
第194章 BOOK X(46)

And so Sir Palomides dressed his shield and his spear,and with all his might he met with Sir Edward of Orkney,that he smote him so hard that his horse might not stand on his feet,and so they hurtled to the earth;and then with the same spear Sir Palomides smote down Sir Sadok over his horse's croup.O Jesu,said Arthur,what knight is that arrayed all in green?he jousteth mightily.Wit you well,said Sir Gawaine,he is a good knight,and yet shall ye see him joust better or he depart.And yet shall ye see,said Sir Gawaine,another bigger knight,in the same colour,than he is;for that same knight,said Sir Gawaine,that smote down right now my four cousins,he smote me down within these two days,and seven fellows more.

This meanwhile as they stood thus talking there came into the place Sir Tristram upon a black horse,and or ever he stint he smote down with one spear four good knights of Orkney that were of the kin of Sir Gawaine;and Sir Gareth and Sir Dinadan everych of them smote down a good knight.Jesu,said Arthur,yonder knight upon the black horse doth mightily and marvellously well.

Abide you,said Sir Gawaine;that knight with the black horse began not yet.Then Sir Tristram made to horse again the two kings that Edward and Sadok had unhorsed at the beginning.And then Sir Tristram drew his sword and rode into the thickest of the press against them of Orkney;and there he smote down knights,and rashed off helms,and pulled away their shields,and hurtled down many knights:he fared so that Sir Arthur and all knights had great marvel when they saw one knight do so great deeds of arms.And Sir Palomides failed not upon the other side,but did so marvellously well that all men had wonder.For there King Arthur likened Sir Tristram that was on the black horse like to a wood lion,and likened Sir Palomides upon the white horse unto a wood leopard,and Sir Gareth and Sir Dinadan unto eager wolves.But the custom was such among them that none of the kings would help other,but all the fellowship of every standard to help other as they might;but ever Sir Tristram did so much deeds of arms that they of Orkney waxed weary of him,and so withdrew them unto Lonazep.


How Sir Tristram was unhorsed and smitten down by Sir Launcelot,and after that Sir Tristram smote down King Arthur.

THEN was the cry of heralds and all manner of common people:The Green Knight hath done marvellously,and beaten all them of Orkney.And there the heralds numbered that Sir Tristram that sat upon the black horse had smitten down with spears and swords thirty knights;and Sir Palomides had smitten down twenty knights,and the most part of these fifty knights were of the house of King Arthur,and proved knights.So God me help,said Arthur unto Sir Launcelot,this is a great shame to us to see four knights beat so many knights of mine;and therefore make you ready,for we will have ado with them.

Sir,said Launcelot,wit ye well that there are two passing good knights,and great worship were it not to us now to have ado with them,for they have this day sore travailed.

As for that,said Arthur,I will be avenged;and therefore take with you Sir Bleoberis and Sir Ector,and I will be the fourth,said Arthur.Sir,said Launcelot,ye shall find me ready,and my brother Sir Ector,and my cousin Sir Bleoberis.And so when they were ready and on horseback:

Now choose,said Sir Arthur unto Sir Launcelot,with whom that ye will encounter withal.Sir,said Launcelot,I will meet with the green knight upon the black horse,that was Sir Tristram;and my cousin Sir Bleoberis shall match the green knight upon the white horse,that was Sir Palomides;and my brother Sir Ector shall match with the green knight upon the white horse,that was Sir Gareth.Then must I,said Sir Arthur,have ado with the green knight upon the grisled horse,and that was Sir Dinadan.Now every man take heed to his fellow,said Sir Launcelot.And so they trotted on together,and there encountered Sir Launcelot against Sir Tristram.So Sir Launcelot smote Sir Tristram so sore upon the shield that he bare horse and man to the earth;but Sir Launcelot weened that it had been Sir Palomides,and so he passed forth.And then Sir Bleoberis encountered with Sir Palomides,and he smote him so hard upon the shield that Sir Palomides and his white horse rustled to the earth.

Then Sir Ector de Maris smote Sir Gareth so hard that down he fell off his horse.And the noble King Arthur encountered with Sir Dinadan,and he smote him quite from his saddle.And then the noise turned awhile how the green knights were slain down.

When the King of Northgalis saw that Sir Tristram had a fall,then he remembered him how great deeds of arms Sir Tristram had done.Then he made ready many knights,for the custom and cry was such,that what knight were smitten down,and might not be horsed again by his fellows,outher by his own strength,that as that day he should be prisoner unto the party that had smitten him down.So came in the King of Northgalis,and he rode straight unto Sir Tristram;and when he came nigh him he alighted down suddenly and betook Sir Tristram his horse,and said thus:Noble knight,Iknow thee not of what country that thou art,but for the noble deeds that thou hast done this day take there my horse,and let me do as well I may;for,as Jesu me help,thou art better worthy to have mine horse than Imyself.Gramercy,said Sir Tristram,and if I may Ishall quite you:look that ye go not far from us,and as I suppose,I shall win you another horse.And therewith Sir Tristram mounted upon his horse,and there he met with King Arthur,and he gave him such a buffet upon the helm with his sword that King Arthur had no power to keep his saddle.And then Sir Tristram gave the King of Northgalis King Arthur's horse:then was there great press about King Arthur for to horse him again;but Sir Palomides would not suffer King Arthur to be horsed again,but ever Sir Palomides smote on the right hand and on the left hand mightily as a noble knight.

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