said the knight,I am slain under your conduct with a knight called Garlon;therefore take my horse that is better than yours,and ride to the damosel,and follow the quest that I was in as she will lead you,and revenge my death when ye may.That shall I do,said Balin,and that I make vow unto knighthood;and so he departed from this knight with great sorrow.So King Arthur let bury this knight richly,and made a mention on his tomb,how there was slain Herlews le Berbeus,and by whom the treachery was done,the knight Garlon.But ever the damosel bare the truncheon of the spear with her that Sir Herlews was slain withal.


How Balin and the damosel met with a knight which was in likewise slain,and how the damosel bled for the custom of a castle.

So Balin and the damosel rode into a forest,and there met with a knight that had been a-hunting,and that knight asked Balin for what cause he made so great sorrow.Me list not to tell you,said Balin.Now,said the knight,an I were armed as ye be Iwould fight with you.That should little need,said Balin,I am not afeard to tell you,and told him all the cause how it was.

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