
第254章 BOOK XVII(1)


How Sir Galahad fought at a tournament,and how he was known of Sir Gawaine and Sir Ector de Maris.

NOW saith this story,when Galahad had rescued Percivale from the twenty knights,he yede tho into a waste forest wherein he rode many journeys;and he found many adventures the which he brought to an end,whereof the story maketh here no mention.Then he took his way to the sea on a day,and it befell as he passed by a castle where was a wonder tournament,but they without had done so much that they within were put to the worse,yet were they within good knights enough.When Galahad saw that those within were at so great a mischief that men slew them at the entry of the castle,then he thought to help them,and put a spear forth and smote the first that he fell to the earth,and the spear brake to pieces.Then he drew his sword and smote thereas they were thickest,and so he did wonderful deeds of arms that all they marvelled.Then it happed that Gawaine and Sir Ector de Maris were with the knights without.But when they espied the white shield with the red cross the one said to the other:Yonder is the good knight,Sir Galahad,the haut prince:now he should be a great fool which should meet with him to fight.So by adventure he came by Sir Gawaine,and he smote him so hard that he clave his helm and the coif of iron unto his head,so that Gawaine fell to the earth;but the stroke was so great that it slanted down to the earth and carved the horse's shoulder in two.

When Ector saw Gawaine down he drew him aside,and thought it no wisdom for to abide him,and also for natural love,that he was his uncle.Thus through his great hardiness he beat aback all the knights without.

And then they within came out and chased them all about.But when Galahad saw there would none turn again he stole away privily,so that none wist where he was become.Now by my head,said Gawaine to Ector,now are the wonders true that were said of Launcelot du Lake,that the sword which stuck in the stone should give me such a buffet that I would not have it for the best castle in this world;and soothly now it is proved true,for never ere had I such a stroke of man's hand.Sir,said Ector,meseemeth your quest is done.And yours is not done,said Gawaine,but mine is done,I shall seek no further.Then Gawaine was borne into a castle and unarmed him,and laid him in a rich bed,and a leech found that he might live,and to be whole within a month.

Thus Gawaine and Ector abode together,for Sir Ector would not away till Gawaine were whole.

And the good knight,Galahad,rode so long till he came that night to the Castle of Carboneck;and it befell him thus that he was benighted in an hermitage.So the good man was fain when he saw he was a knight-errant.

Tho when they were at rest there came a gentlewoman knocking at the door,and called Galahad,and so the good man came to the door to wit what she would.Then she called the hermit:Sir Ulfin,I am a gentlewoman that would speak with the knight which is with you.Then the good man awaked Galahad,and bade him:Arise,and speak with a gentlewoman that seemeth hath great need of you.Then Galahad went to her and asked her what she would.Galahad,said she,I will that ye arm you,and mount upon your horse and follow me,for I shall show you within these three days the highest adventure that ever any knight saw.Anon Galahad armed him,and took his horse,and commended him to God,and bade the gentlewoman go,and he would follow thereas she liked.


How Sir Galahad rode with a damosel,and came to the ship whereas Sir Bors and Sir Percivale were in.

SO she rode as fast as her palfrey might bear her,till that she came to the sea,the which was called Collibe.And at the night they came unto a castle in a valley,closed with a running water,and with strong walls and high;and so she entered into the castle with Galahad,and there had he great cheer,for the lady of that castle was the damosel's lady.So when he was unarmed,then said the damosel:Madam,shall we abide here all this day?Nay,said she,but till he hath dined and till he hath slept a little.So he ate and slept a while till that the maid called him,and armed him by torchlight.And when the maid was horsed and he both,the lady took Galahad a fair child and rich;and so they departed from the castle till they came to the seaside;and there they found the ship where Bors and Percivale were in,the which cried on the ship's board:Sir Galahad,ye be welcome,we have abiden you long.And when he heard them he asked them what they were.Sir,said she,leave your horse here,and I shall leave mine;and took their saddles and their bridles with them,and made a cross on them,and so entered into the ship.And the two knights received them both with great joy,and everych knew other;and so the wind arose,and drove them through the sea in a marvellous pace.And within a while it dawned.

Then did Galahad off his helm and his sword,and asked of his fellows from whence came that fair ship.

Truly,said they,ye wot as well as we,but of God's grace;and then they told everych to other of all their hard adventures,and of their great temptations.Truly,said Galahad,ye are much bounden to God,for ye have escaped great adventures;and had not the gentlewoman been Ihad not come here,for as for you I weened never to have found you in these strange countries.Ah Galahad,said Bors,if Launcelot,your father,were here then were we well at ease,for then meseemed we failed nothing.That may not be,said Galahad,but if it pleased Our Lord.

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