
第201章 BOOK X(53)

So then they rode into their pavilions;and when they were alighted they unarmed them and washed their faces and hands,and so yode unto meat,and were set at their table.But when Isoud saw Sir Palomides she changed then her colours,and for wrath she might not speak.

Anon Sir Tristram espied her countenance and said:

Madam,for what cause make ye us such cheer?we have been sore travailed this day.Mine own lord,said La Beale Isoud,for God's sake be ye not displeased with me,for I may none otherwise do;for I saw this day how ye were betrayed and nigh brought to your death.Truly,sir,I saw every deal,how and in what wise,and therefore,sir,how should I suffer in your presence such a felon and traitor as Sir Palomides;for I saw him with mine eyes,how he beheld you when ye went out of the field.For ever he hoved still upon his horse till he saw you come in againward.And then forthwithal I saw him ride to the hurt knight,and changed harness with him,and then straight I saw him how he rode into the field.And anon as he had found you he encountered with you,and thus wilfully Sir Palomides did battle with you;and as for him,sir,I was not greatly afraid,but I dread sore Launcelot,that knew you not.Madam,said Palomides,ye may say whatso ye will,I may not contrary you,but by my knighthood I knew not Sir Tristram.Sir Palomides,said Sir Tristram,I will take your excuse,but well I wot ye spared me but little,but all is pardoned on my part.Then La Beale Isoud held down her head and said no more at that time.


How King Arthur and Sir Launcelot came unto their pavilions as they sat at supper,and of Sir Palomides.

AND therewithal two knights armed came unto the pavilion,and there they alighted both,and came in armed at all pieces.Fair knights,said Sir Tristram,ye are to blame to come thus armed at all pieces upon me while we are at our meat;if ye would anything when we were in the field there might ye have eased your hearts.Not so,said the one of those knights,we come not for that intent,but wit ye well Sir Tristram,we be come hither as your friends.

And I am come here,said the one,for to see you,and this knight is come for to see La Beale Isoud.Then said Sir Tristram:I require you do off your helms that I may see you.That will we do at your desire,said the knights.

And when their helms were off,Sir Tristram thought that he should know them.

Then said Sir Dinadan privily unto Sir Tristram:Sir,that is Sir Launcelot du Lake that spake unto you first,and the other is my lord King Arthur.Then,said Sir Tristram unto La Beale Isoud,Madam arise,for here is my lord,King Arthur.Then the king and the queen kissed,and Sir Launcelot and Sir Tristram braced either other in arms,and then there was joy without measure;and at the request of La Beale Isoud,King Arthur and Launcelot were unarmed,and then there was merry talking.Madam,said Sir Arthur,it is many a day sithen that I have desired to see you,for ye have been praised so far;and now I dare say ye are the fairest that ever I saw,and Sir Tristram is as fair and as good a knight as any that I know;therefore me beseemeth ye are well beset together.Sir,God thank you,said the noble knight,Sir Tristram,and Isoud;of your great goodness and largess ye are peerless.Thus they talked of many things and of all the whole jousts.But for what cause,said King Arthur,were ye,Sir Tristram,against us?Ye are a knight of the Table Round;of right ye should have been with us.Sir,said Sir Tristram,here is Dinadan,and Sir Gareth your own nephew,caused me to be against you.My lord Arthur,said Gareth,I may well bear the blame,but it were Sir Tristram's own deeds.

That may I repent,said Dinadan,for this unhappy Sir Tristram brought us to this tournament,and many great buffets he caused us to have.Then the king and Launcelot laughed that they might not sit.

What knight was that,said Arthur,that held you so short,this with the shield of silver?Sir,said Sir Tristram,here he sitteth at this board.What,said Arthur,was it Sir Palomides?Wit ye well it was he,said La Beale Isoud.So God me help,said Arthur,that was unknightly done of you of so good a knight,for I have heard many people call you a courteous knight.Sir,said Palomides,I knew not Sir Tristram,for he was so disguised.

So God me help,said Launcelot,it may well be,for I knew not Sir Tristram;but I marvel why ye turned on our party.That was done for the same cause,said Launcelot.

As for that,said Sir Tristram,I have pardoned him,and I would be right loath to leave his fellowship,for I love right well his company:so they left off and talked of other things.

And in the evening King Arthur and Sir Launcelot departed unto their lodging;but wit ye well Sir Palomides had envy heartily,for all that night he had never rest in his bed,but wailed and wept out of measure.So on the morn Sir Tristram,Gareth,and Dinadan arose early,and then they went unto Sir Palomides'chamber,and there they found him fast asleep,for he had all night watched,and it was seen upon his cheeks that he had wept full sore.

Say nothing,said Sir Tristram,for I am sure he hath taken anger and sorrow for the rebuke that I gave to him,and La Beale Isoud.


How Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides did the next day,and how King Arthur was unhorsed.

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