
第182章 BOOK X(34)

And right so as they stood talking they saw afore them where came a knight all armed,on a great horse,and one of his men bare his shield,and the other his spear.And anon as that knight espied them he gat his shield and his spear and dressed him to joust.Fair fellows,said Sir Tristram,yonder is a knight will joust with us,let see which of us shall encounter with him,for I see well he is of the court of King Arthur.It shall not be long or he be met withal,said Sir Palomides,for I found never no knight in my quest of this glasting beast,but an he would joust I never refused him.As well may I,said Breuse Saunce Pit ,follow that beast as ye.Then shall ye do battle with me,said Palomides.

So Sir Palomides dressed him unto that other knight,Sir Bleoberis,that was a full noble knight,nigh kin unto Sir Launcelot.And so they met so hard that Sir Palomides fell to the earth,horse and all.Then Sir Bleoberis cried aloud and said thus:Make thee ready thou false traitor knight,Breuse Saunce Pit ,heard him say so,he took his horse by the bridle and fled his way as fast as ever his horse might run,for sore he was of him afeard.When Sir Bleoberis saw him flee he followed fast after,through thick and through thin.And by fortune as Sir Breuse fled,he saw even afore him three knights of the Table Round,of the which the one hight Sir Ector de Maris,the other hight Sir Percivale de Galis,the third hight Sir Harry le Fise Lake,a good knight and an hardy.And as for Sir Percivale,he was called that time of his time one of the best knights of the world,and the best assured.When Breuse saw these knights he rode straight unto them,and cried unto them and prayed them of rescues.What need have ye?said Sir Ector.

Ah,fair knights,said Sir Breuse,here followeth me the most traitor knight,and most coward,and most of villainy;his name is Breuse Saunce Pit ,and if he may get me he will slay me without mercy and pity.Abide with us,said Sir Percivale,and we shall warrant you.

Then were they ware of Sir Bleoberis that came riding all that he might.Then Sir Ector put himself forth to joust afore them all.When Sir Bleoberis saw that they were four knights and he but himself,he stood in a doubt whether he would turn or hold his way.Then he said to himself:I am a knight of the Table Round,and rather than I should shame mine oath and my blood I will hold my way whatsoever fall thereof.And then Sir Ector dressed his spear,and smote either other passing sore,but Sir Ector fell to the earth.That saw Sir Percivale,and he dressed his horse toward him all that he might drive,but Sir Percivale had such a stroke that horse and man fell to the earth.When Sir Harry saw that they were both to the earth then he said to himself:Never was Breuse of such prowess.So Sir Harry dressed his horse,and they met together so strongly that both the horses and knights fell to the earth,but Sir Bleoberis'horse began to recover again.That saw Breuse and he came hurtling,and smote him over and over,and would have slain him as he lay on the ground.Then Sir Harry le Fise Lake arose lightly,and took the bridle of Sir Breuse's horse,and said:

Fie for shame!strike never a knight when he is at the earth,for this knight may be called no shameful knight of his deeds,for yet as men may see thereas he lieth on the ground he hath done worshipfully,and put to the worse passing good knights.Therefore will I not let,said Sir Breuse.Thou shalt not choose,said Sir Harry,as at this time.Then when Sir Breuse saw that he might not choose nor have his will he spake fair.Then Sir Harry let him go.And then anon he made his horse to run over Sir Bleoberis,and rashed him to the earth like if he would have slain him.When Sir Harry saw him do so villainously he cried:Traitor knight,leave off for shame.And as Sir Harry would have taken his horse to fight with Sir Breuse,then Sir Breuse ran upon him as he was half upon his horse,and smote him down,horse and man,to the earth,and had near slain Sir Harry,the good knight.

That saw Sir Percivale,and then he cried:Traitor knight what dost thou?And when Sir Percivale was upon his horse Sir Breuse took his horse and fled all that ever he might,and Sir Percivale and Sir Harry followed after him fast,but ever the longer they chased the farther were they behind.

Then they turned again and came to Sir Ector de Maris and to Sir Bleoberis.Ah,fair knights,said Bleoberis,why have ye succoured that false knight and traitor?Why said Sir Harry,what knight is he?for well I wot it is a false knight,said Sir Harry,and a coward and a felonious knight.Sir,said Bleoberis,he is the most coward knight,and a devourer of ladies and a destroyer of good knights and especially of Arthur's.What is your name?said Sir Ector.My name is Sir Bleoberis de Ganis.Alas,fair cousin,said Ector,forgive it me,for I am Sir Ector de Maris.Then Sir Percivale and Sir Harry made great joy that they met with Bleoberis,but all they were heavy that Sir Breuse was escaped them,whereof they made great dole.


Of Sir Palomides,and how he met with Sir Bleoberis and with Sir Ector,and of Sir Pervivale.

RIGHT so as they stood thus there came Sir Palomides,and when he saw the shield of Bleoberis lie on the earth,then said Palomides:He that oweth that shield let him dress him to me,for he smote me down here fast by at a fountain,and therefore I will fight for him on foot.I am ready,said Bleoberis,here to answer thee,for wit thou well,sir knight,it was I,and my name is Bleoberis de Ganis.

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