
第217章 BOOK XI(9)

SIR,said Sir Persides,on my life he shall prove a noble knight as any now is living.And when he saw Sir Kay and Sir Mordred,Sir Persides said thus:My fair lords both,Sir Percivale greeteth you well both,and he sent you word by me that he trusteth to God or ever he come to the court again to be of as great noblesse as ever were ye both,and mo men to speak of his noblesse than ever they did of you.It may well be,said Sir Kay and Sir Mordred,but at that time when he was made knight he was full unlike to prove a good knight.As for that,said King Arthur,he must needs prove a good knight,for his father and his brethren were noble knights And now will we turn unto Sir Percivale that rode long;and in a forest he met a knight with a broken shield and a broken helm;and as soon as either saw other readily they made them ready to joust,and so hurtled together with all the might of their horses,and met together so hard,that Sir Percivale was smitten to the earth.And then Sir Percivale arose lightly,and cast his shield on his shoulder and drew his sword,and bade the other knight Alight,and do we battle unto the uttermost.Will ye more?said that knight.And therewith he alighted,and put his horse from him;and then they came together an easy pace,and there they lashed together with noble swords,and sometime they struck and sometime they foined,and either gave other many great wounds.Thus they fought near half a day,and never rested but right little,and there was none of them both that had less wounds than fifteen,and they bled so much that it was marvel they stood on their feet.But this knight that fought with Sir Percivale was a proved knight and a wise-fighting knight,and Sir Percivale was young and strong,not knowing in fighting as the other was.

Then Sir Percivale spoke first,and said:Sir knight,hold thy hand a while still,for we have fought for a simple matter and quarrel overlong,and therefore I require thee tell me thy name,for I was never or this time matched.

So God me help,said that knight,and never or this time was there never knight that wounded me so sore as thou hast done,and yet have I fought in many battles;and now shalt thou wit that I am a knight of the Table Round,and my name is Sir Ector de Maris,brother unto the good knight,Sir Launcelot du Lake.Alas,said Sir Percivale,and my name is Sir Percivale de Galis that hath made my quest to seek Sir Launcelot,and now I am siker that I shall never finish my quest,for ye have slain me with your hands.It is not so,said Sir Ector,for I am slain by your hands,and may not live.Therefore Irequire you,said Sir Ector unto Sir Percivale,ride ye hereby to a priory,and bring me a priest that I may receive my Saviour,for I may not live.And when ye come to the court of King Arthur tell not my brother,Sir Launcelot,how that ye slew me,for then he would be your mortal enemy,but ye may say that I was slain in my quest as Isought him.Alas,said Sir Percivale,ye say that never will be,for I am so faint for bleeding that I may unnethe stand,how should I then take my horse?


How by miracle they were both made whole by the coming of the holy vessel of Sangreal.

THEN they made both great dole out of measure.This will not avail,said Sir Percivale.And then he kneeled down and made his prayer devoutly unto Almighty Jesu,for he was one of the best knights of the world that at that time was,in whom the very faith stood most in.

Right so there came by the holy vessel of the Sangreal with all manner of sweetness and savour;but they could not readily see who that bare that vessel,but Sir Percivale had a glimmering of the vessel and of the maiden that bare it,for he was a perfect clean maiden;and forthwithal they both were as whole of hide and limb as ever they were in their life-days:then they gave thankings to God with great mildness.O Jesu,said Sir Percivale,what may this mean,that we be thus healed,and right now we were at the point of dying?I wot full well,said Sir Ector,what it is;it is an holy vessel that is borne by a maiden,and therein is part of the holy blood of our Lord Jesu Christ,blessed mote he be.But it may not be seen,said Sir Ector,but if it be by a perfect man.So God me help,said Sir Percivale,I saw a damosel,as me thought,all in white,with a vessel in both her hands,and forthwithal I was whole.

So then they took their horses and their harness,and amended their harness as well as they might that was broken;and so they mounted upon their horses,and rode talking together.And there Sir Ector de Maris told Sir Percivale how he had sought his brother,Sir Launcelot,long,and never could hear witting of him:In many strange adventures have I been in this quest.And so either told other of their adventures.

(Here endeth the eleventh book.And here followeth the twelfth book.)

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