
第229章 BOOK XIII(5)

Right so departed Sir Launcelot,and found his fellowship that abode his coming.And so they mounted upon their horses and rode through the streets of Camelot;and there was weeping of rich and poor,and the king turned away and might not speak for weeping.So within a while they came to a city,and a castle that hight Vagon.

There they entered into the castle,and the lord of that castle was an old man that hight Vagon,and he was a good man of his living,and set open the gates,and made them all the cheer that he might.And so on the morn they were all accorded that they should depart everych from other;and on the morn they departed with weeping cheer,and every knight took the way that him liked best.


How Galahad gat him a shield,and how they sped that presumed to take down the said shield.

NOW rideth Sir Galahad yet without shield,and so he rode four days without any adventure.And at the fourth day after evensong he came to a White Abbey,and there he was received with great reverence,and led unto a chamber,and there was he unarmed;and then was he ware of two[1]knights of the Table Round,one was Sir Bagdemagus,and[1]that[1]other[1]was Sir Uwaine.And when they saw him they went unto Galahad and made of him great solace,and so they went unto supper.Sirs,said Sir Galahad,what adventure brought you hither?Sir,said they,it is told us that within this place is a shield that no man may bear about his neck but he be mischieved outher dead within three days,or maimed for ever.Ah sir,said King Bagdemagus,I shall it bear to-morrow for to assay this adventure.In the name of God,said Sir Galahad.Sir,said Bagdemagus,an I may not enchieve the adventure of this shield ye shall take it upon you,for I am sure ye shall not fail.Sir,said Galahad,I right well agree me thereto,for I have no shield.So on the morn they arose and heard mass.Then Bagdemagus asked where the adventurous shield was.Anon a monk led him behind an altar where the shield hung as white as any snow,but in the midst was a red cross.Sir,said the monk,this shield ought not to be hanged about no knight's neck but he be the worthiest knight of the world;[1]Omitted by Caxton,supplied from W.de Worde.

therefore I counsel you knights to be well advised.Well,said Bagdemagus,I wot well that I am not the best knight of the world,but yet I shall assay to bear it,and so bare it out of the minster.And then he said unto Galahad:

An it please you abide here still,till ye wit how that Ispeed.I shall abide you,said Galahad.Then King Bagdemagus took with him a good squire,to bring tidings unto Sir Galahad how he sped.

Then when they had ridden a two mile and came to a fair valley afore an hermitage,then they saw a knight come from that part in white armour,horse and all;and he came as fast as his horse might run,and his spear in his rest,and Bagdemagus dressed his spear against him and brake it upon the white knight.But the other struck him so hard that he brast the mails,and sheef him through the right shoulder,for the shield covered him not as at that time;and so he bare him from his horse.And therewith he alighted and took the white shield from him,saying:Knight,thou hast done thyself great folly,for this shield ought not to be borne but by him that shall have no peer that liveth.And then he came to Bagdemagus'squire and said:Bear this shield unto the good knight Sir Galahad,that thou left in the abbey,and greet him well by me.Sir,said the squire,what is your name?Take thou no heed of my name,said the knight,for it is not for thee to know nor for none earthly man.Now,fair sir,said the squire,at the reverence of Jesu Christ,tell me for what cause this shield may not be borne but if the bearer thereof be mischieved.Now sith thou hast conjured me so,said the knight,this shield behoveth unto no man but unto Galahad.

And the squire went unto Bagdemagus and asked whether he were sore wounded or not.Yea forsooth,said he,Ishall escape hard from the death.Then he fetched his horse,and brought him with great pain unto an abbey.

Then was he taken down softly and unarmed,and laid in a bed,and there was looked to his wounds.And as the book telleth,he lay there long,and escaped hard with the life.


How Galahad departed with the shield,and how King Evelake had received the shield of Joseph of Aramathie.

SIR GALAHAD,said the squire,that knight that wounded Bagdemagus sendeth you greeting,and bade that ye should bear this shield,wherethrough great adventures should befall.Now blessed be God and fortune,said Galahad.

And then he asked his arms,and mounted upon his horse,and hung the white shield about his neck,and commended them unto God.And Sir Uwaine said he would bear him fellowship if it pleased him.Sir,said Galahad,that may ye not,for I must go alone,save this squire shall bear me fellowship:and so departed Uwaine.

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